Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
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Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Sie wird seit Jahrzehnten gebaut und ist der Inbegriff von General Aviation Flugzeug, die Cessna 172. In ein paar Tagen wird Airfoillabs die mit der Garmin G1000 Suite ausgestattete Cessna 172NG veröffentlichen. Die Featurelist ist lang und die Erwartung hoch, kein Wunder das die Study-Level Cessna sehnlichst erwartet wird.

Im Grunde ist sie fertig, so Airfoillabs auf Facebook. Wir testen nur nochmal alle Funktionen und dann wird sie in ein paar Tagen für ca. 50$ in den X-Plane.org Shop kommen. Die Produktseite ist schon freigeschalten, das letzte Development Update findet ihr hier. Im Preis ist die Lizenz für die X-Plane 12 Umsetzung bereits enthalten, so dass mit Erscheinen der neuen X-Plane Version keine Updatekosten auf den Käufer zukommen werden. 

Die C172NG wurde von Grund auf neu erstellt und ist optisch mit allen aktuellen Gimmicks ausgestattet. Neben einer sehr detaillierten Motorumsetzung , inklusive Betriebsmittel-Management, wird auch eine komplette Fehlersimulation mitgeliefert. Insgesamt wurden 175 Bauteile mit entsprechenden Daten versehen, diese können dann in 30 Szenarien Fehler aufweisen. Dies alles wird von über 320 Sounds auditiv begleitet. Alles weitere entnehmt bitte der angehängten Featurelist.

Für das erste Quartal ist zu dem eine Analoge Version der C172NG geplant.

