Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Seit längerem war es verdächtig ruhig bei der Softwareschmiede ToLiss Simulations. Das hatte gestern Abend aber endlich ein Ende, denn etwas überraschend kündigten die Jungs an, ein großes Update für den A340-600 zu veröffentlichen (ihr bisher größtes Update). Neben der Kompatibilität mit dem bald erscheinenden X-Plane 12 sind auch eine ganze Menge neuer Features hinzugekommen.

Das Update befindet sich aktuell noch in der Beta Phase, soll aber bereits nächste Woche an die regulären Kunden ausgerollt werden. Solange ist die Beta Version dem Betateam und Streamern vorbehalten, die seit gestern Abend bereits reichlich auf Youtube und Twitch erste Einblicke in die neue Version gewährt haben.

Major new features:
– XP12 adaptations
– Custom engine model for more realistic thrust and fuel flow values
– ACARS functionality for direct download of Simbrief plans into the active or the secondary flight plan
– ACARS functionality to retrieve TO data for various runways of the departure airport
– ACARS functionality to retrieve wind data from simbrief flight plan and enter them in the flight plan.
– New ACP interactive screen to request ground services, change fuel or passengers without the ISCS.
– FMGS plan editing overhaul, enabling temporary flight plans also for the alternate plan
– Database holds are now available
– Offset function now available
– Cockpit 3d model rework, including improved switch geometry and moving cockpit seats/arm rests
– Cockpit side windows can now be opened. This will affect air conditioning simulation.
– Rework of the rear section of the fuselage to correctly model the slanted windows.
– Complete retexturing of the fuselage
– Addition of new failure modes for a total of 249 different failure modes, these include now recoverable computer failures
– Implementation of all in-cockpit RESET switches (Airbus long range equivalent to in-cockpit circuit breakers)

Minor new features:
– VLS increases with speed brake deflection
– Made the engine inlets smoother. (Refined grid)
– Added new engine failure modes: recoverable flame out, engine failure with damage, hot start,
– You can now put on the oxygen mask by removing it from its container
– Added (ETP) circle on ND to display the Equitime point
– Option to control internal and external volume levels via x-plane sliders or custom ISCS sliders
– Added Filtering and rate limiting for FMGS position for more realisitic ND behaviour on ADIRU init completion
– Open pax doors or cockpit windows now have an effect on the temperature in the adjacent zone
– Added option to always have the display brightness rotaries starting at the 80% position, even for cold and dark start
– Functional on-ground deicing via the new ACP interactive screen to avoid nasty surprised during take-offs in icing conditions

Bug fixes:
– Fixed rear fuselage geometry to incorporated sloped windows and cabin floor. Unfortunately this requires rework of all addon liveries with the latest paint kit.
– Corrected trigger condition for NW STRG INOP status message
– Allow regular gear extension with ADR2 data only
– Reenabled constraint editing directly on the FPLN A page

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Eckehard Küntzle
Eckehard Küntzle
2 Jahre zuvor

Schön zu hören, dass auch hier weiterentwickelt wird.
Aber was ist denn ein ACP interactive screen?

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