Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
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Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

SU und WU kennen MSFS-Fans bereits als Abkürzungen, jetzt kommt eine neue dazu: Das AAU I, kurz für „Aircraft and Avionics Update I“ steht den Open Beta-Nutzer:innen des Microsoft Flight Simulator jetzt zur Verfügung. Vor allem die Cessna Longitude bekommt mit dem Update einige Verbesserungen.

„Dieses Vorschau-Update konzentriert sich in erster Linie auf drei wichtige Flugzeuge für Microsoft Flight Simulator: Cessna Citation CJ4, Daher TBM 930, und Cessna Citation Longitude“, schreiben Asobo und Microsoft im Flight Simulator-Forum. Die Cessna Citation Longitude ist nur in der Premium-Version des Microsoft Flight Simulator verfügbar. Und bei den Premium-Inhalten plant Asobo weitere Updates: „Unser Ziel ist es, andere wichtige Premium Deluxe Flugzeuge im Laufe des nächsten Jahres zu aktualisieren.“

In diesem Update fänden Sie auch einige Änderungen an den Garmin G3000 und Garmin G5000 Avionik-Systemen, dem GNS 430W / GNS 530W und einige allgemeine Bugfixes, die auf dem Feedback der Community basierten, heißt es weiter.

Wie immer können Nutzer:innen, die per Insider App für die Open Beta registriert sind, das Preview des AAU I ausprobieren. 

Hier das Changelog zum aktuellen AAUI-Release: 

General Bug Fixes

  • Fixed unflyable helicopters when user had the legacy flight model realism settings (gyroscope) set to less than 100%

  • Fixed control loss of Pitch axis on helicopters when anti stall assist is “on”

  • Repaired snow covering 100% of airport tarmac & roads

  • Fixed terrain level of detail issue on Xbox

GNS 430W / GNS 530W

The simulator’s Garmin GNS 430W and GNS 530W have been upgraded to bring them much more closely in-line with their real-world counterparts:

  • Comprehensive visual overhaul for accurate font, symbology, look, operation, and feel

  • Advanced flight plan support, including support for complex departure, arrival, and approach procedures (arcs, holds, procedure turns, etc), with correct real-unit limitations (no radius-to-fix, heading, or some intercept legs)

  • Full RNAV support and simulation, with support for LPV, LP, LNAV/VNAV, and +V vertical guidance during approaches

  • GPS satellite and SBAS simulation, including orbital mechanics-based real satellite positions and accurate SBAS coverage areas, GPS status page

  • VNAV profile calculator page and associated reminders/alerts

  • Support for missed approaches and missed approach holds

  • Full specification-accurate ADS-B based Traffic Avoidance System

  • More accurate map symbology, procedure previews

  • Keyboard entry mode for waypoints, navaids, and direct-tos

  • Numerous customization options found on the real unit, such as metric/imperial units settings, map data fields settings

  • Satellite weather overlay support (NEXRAD)

These units have been added to the following aircraft in AAU1:

  • Cessna C172 Classic (all variants)

  • Robin Cap 10

  • Diamond DA-40 TDI

  • Diamond DV-20

  • L-39 (some variants)

  • P-51D (some variants)

  • T-6 (BabyBoomer)

Cessna Citation CJ4 & Avionics

The Cessna Citation CJ4 avionics have been heavily upgraded to bring an authentic CJ4 avionics experience:

  • Comprehensive visual overhaul for accurate font, symbology, look, operation, and feel

  • Independent MFD and FMS operation

  • Advanced flight plan support, including arcs, radius-to-fix, intercepts, hold, procedure turns, missed approaches, and custom waypoint scratchpad entry

  • Coupled VNAV with editable constraints, flight path angles, vertical path smoothing, and VNAV-invalidation conditions

  • Advanced autopilot, including armable lateral and vertical modes as well as complex combined-armed modes

  • Full specification-accurate TCAS II traffic system

  • Cabin pressurization and complete Crew Alerting System

  • FMS performance calculations for takeoff and landing speeds

  • Integrated dual engine FADEC systems with N1 mode indications and accurate N1 targets

  • Independent display options and state-saving

  • Enhanced FMS Text MFD display modes

  • Keyboard entry mode for FMS data entry

  • AHRS alignment and startup sequence

  • Improved flight model:

    • Improvements to ground and crosswind handing during the takeoff and landing phases

    • Improvements to flight control performance accuracy, smoothness, and handling

    • Improvements to fuel consumption accuracy

    • Improvements to handling while in ground effect

  • Improved engine and interior sound effects

Garmin G3000 & Garmin G5000 Avionics Suites

  • Comprehensive visual overhaul for accurate font, symbology, look, operation, and feel, including Garmin Touch Controller (GTC) visuals that are faithful to the real unit complete with UI animations

  • Advanced flight plan support, including arcs, radius-to-fix, intercepts, holds, procedure turns, and missed approaches

  • Support for custom waypoints, including lat/lon, point/bearing/distance, and present position

  • Two (aircraft-dependent) styles of coupled VNAV:

    • Simple VNAV: Descent path VNAV only, always targets bottom-most altitude constraint

    • Advanced VNAV: Climb constraint and descent path VNAV, vertical path smoothing through varied constraint types, editable constraints, and flight path angles

