Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
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Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Immer wieder Dienstags bringen Asobos Studios und Microsoft ein Update für die Flight Simulator heraus. Der heutige Release bringt den Simulator auf Version und verspricht ein weiteres World Update. Nach Japan sind jetzt die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika dran. Dabei wurde die Höhendarstellung und das Luftbild in diversen Bundesstaaten noch einmal angepasst und verbessert. Außerdem gibt es mit Atlanta (KATL), KFHR (Friday Harbor), KDFW (Dallas) und KSWF (New York Stewart International) nochmal verbesserte Airports. Am Simulator selbst wurden kleiner Verbesserungen im User Interface und bei den Fliegern vorgenommen.

Hier alle Features des Updates in der Übersicht:


  • KATL – Atlanta International
  • KFHR – Friday Harbor
  • KDFW – Dallas / Fort Worth International Airport (DFW)
  • KSWF – New York Stewart International Airport

Points of Interest

  • Chimney Rock
  • Crazy Horse Memorial
  • Pilgrim Monument, Provincetown MA
  • Fort Jefferson
  • Washington Monument, Washington DC
  • Capitol, Washington DC
  • White House, Washington DC
  • Wright Brothers National Memorial
  • Mount Rushmore
  • Biltmore Estate
  • Devils Tower
  • New River Gorge Bridge
  • United States National Arboretum
  • Bixby Creek Bridge
  • Chesapeake Bay Bridge
  • Sunshine Skyway Bridge
  • Mackinac Bridge
  • Navajo Bridge
  • Astoria-Megler Bridge
  • U.S. Grant Bridge
  • Lowry Avenue Bridge
  • Lewis and Clark Bridge
  • The Sault Ste. Marie International Bridge
  • Fort Knox
  • Monument Rocks National Natural
  • Coronado Heights Castle
  • Ellis County Courthouse
  • Monument Valley
  • Yosemite El Capitan
  • Cliff Palace, Mesa Verde, Colorado
  • Shiprock, New Mexico
  • Haystack Rock at Canon, Oregon
  • Half Dome, Yosemite
  • Dworshak Dam
  • Hoover Dam
  • Oroville Dam
  • Alcatraz (water tower and lighthouse only)
  • Fort McHenry, Baltimore
  • Rainbow Bridge, Niagara Falls
  • Glen Canyon Dam
  • Las Vegas Strip (Night)
  • Confederation Bridge
  • Johnson Space Center Houston (visitor’s center)
  • Kennedy Space Center Florida (visitors center)
  • Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (memorial site)
  • Mauna Kea Observatory, Hawaii
  • National Radio Astronomy Observatory
  • Gulf of Mexico, Oil Rigs
  • Airport Graveyard, Tucson

In addition to the USA world update, several fixes and improvements have been added to the sim. Thanks to players’ feedback, we are continuing to bring content and adjustments to Microsoft Flight Simulator. Please find below items on which we’ve been working on for this update.


  • Several crashes were fixed to improve overall stability of the title
  • Optimization on photogrammetry loading
  • Offline air traffic aircraft are now properly removed at a long distance. This caused a performance degradation over time.


  • From handling and flight model improvements to auto-pilot fixes, a general review of all planes has been made for this update.
  • Fixed: Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental fuel consumption issue
  • Fixed: Airbus A320neo fuel consumption issue
  • Reduced yaw oscillation on the Airbus A320neo by further reducing yaw gain
  • Pipistrel Virus SW121: Fixed – Cruise speed adjusted (previously too low) in the aircraft selection menu
  • Cessna 152: 5% more elevator authority
  • Cirrus SR22: Fixed – The mixture control is no longer set to Automixture
  • Cessna 208 B Grand Caravan EX: Fixed – invisible spoiler removed
  • EXTRA 330LT : Engine reactivity increased
  • EXTRA 330LT : Fixed full castoring tail wheel animation and allowed up to 90° rotation
  • Robin Cap10 : Allowed 90° range of motion for full castering rear wheel

Garmin glass cockpit equipped aircraft:

  • Added visual notification on PFD when deactivating AP
  • Flight director is now automatically turned on when AP is enabled and cannot be disabled


  • The data consumption value calculation has been fixed
  • Fix input feedback on some devices
  • The livery name should now be correctly displayed in the menus
  • The weather image in the flight plan should now be correct in all cases
  • Some accuracy for the live time have been fixed
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the checklist eye button to be selected
  • The bushtrip menu should no longer freeze
  • Switching from online to offline in the menu should no longer freeze the title
  • Fixed some behaviors that resulted in having the World map search not responding


  • Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrant default preset has been added (GA Twin engines configuration)
  • CH Throttle Quadrant default preset has been added
  • CH Flightstick Pro default preset has been added
  • CH Combatstick default preset has been added


  • The logbook should now properly log unfinished flights (either via return to main menu or via landing and shutting down the engine and Master)
  • The landing challenge target should now be properly displayed after restarting the activity


  • Streetlights of smaller streets and roads should now be displayed more randomly
  • Workers on an airport should no longer randomly freeze and stop being animated
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