Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Leonardo gehört sicherlich mit zu den zuverlässigsten Entwicklern im Simulator-Geschäft. Dazu zählt auch die stätige Weiterentwicklung ihrer Maddog- Reihe, bestehend aus MD 82, 83 und 88. In der gestern erschienen Version 1.7b753 für Prepar3D Version 4.5 und Version 5 werden zwar hauptsächlich Optimierungen hinsichtlich der P3D V5.1 Version vorgenommen, ein paar Bug-Fixes sowie einige neue Möglichkeiten gehören auch dazu. Neben dem offiziellen Aviaserver EFB und PMS Support, gehört sicherlich die Integration von Pushover mit zu den markantesten Neuerungen. Mit Pushover kann man sich die ACARS Ausdrucke auf sein Tablet oder Handy senden. Den kompletten Umfang des Updates sehr ihr im unten stehenden Changelog. 


******1.7b753 – 14/12/2020******
64bit edition – P3D v5.0/v5.1

– Added P3D v5.1 support;
– Optimizations for supporting v5.1 Ehnanced Atmosphere (PBR and metallic reflections);
– Fx tuning for P3D v5.1HF1;
– Added Pushover support;
– Added Aviaserver EFB and PMS support;
– Added optional param ZFW= in OFP (PAX= and CARGO= must not be present if ZFW= is used). EFB calculates pax number and cargo load to match the entered ZFW;
– Removed green arc from ND in Canadian/PMS configuration;

– Improved core code;
– Changed ‘direct to’ logic to recompute an idle descent profile when a DCT is made above any waypoint constraint;
– Fixed issue that caused engine failure due to wrong estimate of maximum egt for the selected TRP mode and ART status;
– Fixed issue in VNAV which prevented the aircraft starting descent after passing TOD, if both TOC and TOD where in the same leg;
– No battery drain when the EFB is switched OFF;
– Reverse thrust and flight dynamics fine tuning;
– Removed green arc from ND in Canadian/PMS configuration;
– “Refueled aircraft” and “Automatic update aircraft weight and CG” now separated from the “Realistic mode”;
– Load Manager now correctly exports all settings;
– Fixed an issue with FS2Crew activation.
– Quick Guide updated to include latest changes;
– User Manual updated to include latest changes;
– OM Vol.2 Ch.2 ‘Normal Procedures’ revision;
– List of Documents updated.

******1.7b753 – 14/12/2020******
64bit edition – P3D v4.4/v4.5

– Added Pushover support;
– Added Aviaserver EFB and PMS support;
– Added optional param ZFW= in OFP (PAX= and CARGO= must not be present if ZFW= is used). EFB calculates pax number and cargo load to match the entered ZFW;

– Improved core code;
– Changed ‘direct to’ logic to recompute an idle descent profile when a DCT is made above any waypoint constraint;
– Fixed issue that caused engine failure due to wrong estimate of maximum egt for the selected TRP mode and ART status;
– Fixed issue in VNAV which prevented the aircraft starting descent after passing TOD, if both TOC and TOD where in the same leg;
– No battery drain when the EFB is switched OFF;
– Reverse thrust and flight dynamics fine tuning;
– Removed green arc from ND in Canadian/PMS configuration;
– “Refueled aircraft” and “Automatic update aircraft weight and CG” now separated from the “Realistic mode”;
– Load Manager now correctly exports all settings;
– fixed an issue with FS2Crew activation;
– Quick Guide updated to include latest changes;
– User Manual updated to include latest changes;
– OM Vol.2 Ch.2 ‘Normal Procedures’ revision;
– List of Documents updated.

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