Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
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Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

In Polen gebaut, in den USA beliebt: Die PZL Wilga 104 hat seit den sechziger Jahren schon viele Aufgaben bekommen. Thranda haben jetzt für X-Plane 11 eine neuere Version der ganz aus Alu gebauten STOL-Maschine veröffentlicht. Für einen ermäßigten Release-Preis von rund 33 Dollar ist das Produkt jetzt erschienen.

Wie auch bei anderen Flugzeug-Add-ons versprechen Thranda eine hohe Systemtiefe. Mit der neuen Technologie „DynaFeel“ sollen virtuelle Pilot:innen eine realistische Darstellung der Flugeigenschaften erhalten – mit der Möglichkeit, das „Gewicht“ der Steuerung in Echtzeit über ein Pop-Up-Fenster anzupassen. Da Thranda eine moderne Version der in den sechziger Jahren erfundenen Wilga präsentiert, ist die Sportmaschine mit einem Lycoming IO-540 und Hartzell Dreiblatt-Propeller ausgestattet. In der Realität soll diese Kombination 290 PS bei 2550 Umdrehungen produzieren.  Wie sich die Maschine im Sim schlägt, können X-Plane-Fans jetzt herausfinden. 

Folgende Features sollen dabei helfen:

Special features:
  • NEW: DynaFeel – Advanced custom flight dynamics, affecting control input effects at different airspeeds. Adjust the heaviness of the controls in real-time via sliders in pop-up window.  
  • Regular Tires, Tundra Tires, Skis
  • FULLY configurable 3D instrument panel.
  • Over 50 instruments to choose from! (Including Aspen EFD 1000, and support for RealityXP GTN750)
  • Move any instrument to any location on the panel, or even between pilot and copilot’s panel!
  • Comes with 3 panel presets, but can easily be expanded by moving instruments around, using a simple and intuitive interface.
  • Save your own presets, and even share them with the community!
  • Instruments can be moved in 3D directly, on a 2D pop-up preview window, or by numerical entry for precise placement.
  • GNS430 and 530 can be swapped out, but a restart of the plane is required, as 430s and 530s are mutually exclusive in terms of compatibility in X-Plane
  • Dynamic livery editor (like in the Kodiak, the Pilatus PC-6, and the Beaver)
  • Full PBR control! Create stunning metallic liveries, or matte, sand-blasted look in mere seconds!
  • Additional control over dirt/grime, scratches/nicks, adjustable in real-time to dial in the exact desired amount of wear and tear.  Affects airspeed. Clean plane will fly 2-3 MPH faster.
  • Control over interior dirt, grime, scratches, nicks, also adjustable in real-time.
  • Create „virtual“ liveries, based on one common design layout, and assign any colour to any available paint segment.
  • Quickly create preview of livery in real-time, using intuitive controls.  Previews now include visualization of metallic materials and dirt overlays. 
  • Apply selected livery in real-time, right in the sim, without the need to even touch a 3rd party image editor or load extra software.
  • Option to change the tail number in real-time, or disable it altogether. (Enter a „space“ instead of a callsign number to create a blank tail number.)
  • Easily and quickly create dozens of unique color schemes in-sim!
  • Also supports 12 traditionally painted liveries, all visible in a convenient pre-selection preview window.
  • Uses SkunkCrafts Updater.  Option to participate in Beta program, via check box in SkunkCrafts Updater. 
  • Excellent hi-res PBR realistic materials, featuring true-to-life plate deformation and to-the-rivet precision.
Feature-rich elegant fly-out menu with the following features:
  • Realism settings for engine and tail wheel (simplified vs. realistic modes)
  • Checklist pop-up controls
  • Innovative electric tug, with in-panel controls to move forward/backward at the desired speed, and steer proportionally
  • Control over chocks, individual tie-downs, covers, internal lights, external lights, etc.
  • Option to start up running (all systems ready), or cold-and-dark, for realistic startup procedures.
  • Control landing lights, strobes, beacon, and nav lights via pop-up window
  • Detailed weight and balance manager with visual chart, individual passenger seat weight control, Lbs/KG unit toggle, CG control, and the option to save and load configuration.
  • Multiple camera snap points, above and beyond what’s available by default in X-Plane, so you can perform your walk around checks.
  • Adjust your camera’s Field of View without having to go to an X-plane menu, allowing for real-time adjustments.
  • Audio mixer: individually control audio channels in real-time, so you can adjust volumes while hearing them play.
  • Slew control: move your plane around the world, temporarily bypassing flight physics.  Includes ground mode and air mode.
  • Dynamic panel control page, with a separate view for the entire panel layout preview, or a per-instrument view, allowing for fine-tuning of instrument position, as well as copy-paste function to quickly replace instruments.
  • The „Misc“ page in the fly-out window contains options to customize the plane, such as:
    •    skis
    •    tundra tires
    •    bubble windows
    •    DynaFeel intensity
Flight dynamics and systems:
  • DynaFeel: an increase in airspeed doesn’t just limit the control surface deflections, as normally done in flight sims… but control deflections feel increasingly heavy. Tiny deflections still feel nimble, even at higher speeds.
  • The Wilga’s trailing link front suspension provides ultra-plush damping and shock absorption, but also has some unique quirks during taxiing that are also simulated.
  • The Wilga also has permanent leading edge slats, contributing greatly to its docile flight and stall characteristics.
  • This model of the Wilga has the most powerful engine of the series, making it excellent for STOL operations and bush flying.
  • Tie-downs and chocks actually keep the plane from moving, even in high winds.
  • Doors can be jettisoned.
Advanced FMOD-based sound system:
  • High fidelity, multi-track sounds with smooth transitions and amazing atmospheric effects.
  • Individual volume control over different aspects of the sound experience, adjustable in real-time (while listening to the sounds)
  • Different sounds for front of plane than for back of plane
  • Panning around the plane in exterior view yields awesome 3D audio effects, including „blade slapping“ sound when view is perpendicular to prop
  • Individual buttons and switches in the cockpit each have their own unique sound.
  • Sound of engine cooling off after flight realistically implemented (based on temperature)
  • Outside wind intensity is affected by slip and AoA. (The more the surface area of the fuselage is hit by oncoming wind, the louder the sounds).
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3 Jahre zuvor

Was zur Hölle hat man sich denn da bei dem Design des Glory Hole ähhh Steuerruder gedacht? Gut, von polnischen Designern erwartet man vielleicht solche Dinger, aber kann man da wirklich entspannt fliegen in real?

3 Jahre zuvor
Antwort auf  Sven

Musst du mal Piloten der Spitfire oder der Hurricane fragen. Die hatten auch solch ein Design für die Steuerung. Ist wahrscheinlich einfacher mit beiden Händen zu greifen als ein normaler Stick. Wobei die Wilga für mich jetzt nicht unbedingt ein Flugzeug ist, dass ich mit vergleichsweise „harten“ Flugmanövern in Verbindung bringe. Im Gegensatz zu einem WW2-Jäger. Aber wer weiß ?

3 Jahre zuvor
Antwort auf  Sven

Leben vermutlich nicht mehr so viele. Aber Du hast recht! Ich erinnere mich dunkel bei der Spitfire. Nur waren das damals andere Bedingungen und Anforderungen im Flugzeugbau. Deshlab mein Erstaunen. 🙂

Ich finde die Wilga von außen sehr schön. Gut, die Nähe zum Fieseler Storch ist unverkennbar. Aber halt mit Winglets. 😀

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