Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
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Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Entwickler Black Square hat sich einen Namen durch Analog-Cockpit-Mods bestehender Asobo Flieger gemacht. Aufgrund der Professionalität und Systemtiefe sind diese sehr beliebt. Mit der Umsetzung der Beechcraft Duke und Turbine Duke wird Black Square das erste eigene komplett entwickelte Flugzeug in den MSFS bringen. Hierzu gibt es nun neue Details.

Das Black Square an der Duke und Turbine Duke arbeitet ist seit circa zwei Monaten bekannt. Die zuvor veröffentlichten Cockpit-Mods nutzten weiterhin das Standard Asobo Modell der Flieger. Dies brachte einige Limitierungen mit sich, auch konnten Änderungen am Außenmodell nicht durchgeführt werden. Die Dukes ermöglichen nun all das, da hier das Cockpit, die Systeme und das Außenmodell aus einem Haus kommen. Der Vertrieb wird, wie bisher auch, über Just Flight erfolgen, welche inzwischen umfangreiche Informationen zur Produktseite hinzugefügt haben. 

Dort ist zum Beispiel zu lesen, dass die Dukes mit einem über 120 Einheiten umfassenden Fehlersystem daherkommen. Ergänzt wird dies um ein Wear-and-Tear-System, welches aufgrund der Nutzung und Zeit entsprechende Fehler generiert. Einige Systeme haben sogar mehrere mögliche Fehlerquellen. Darüber hinaus wird Black Square zahlreiche Avionik-Navigations-Optionen anbieten. Damit möchte man die verschiedenen Jahrzehnte der Nutzung und deren Navigationsfähigkeiten darstellen. Anbei der Auszug von der Produktseite. 


  • Improved turbine dynamics (ITT, TRQ, Ng, Fuel Flow, Inertial Separator) and hot starts
  • Turbine engine failures, such as compressor stall and surging, and fuel control failures
  • Turbine bleed-air-driven pressurisation system and cabin climate system
  • Completely interactable electrical system with 14 buses and 100 circuits
  • Dual battery temperature monitor and AC inverter logic
  • ETM Engine Trend Monitor
  • Engine limit excursions that decrease engine health and will eventually lead to failure, with fire detection and extinguisher system
  • State saving for fuel, radio selection, radio frequency memory, cabin aesthetics etc.
  • 120+ system failures, set via in-cockpit interface. Either random based on settable MTBF, or schedulable, with optional time acceleration.
  • Cabin environmental control system for heating, air conditioning, ventilation and ram air cooling. Cool things off by opening a door or watch the aircraft heat up in the sun.
  • Crew/Passenger oxygen system that depletes according to pressure altitude, passenger occupancy and passenger weight. Working carbon monoxide detector and leaks.
  • Mathematically accurate VOR & ADF signal attenuation and noise, and remote compass
  • Working ice protection systems and animated inertial separators


Over 500 checklist items are provided for 56 Normal, Abnormal and Emergency procedures in textual form in the manual and in-game, using the MSFS native checklist system with control and instrument highlighting. If it’s in the checklist, it’s settable in the aircraft!


Black Square’s Piston Duke will feature a completely custom 3D sound package. Details to be announced at a future date.


  • Accurately modelled Turbine Duke created from hundreds of reference photos and technical documentation with the help of real Turbine Duke owners.
  • 100% MSFS native animation code for the smoothest animations and cockpit interactions using either legacy or new cockpit interaction modes
  • PBR (Physically Based Rendering) materials with real-time environment reflections for superb quality and realism, and vector-graphic-like decal quality
  • Detailed normal mapping for leather, fabric, plastic, stitches, scratches, carpet and tooling marks, resulting in a texture resolution of 10,000 pixels per square inch (90.0kB)


