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Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Majestic arbeitet weiter an ihrer Turboprop Umsetzung und veröffentlicht dazu ein Update für alle Prepar3D Nutzer. Darin enthalten sind hauptsächlich Bugfixes. Allerdings weist der Installer schon P3D Version 6 aus, was vermuten lässt, dass hier der initiale Kompatibilitäts-Grundstein gelegt wird.

Version 1.025 betrifft alle Majestic Versionen der Dash 8 und kann über die User-Area heruntergeladen werden. Zur Möglichkeit der P3D Version 6 Auswahloption im Installer hält sich Majestic weitestgehend bedeckt. Dieser habe nichts zu bedeuten und war nur für interne Tests gedacht, so zu lesen im offiziellen Forenbeitrag zum Update.



• PCU System: PEC lights will come up on overspeed >1060
• PCU System: After engine failure with prop un-feathered, rpm will slowly drop to 400 (IAS dependent)
• Oil System: When alt feather pump is activated, the system will not delay the feathering due to oil pressure
• FADEC System: Fixed the PEC failure detection due to overspeed
• C&L system: ELEVATOR FEEL will light when all 3 systems power the elevators
• C&L system: Master warning will blink with C/L test
• C&L system: No more FADEC caution light when the engine failure externally triggered
• C&L system: Caution lights will go out faster after N3 hydraulic system test completed
• Navigation system: Allow Back Course for the same ILS/LOC frequency for both runways, when the flight sim scenery has correct nav aids.


• Corrections to linking logic between the Leg types
• Various improvements of STAR/IAP linking logic
• Re-design of the VNAV logic and the FAF identification logic
• Re-design of the altitude calculations for VNAV
• Flight plan pages: ETE/ETA and altitude will not be shown on some legs where it can not be calculated
• Fixed incorrect holding entry type detection
• FPL arrive / FPL depart pages will insert the procedure when FPL key is pressed

• Improved clock night lighting in VC
• PFD: AP inhibit is no longer indicating in place of AP Disengaged
• MFD: No longer 2 different holding patterns shown for a single holding
• Standby: fixed baro hint
• Fixed the TX/RX indication link to the vatsim/ivao clients



• SysPan: Added EDP failure to the POWERPLANT page
• Flight Dynamics: Fixed the problem with aircraft crash or going underground when positioned on some airports


• Added RAIM error factor gpsRAIMErrorFactor as a multiplier 0.0 to 1.0 to mjc84.ini file


• EFIS config data is sent over the network
• Main gear blown tyre on touchdown will not be simulated with WearOffFactor=0.0 mjc84.ini file entry
• Force Feedback outputs will be provided with ElevatorInFSXmode = 0 mjc84.ini file entry
• Introduced new variable elevatorTrimFromFsx in mjc84.ini to control the elevator trim directly via a variable
• mjc84.ini (Flight Controls): Added the trim factor setting
• Oil System: Introduced failures EDP_failed[0][1] variable
• FD type added to the interface to be synchronized between the Q400 and the EFIS application
• PEC System: published the PEC failure variable
• Docs (Joystick connector) : published FLIP operator in connector description


• Flight Dynamics: Fixed the problem with aircraft crash or going underground when positioned on some airports
• Added EDP failure to the POWERPLANT page


• Added RAIM error factor gpsRAIMErrorFactor as a multiplier 0.0 to 1.0 to mjc84.ini file.

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1 Jahr zuvor

So ein schöner Flieger. Hatte tolle Stunden mit der Dash im P3D. Schade das Majestic, keine Eile hat auf den MSFS umzusteigen. Grade auch deshalb, weil immer mehr Gesellschaften den Flieger ausflotten. In fünf Jahren braucht ihn dann (fast) keiner mehr.

1 Jahr zuvor
Antwort auf  Steven

Leider wohl wahr. Bin auch echt gerne mit der Dash geflogen. Hoffentlich irgendwann noch im MSFS

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