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Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Aerosoft war die letzten Tage sehr fleißig. So haben gestern direkt drei Flughäfen auf einmal ein neues Update bekommen.  Neben Brüssel und Zagreb wurde auch der Flughafen Ben Gurion auf eine neue Version aktualisiert.

Da wir alle ja die Patch-Notes lieben, sind die drei hier drunter zum nachlesen direkt angehängt.

Das Microsoft Flight Simulator DLC Aerosoft Mega Airport Ben Gurion wurde auf die Version aktualisiert. Folgende Änderungen wurden vorgenommen:

  • Aerosoft VDGS Verbesserungen entsprechend den neuen Modulen
  • Korrektur des PAPI-Winkels von 3.0 auf 3.2 für die Landebahn 30
  • Weitere Korrekturen und Erweiterungen am Apron / Taxiway

Das Microsoft Flight Simulator DLC Aerosoft Airport Zagreb wurde auf die Version aktualisiert. Folgende Änderungen wurden vorgenommen:

  • ground radar tower
  • terminal benches
  • the inside of the control tower now with navigation equipment
  • wave-form roof of the new terminal building
  • correction of the position of the control tower in relation to the building
  • correction of the roof of the old terminal
  • New southern entrance to the Cargo part of the airport
  • Car rental containers
  • New building near the gas tank
  • toll plazas, bus station canopy and parking billboards of the new terminal
  • all fences around and in the airport area
  • Animated passengers
  • New GroudPoly built for new car parks at the new terminal, new Cargo entrance and two connecting roads.
  • Improved some textures and changing the texture name for Cobus
  •  Installed colliders on all facilities
  •  Completely revised and newly made accurate model of airport lighting (approach light, apron light, taxi light) and all obstructive lights
  •  Newly made night lighting of roads and parking lots
  •  Position of the airport and all buildings
  •  Resolved rain and snow problem inside the terminal building
  •  Support for Aerosoft’s VDGS system included

Das Microsoft Flight Simulator DLC Aerosoft Mega Airport Brüssel wurde auf die Version aktualisiert. Folgende Änderungen wurden vorgenommen:

  • Fixed LOD issue on jetway pier B
  • Fixed LOD issue on B8 Taxiway signs
  • Added detailed and accurate Tower interior
  • Added more heavy stands around Pier A & B
  • Removed snow accumulation inside of Connector interior
  • Removed snow accumulation inside of Lufthansa hangar
  • Reworked empty road signs next to P3
  • Added more LODs to equipment models
  • Smoothed out terrain bump on TWY E5
  • Fixed 3D mesh gap between doors on ExecuJet hangar
  • Added more ground dirt and water spill decals around stands
  • Fixed various 3D mesh errors around Connector / Pier A transition
  • Removed Stand 958
  • Reworked service road markings around stand 958
  • Added spotter platform 01/19 and 07R/25L
  • Added more vehicle traffic around Pier A
  • Improved VFX on ground vehicle traffic
  • Added missing beacon light on jetways in transit (Pier A)
  • Added ground crew inside of jetways (Non-glass variant, Pier B)
  • Reworked AFCAD parking layout and parking radii
  • Reworked ramp gates to reduce flickering
  • Added highly accurate tower interior
  • Added Passenger groups at Pier A and B
  • Improved glass effects on Pier A and B
  • Added starts for heli stands next to the police hangar
  • Added missing rails inside terminal interiors
  • Fixed mesh gaps between floor and moving walkways in terminal interiors
  • Added missing overpass bridges close to the airport
  • Various performance optimizations
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