Im Februar berichteten wir über regional angepasste Vorfeldfahrzeuge für den MSFS, durch LatinVFRs Airport Regional Environment X Addon. Fokus damals war die Aufwertung der nordamerikanischen Airports. Ab sofort erfahren auch die europäischen Flughäfen eine Aufwertung durch AREX. Dabei werden sogar verschieden Regionen innerhalb Europas unterschieden. Folgende Features bringt die Airport Regional Environment X Europe Edition mit. Das Paket bekommt ihr für ca. 9$ im LatinVFR Shop.
- Replacement of ground services vehicles with customized and more realistic for the region at ALL airports in all Europe.
- Customized sounds of the different engines and animation situations.
- 7 regions of Europe independently customized, Artic, the UK, France, Mediterranean West, Central Europe/ Germanic, Mediterranean East, and Russia.
- Different logos for the companies that provide airport services in Europe.
- Realistic catering truck used in the regions, with the logos of the most important airport catering companies.
- Customized push back truck depicting regional companies.
- Customized and regional types of vehicle traffic, that make the airport environment more realistic and according to vehicles used in the region.
- Uses the default system of calling ground services, no external apps or files needed.
- No negative impact on performance.