Aerosoft haben heute ein Update für den CRJ veröffentlicht. Damit geht der CRJ 550/700 im Microsoft Flight Simulator auf Version Das Update behebt dabei Probleme mit der Speed-Anzeige und anderen Dingen, die mit dem jüngsten Service Update von Asobo aufgetreten waren.
Hier das Change-Log zur neuesten Version:
- Fixed startup flag reset after engine spoolup (PACKS OFF Lt and CAS message)
- Fixed missing symbols on MFD
- Formula correction for IAS calculation
- Fixed L/R selection in MFD Menus
- Fixed Audio panel volume controls for COM radios
- Several fixes in aircraft.cfg files (airline names, callsigns etc.)
- Flaps indication „1“ on EICAS for lever position 1 (physical flaps position = 0)
- Fixed PA/CALL/EMER pushbutton lights
- Camera zoom increased for FCP and Fuel/Defuel Panel cameras
- Camera angle changed for EFB camera
- Fixed setting reserve and taxi fuel on loading a flightplan
- Disabled thrust reserver unlock during cold&dark
- CRJ 550/700 flight model updated
- Fixed Radius to Fix legs
- Fixed a condition where the value for a minute could become 60 and an hour could become 24
- Added math library provided by Asobo to fix airspeed indicator issue
- Fixed shadow center camera
- Added high quality flag for textures (no longer default setting in SU5)