3D Model
  • 3D Model based on real aircraft and rebuild from the ground up
  • Exquisite PBR Texturing
  • Lycoming IO-360-L2A with all engine parts
  • Engine Heater, GPU, Refueling details, Fuel Sampling, Oil Management
    Covers, Chocks, Tiedowns
  • Interior with many animations, vibrations, zero-G floating objects, baggage, and more
  • Damaged Aircraft Parts
  • Many detailed passengers and pilots
  • Rain, Fogging, Icing, Broken Windshield
  • Custom Particles Effects
  • 48 Liveries
  • Countless additional details, features, and animation
  • HDR Lighting System
FMOD Sound
  • More than 320 sounds + detailed layered engine samples with audible failures simulation
  • Many real aircraft recording sessions
  • All animations, movements, and situations are producing sounds
  • Weather effects outside and inside of the aircraft
Flight Model
  • Based on real aircraft flight recordings
  • Performance tuned and correlated with performance tables
  • Behavior details consulted with Pilots and Flight Instructors
  • Additional custom behavior: Stall and Spin, Soft Field Takeoff, Crosswind Ground Operations
  • Lift, Drag, Moment Forces Airfoils Data customized by internal plugin-based tweaker
  • Detailed Damage Simulation as Bending of the wings, Overspeed Flutter, Flaps damage, etc.
  • Wing Tail and Fuselage ground strike simulation.
  • Flight Model is influenced by – Vortex Generators, Flap Gap Seals, Bush Wheels, Fairings, Broken Windshield, etc.
Aircraft Systems
  • Custom Fuel System Simulation including fuel flow and individual components logic and failures
  • Landing Gear plugin-based tuning of forces including Side Moments, Skidding, and more
  • Detailed Landing Gear Damage – Bending Struts, Tire Wear, Flat Tire, Brakes, etc.
  • Flight Controls Damage simulation
Electrical System
  • Plugin Based Custom Electrical System designed according to real C172 Electrical Scheme
  • Simulating All Circuit Breakers, Electrical Components Failures, Short Circuits
  • Custom Busses, Fuses, Corrected Voltages, Amps, Batteries, behaviors, etc.
  • Electrical Scheme 2D Panel with live states
Engine Logic
  • Plugin Based Custom Engine Components Simulation and Wear
  • Per Cylinder Simulation of Temperatures, Wear and Failures
  • Custom Oil Temperature, Pressure Simulation
  • Custom Per Cylinder EGT simulation
  • 2 Magnetos and 8 Individual Spark Plugs Simulations
  • Spark Plugs Fouling Simulation
  • Additional Engine Components Wear and Failure Simulation (Air Intake, Fuel Pump, Exhaust, Fuel/Air Control Unit, Fuel Flow Transducer, Oil Filter, etc.)
Failure Management System and Scenarios Saving
  • Custom Plugin Based Failure Management System
  • 175 Individual Components Simulated
  • Each Aircraft Component has a Wear property with custom Logic
  • Components Wear and Failures are influencing each other
  • Components State Saving Option
  • Failed at Altitude ASL/AGL Option
  • Possibility to Save Failure Sets as Individual Scenarios with thumbnail and description
  • 30 Scenarios Provided
C172 Knowledge Base
  • All of the failable 175 components are explained in detail in a 2D window
  • It provides valuable C172 information about how the aircraft works in real life
  • Engine Components are 3D clickable from the outside with Instant Descriptions, Explanations, and Illustrations.
User Interface and 2D Panels
  • New Gen User Interface with Floating Menu – Ergonomy and Ease of Use in mind
  • Instant Loading of Aircraft States: Cold&Dark, Before Start, Before Taxi, Before Takeoff
  • Detailed 2d panels with detachable windows for second monitors
  • PFD, MFD, Audio Panel, Switches Panel, Standby Instruments, CBs, Throttle Quadrant, Pedestal, Electrical System, Engine with animations 2D Panels
  • Aircraft Options Menu
  • Weight & Balance Detailed Options
  • Complex Failure Management System
  • General Settings include aircraft states, components conditions, sounds, intro, etc.
  • Custom Load/Save Situations Dialog
  • Remote Control for Airfoillabs Hangar at KAWO airport
  • Camera and Quick View Interface
  • Automated Checklists with Performace Calculators (Takeoff, Landing, Cruise)
  • Stylish Intro Animation
  • Cockpit Builders Optimized
G1000 additional features
  • Custom Engine Panel with Realistic Lean and System Tabs
  • Lean Assist Logic
  • Reversionary Mode Logic related to custom components
  • Custom Alerts, Caution, and Warning System
  • Speed Slip Improvements (Acceleration, V Speeds)
  • Simulating Loading Sequence and Instruments Initialisations
  • Custom Instruments Failures Warnings
  • G1000 Components Failures simulation
Aircraft Options
  • Wheel Fairings, Stylish Disc Wheel Covers, Bushwheels
  • Vortex Generators, Flap Gap Seals
  • Cockpit AoA Indicator and Tablet with AviTab Implementation
  • Headphones Logic and Noise Canceling
Checklist and Performance
  • Complex Automated Checklist System
  • Camera Focus on Instruments Option
  • Checklist Flow Options: Manual, Semi-Automatic, Automatic
  • Checklist Hints
  • Short Field Takeoff Calculator
  • Short Field Landing Calculator
Ground Operations
  • Manual Towing
  • Exterior Manual Check of Flight Controls
  • Covers, Tiedowns, Chocks Manipulation
  • Manual Fuel Sampling
  • Manual Refueling and Fuel Quantity Check
  • Manual Oil Refilling and Oil Quantity Check
  • Engine Heater Operation Logic
Walk Feature and QuickLook Camera with Collisions
  • Walk Feature with Terrain and Aircraft Collisions
  • Walk, Run, Crouch and Gravity Simulation
  • Climb on aircraft to refuel, get in/out
  • Customizable and Comfortable QuickLook System for Hat Switch Joysticks, compatible with other plugins
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Jürgen B.
Jürgen B.
2 Jahre zuvor

Jetzt kann das Addon für knapp 50 Dollar im X-Plane.org Store gekauft werden.

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