  • Faithfully recreated interior and cockpit with Black Square’s hyper-realistic art style.
  • Custom coded steam gauges with low-pass filtering, needle bounce and physics provide ultra-realistic and silky smooth animations like you’ve never seen before. New stiction, friction and gyroscopic simulation makes needles more realistic than ever!
  • Carefully modelled components match the depth and character of the real instrumentation, based on reference photos, schematics and real-world measurements. Unlike other expensive Flight Sim aircraft, every piece of equipment that appears in a Black Square aircraft is modelled after a real piece of aircraft equipment and will behave the same way in its primary functionality.
  • Every knob, switch, and button is interactable and implemented, along with its respective electrical circuitry.  Turn systems on and off or pull circuit breakers to see the impact it has on your generators and battery via the analogue meters. Alternating current inverters and bus ties are correctly simulated. Many pieces of equipment respond correctly to electrical configurations with warning messages and diagnostic codes.
  • Fully 3D cockpit lighting technology for every gauge and panel, with ambient bounce lighting for a more immersive night-time experience that won’t leave you fumbling around in unrealistically dark spots.
  • 4096×4096 (4K) PBR textures on cockpit and panel for crisp instrumentation. You can even see the fingerprints on instrument glass!
  • Hideable yokes, adjustable sun visors and other cockpit aesthetics


The Turbine Duke features a flight model with performance to match the real-world aircraft, based on real Duke owner feedback and in-flight data. The flight model uses the most up-to-date features available in MSFS, such as CFD propeller and stall physics, and improved ground handling. Drag varies with cowl flap settings, air conditioning scoop position and unlatched doors. Engine damage and fouling produces a rough-running engine and decreased performance.


Main Panel

  • Master Warning/Caution
  • Annunciator Panel
  • True Airspeed Indicator
  • Century 1U367 Steering Attitude Indicator
  • Century NSD-360 Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI)
  • Bendix/King KEA-346 Encoding Altimeter
  • Collins RMI-30 Radio Magnetic Indicator (RMI)
  • Vertical Speed Indicator
  • Bendix/King KI 206 Localizer
  • Mid-Continent Turn Coordinator
  • Bendix/King KRA-10 Radar Altimeter
  • Digital Engine Instrumentation
  • Digital Fuel Quantity Indicators
  • Bendix/King KI-227 ADF Indicator
  • BTI-600 Dual Battery Temperature Monitor
  • Duplicate Co-pilot Instrumentation


  • Garmin GMA 340 Audio Panel
  • Bendix/King KMA 24 Audio Panel
  • Garmin GTN 750/650 (COM 1 / COM 2)
  • Garmin GNS 530/430 (COM 1 / COM 2)
  • Bendix/King KLN-90B
  • Bendix/King KX-155B (COM 1 / COM 2)
  • Bendix/King KNS-81 RNAV Navigation System
  • Bendix/King KR 87 ADF
  • Bendix/King KDI 572R DME
  • Century IV Autopilot
  • Collins PRE-80C Altitude Preselector
  • ETM Engine Trend Monitor
  • Bendix RDR 1150XL Colour Weather Radar
  • Garmin GTX 327 Transponder


  • 100+ Circuit Breakers
  • Voltmeter and Ammeters
  • Fire Detector and Extinguishers
  • Instrument Air Indicator
  • De-icing Boot Pressure Indicator
  • Oxygen Pressure Gauge
  • Yoke-Mounted Digital Chronometers
  • Tach Timers
  • Carbon Monoxide Detector
  • Cabin Pressurisation Controller
  • Cabin Environmental Control System
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1 Jahr zuvor

Die Dukes (Kolben- und Turbovariante) von RealAir waren schon Lieblinge im FSX von mir. Von daher freue ich mich sehr auf die neue Umsetzung von BlackSquare.Steht auf meiner “Most Wanted” Liste direkt unter der A2A Comanche.

1 Jahr zuvor

Ich muss sagen, ich finde die Black Square Addons trotz ihres Preises mega.

1 Jahr zuvor

Wird interessant wie sich die Piston Duke dann im Vergleich zur Milviz 310 schlägt.

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