  • Independent PFD and GTC options

  • PFDs and MFDs with full split-pane support

  • Support for the full set of context-dependent GTC knob controls

  • GPS satellite and SBAS simulation, including real orbital mechanics-based satellite positions, accurate SBAS coverage areas, and GPS status page

  • Comprehensive traffic system implementations, including (aircraft-dependent) spec-compliant Garmin TIS, TAS, and TCAS-II

  • Support for multiple layout styles, including horizontal or vertical GTCs, screen-pane options, numbers of screens, and more

  • Support for custom V-speed bugs, SVT, angle of attack indicator, HSI moving map, timers, minimums, and bearing pointers

  • A multitude of customization options, including measurement units, all saved per screen and/or aircraft

  • AHRS alignment and startup sequence

  • JavaScript plugin support for loading:

    • Engine Instruments and Systems (EIS) displays

    • Custom PFD or MFD display panes (full- or half-screen)

    • Custom GTC navigation, icons, and pages

    • Aircraft systems simulation and instrument styling

Daher TBM 930

  • Support and wiring for the new Garmin G3000

  • Support for fully coupled Basic VNAV, as found in the real aircraft

  • Customized and highly accurate EIS

  • Systems synoptic pages

  • Customized electrical modeling

  • Support for opening exterior cockpit and cabin doors

Cessna Citation Longitude

  • Support and wiring for the new Garmin G5000

  • Support for fully coupled Advanced VNAV, as found in the real aircraft

  • Flight model improvements:

    • Better feeling of direct control

    • Highly accurate performance numbers

    • Revised fuel burns

    • Improved ground and crosswind handling

    • More accurate float during the landing phase

  • Dual engine FADEC with accurate N1 targets, modes, and thresholds

  • Fully featured autothrottle system with correct AT modes/functionality and communication to and from the FMS

  • Custom Longitude systems synoptics pages

  • Customized and highly accurate Longitude EIS

  • Full suite of accurate CAS messages

  • Takeoff and Landing Data (TOLD) support with FMS takeoff and landing performance calculations

  • Modeled systems based on manufacturer feedback and documentation:

  • Bleed air system, including pressure and temperature simulations, feedback between pneumatically fed systems, and starters

  • Hydraulic system, including fluid-based pressures sim with realistic hydraulic accumulator behavior and system knock-on effects from hydraulically powered systems as well as full PTCU simulation

  • Environmental control system with cabin/cockpit air mass simulations and sounds

  • Automated brake system with anti-skid, wheel-up spin inhibition, and brake temperature simulations

  • Electrical system, including generator bus connection logic and automatic on-ground bus tie logic

  • Speedbrake and ground spoiler control system with automated ground spoilers and speedbrake auto-stow logic, and corrected spoiler panel behavior

  • Fuel system with automated fuel pump logic and temperature simulations

  • Cabin pressurization system fed from the bleed air system with correct climb and descent schedules, and controller modes

  • Anti-ice system fed from the bleed air system, with temperature simulation and engine load efficiency decreases (N1, N2, fuel flow)

  • Exterior lighting systems with automatic light logic, improved light levels and locations

  • Pre-flight system auto-tests simulation

LS8-18 and DG1001

  • Corrected instrument names on instrument panels and boot screens

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the sim would allow an APU or engine bleed air start under the incorrect conditions

  • G1000 NXi:

    • Fixed incorrect text label in PFD arrival selection page

    • Fixed flight plan clearing when loading a VTF as the next leg

    • Fixed wind direction being shown in degrees true rather than magnetic

    • Fixed GPS WP distance showing 0 on a random direct-to


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2 Jahre zuvor

Falls dein Kommentar hier nicht mehr ist, liegt das an einem Serverfehler. Es sind alle Kommentare nach dem 07.12.22 ab 09:30 Uhr bis jetzt verloren.

Kein Thema, du darfst gerne nochmal kommentieren ;).

2 Jahre zuvor

“Repaired snow covering 100% of airport tarmac & roads”
Cool 👍

2 Jahre zuvor
Antwort auf  RandyESB25

Das ist eigentlich das geilste an dem ganzen Update:D!

2 Jahre zuvor
Antwort auf  Steven

Ohja 🙂

2 Jahre zuvor

Wahnsinns Update. Damit sind die default Flieger auf Top Niveau. Man weiß schon gar nicht mehr was man als Nächstes lernen soll, da kommt ja kaum einer hinterher…

2 Jahre zuvor

Sind die working-title Mods (G3000, CJ4) damit überflüssig?

2 Jahre zuvor
Antwort auf  Julius

Das wäre auch meine Frage gewesen. WT wollte sich doch genau damit befassen.

2 Jahre zuvor

Ja, da ist das G3000 von WT mit drin. Deshalb gibt es dann auch keine Navigraph integration mehr. WT dazu.

Matt (nishmaster) [Z-6] — Today at 05:05

No, we are unable to due to a lack of licensing between Navigraph and MS

WT weißt darauf hin, das man das G3000 und GNS im Community Ordner löschen soll. Kann sonst Probleme machen.

2 Jahre zuvor

Habe jetzt bereits mehrfach gelesen, dass das Update die PMDG NAV killt und man keine ILS Anflüge mehr machen kann. Also lieber erstmal die Finger weg lassen.

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