Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
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Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Die Hype Performance Group hat sich der Simulation von Hubschraubern im Microsoft Flight Simulator verschrieben. Mit einem neuen Action-Pack soll der virtuelle H145 jetzt auch dort einsetzbar sei, wo er oft in der Realität zu finden ist. Im Early Access gibt es hierfür schon einmal die Winden-Version des Helis.

Für 35 Dollar gibt es das Add-on fürs Add-On jetzt im Webshop von HDG. Denn Voraussetzung ist das Basispack des Helikopters. Der Release der Early Access Version enthält im Moment nur die Winden-Version. Die Militär-, Cargo- und Coastguard-Version sowie das Modell zur Feuerbekämpfung sollen in Kürze folgen.

Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) & Search and Rescue (SAR)
  • Complete EMS interior with stretcher, various medical equipment and gear
  • 3D Crew: 2 pilots, doctor, hoist operator / medic, hoist crew
  • Functional hoist with multiple interactive animations, mechanical system management and the ability drop and collect the crew
  • High Intensity Search Light with steering, dim, zoom, filters and more (TRAKKA800)
  • Ejectable stretcher to pick up and carry wounded civilians
  • 4 new liveries of popular worldwide EMS operators
  • Helionix integration as well as a friendly user interface added to the tablet to operate the new capabilities
  • Switches and panels have been added to the Overhead Panel and Center Console to allow new capabilities
  • New weight elements (Hoist) have dynamic impact on the flight model
  • More options: Short Skids/Long Skids, Emergency Floats, Skid skis for cold climate
  • New dedicated sounds
  • Bambi bucket simulation with functional pick up and drop
  • 3D Crew: 2 pilots, hoist operator, hoist crew
  • Functional hoist with multiple interactive animations, mechanical system management and the ability drop and collect the crew
  • High Intensity Search Light with steering, dim, zoom, filters and more (TRAKKA800)
  • 2 new firefighter liveries
  • Helionix integration as well as a friendly user interface added to the tablet to operate the new capabilities
  • Switches and panels have been added to the Overhead Panel and Center Console to allow new capabilities
  • New weight elements (Bambi bucket, Hoist) have dynamic impact on the flight model
  • New dedicated effects (fire, smoke, water drop)
  • New dedicated sounds
  • More options: Short Skids/Long Skids, Emergency Floats, Skid skis for cold climate
Offshore Utility & Coast Guard
  • Functional hoist with multiple interactive animations, mechanical system management and the ability drop and collect the crew
  • High Intensity Search Light with steering, dim, zoom, filters and more (TRAKKA800)
  • 3D Crew: 2 pilots, hoist operator, hoist crew, and 2 optional engineers
  • 4 new liveries of popular worldwide coast guard and offshore utility operators
  • Helionix integration as well as a friendly user interface added to the tablet to operate the new capabilities
  • Switches and panels have been added to the Overhead Panel and Center Console to allow new capabilities
  • New weight elements (Hoist) have dynamic impact on the flight model
  • New dedicated sounds
  • More options: Short Skids/Long Skids, Emergency Floats, Skid skis for cold climate
Civilian Cargo
  • External Cargo Hook with loads and the ability to move objects around in MSFS
  • High Intensity Search Light with steering, dim, zoom, filters and more (TRAKKA800)
  • 3D Crew: 2 pilots, load observer, 2 civilians
  • 2 new cargo liveries
  • Helionix integration as well as a friendly user interface added to the tablet to operate the new capabilities
  • Switches and panels have been added to the Overhead Panel and Center Console to allow new capabilities
  • New weight elements (External load) have dynamic impact on the flight model
  • More new options: Short Skids/Long Skids, Emergency Floats, Skid skis for cold climate
Military Cargo
  • External Cargo Hook with loads and the ability to move objects around in MSFS
  • 3D Crew: 2 military pilots, load observer, 2 troops
  • 2 new military cargo liveries
  • Helionix integration as well as a friendly user interface added to the tablet to operate the new capabilities
  • Switches and key bindings for cargo hook cable cutting electrical system and activation
  • New weight elements (External load) have dynamic impact on the flight model
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2 Jahre zuvor

Der ADAC hat die Winde auf der linken Seite, HPG simuliert nur die rechte. Kleiner, aber feiner Fakt am Rande

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