Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
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Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Für die Beta-Tester:innen des Microsoft Flight Simulator gibt es wieder ein neues Aircraft and Avionics Update. Dafür hat Working Title am G3000, der TBM und dem CJ4 geschraubt.  Vor wenigen Tagen erst gab es ein Update AAU1, das in der Open Beta des Asobo-Sims integriert ist. 

General Bug Fixes

  • Improved crash/performance issues on Xbox for TBM and Longitude


  • Fixed a bug where the Hold At Waypoint option was erroneously disabled for certain flight plan legs

  • Fixed a bug where using the Hold At Waypoint option for an airway leg would corrupt the flight plan

  • Fixed an issue where sometimes VORs/NDBs were missing frequency information in the GTC Waypoint Information pages

  • Maps no longer end up stuck in an unrecoverable state when attempting to display a map at high latitudes and large ranges

  • Adjusted the behavior of autopilot ALTS and ALTV mode arming to more accurately reflect the real unit

  • Fixed many instances of duplicate matches when searching for intersections by IDENT

  • Adjusted FLC pitch behavior to target a less aggressive acceleration

  • Added better LNAV bank/speed computation handling to keep turns tighter to the bank angle limits


  • Starter switch will now disengage the engine starter when set to the ABORT position

  • Fixed an issue where the battery charging current reported by the EIS/Electrical synoptic was sometimes too high

  • Autopilot low bank mode now functions correctly. When low bank mode is active, the flight director limits bank to 15 degrees in HDG, VOR/LOC, and FMS lateral modes. Low bank mode is accompanied by a green arc on the PFD roll scale depicting the range of supported bank angles

  • Fixed an issue where the MFD startup screen would display an incorrect navigation data expiration date


  • Panning the GTC joysticks is now supported in Legacy interaction mode

  • Adjusting the time in the sim no longer breaks battery and ECS temperature simulations

  • Fixed an issue where sometimes the autothrottle would be stuck commanding idle thrust or in T/R mode

  • EIS FADEC mode and N1 T-bug are now displayed in magenta when autothrottle ESP mode (MIN/MAX SPD) is active

  • Autothrottle MIN SPD mode is now allowed to command TO thrust

  • AT AUTO ON annunciation will now appear on the PFD when autothrottle ESP mode (MIN/MAX SPD) is active

  • Fixed an issue where the engine anti-ice buttons sometimes needed to be pressed twice in order to toggle engine anti-ice

  • Throttle lever tooltips now correctly report throttle lever positions, from 100% (full forward) to -25% (full reverse)

  • Autopilot low bank mode now functions correctly. When low bank mode is active, the flight director limits bank to 17 degrees in HDG, VOR/LOC, and FMS lateral modes. Low bank mode is accompanied by a green arc on the PFD roll scale depicting the range of supported bank angles

  • Fixed handling of the CENTER_AILER_RUDDER, AILERON_LEFT, and AILERON_RIGHT key events

  • Fixed handling of key events that increment/decrement throttle while the throttle lever is in reverse range

  • Tuned braking effectiveness to reduce excessive braking performance in some situations

  • Fixed various assisted checklist items that were not working properly


  • PFD: Show TRAFFIC flag on TAs

  • FMS: Fixed issue where PERF pages would constantly update values

  • FMS: Improved parsing of shorthand frequency inputs on the TUN page

  • FMS: Fixed issue of wrong FMS position on the co pilot side

  • FMS: Improvements to some flight path issues

  • FMS: Fixed some flight plan issues while being in a direct-to

  • MFD: Display of specific NAVAIDs now limited by range setting

  • MFD: Fixed the visibility of map layers depending on the selected map format

  • Added TOGA clickspot on the Fire button

  • Climate Controls are now interactive

  • PRESS SOURCE now interactive and added CAS message logic

  • Fixed ALT button on the Autopilot panel not working

  • Improved pitch angle and AoA indications on approach for a much more accurate and flatter approach angle

  • FMS: Display values like fuel weights and runway lengths will now show in metric units if set in the sim settings

  • Fixed an issue with flight plans not importing from the world map

  • FMS: Fixed an issue where METAR responses were cut off when requested via Datalink

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2 Jahre zuvor

Ich teste das in der Beta und bin sehr angetan von der Arbeit von Working Title. Ich frage mich ob später auch die 787 747 etc davon Profitieren. Werden Rosige Zeiten für den MSFS Simmer 🙂

2 Jahre zuvor

Wird dann eigentlich der bisherige Working Title CJ4 Mod obsolet?

2 Jahre zuvor
Antwort auf  ChrisS


2 Jahre zuvor
Antwort auf  ChrisS

Sobald das AAU offiziell released wird.

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