Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
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Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Der ToLiss A320 Neo hat heute ein großes Update auf die Version 1.1 erhalten. Dieses Update kann über den Skunkcraft Updater oder direkt von der X-Plane Store-Webseite heruntergeladen werden. Dabei wird von Toliss selbst ein Clean – Install empfohlen.

Der ToLiss A320 Neo ist eine sehr detailgetreue Nachbildung des realen Airbus A320 Neo, einem der momentan beliebtesten Kurz- und Mittelstrecken-Passagierflugzeuge in der Luftfahrtindustrie. 

Natürlich wollen wir euch die Patch-Notes nicht vorenthalten.

Version 1.1 (November 13th 2024)

New features:

– Hydraulic improvement package: 

. Added simulation of trapped hydraulic fluid in asymmetric actuators such as landing gear or spoiler actuators. 

. Fixed the PTU overheat when ENG1 is failed.

– MCDU improvement package: 

. CLR command is now indented in scratchpad as in real life

. DIR TO page prefills the RADIAL IN on the DIR TO page as required

– ECAM improvement package: 

. Overspeed warning now triggers based on actual flap/slat position and not lever position (PFD barber pole is still lever position driven as in real life.)

. Removed duplication of system titles if the same system shows multiple subsequent rows of ECAM messages.

. Weight display logic for SD: Prior to engine start, the dashes are now cyan. Weights now only show after engine start, like in real life.

. Status page improvement: Approach procedures for hydraulic faults

. Rework of the ECAM messages for electrical bus failures to represent a newer FWC standard

– FMGS improvement package:

. Added possibility to use Airport ICAO codes as waypoints

. Bug fixes for the path computation leading to an overall much stabler path computation in complex procedures.

. Empty flight plan shows as PPOS / Discon rather than just „End of flpn“ and can be built up from there.

. VIA selection is now automatic, if there is exactly one VIA that matches the selected FINAL and STAR.

. Constraints of first waypoint in STAR are not dropped anymore.

– New failure modes: 

. Slow and rapid decompression

. THS jam.

. Cargo smoke, including latched closure of the isolation valves

. Added high lift failures, including loss of SFCC channels and slats/flaps lock

. Windshears with correct REAC W/S detection and indication.

– Visual improvement package:

. Added AoA Vanes to fuselage model

. Fixed the tiller textures

. Animated the flap lever guard

. Correct the eye reference ball colors and location

. Fixed text overlaps on the overhead panel

– Added new Circuit breakers (for high lift, air conditioning packs, …) bringing the total to 240

– Added pitch influence to the RADALT value, so that the RADALT decreases when you pitch up (like IRL)

– Added limitation with filtering to the maximum number of waypoints shown on ND when WPT overlay selected.

– Quick starts for engine and APU are now available on the Joystick/Actions tab.

– Mapped flight number to x-plane dataref „sim/cockpit2/radios/actuators/flight_id“ for third party plugin interfacing.

– Improved Master Warning flashing frequency.

– Terrain on ND drawing around the airport is now inhibited for areas of same elevation as the airport.

Bug fixes:

– Fixed issue with the interaction between the CLR button and the status page

– Fixed issue with status page overflow.

– The emergency generator now consumes hydraulic fluid.

– The magnetic variation model now updates for the current year.

– Fixed FMA alignment of armed modes and issue with empty boxes

– Extended the permissible value range for FCU speed window to 399kts and Mach 0.99 like in real life

– Extended the permissible value range for FCU altitude window to 49000ft like in real life

– ISI startup correction: QNH is also visible during ISI startup; moved QNH to right location.

– Removed CHG CODE field for other phases than PREFLIGHT or DONE.

– Improved string termination on MCDU string datarefs.

– Fixed an issue with SID route in alternate plan on first alternate plan programming.

– Fixed an issue with waypoints preceded by a discon where the outgoing leg is of the CI/CD/CR/CA or VI/VR/VD type.

– Fixed FMA indication for managed descent on profile with significantly too slow speed.

– Fixed behaviour of the FCU HDG managed dot when a managed mode (NAV, LOC, APPR) is armed.

– Fixed shape of the ADF2 needle on the ND.

– Removed GS indication on ND, when the associated ADIRU is OFF or invalid.

– Made the deceleration when descending through the SPD LIM altitude smoother.

– Fixed issue with the beta target leading to excessive rudder deflection and spoiler extension on the wrong side.

– Lots of other bug fixes (too many to list here)

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3 Monate zuvor

Beste Flugzeuge!

3 Monate zuvor

Wieder der Standard: Toliss ♥️
Ich hoffe das ganze findet auch bald seinen Weg in Richtung A321 🙂

3 Monate zuvor

Gute Neuigkeiten. Mit Abstand fliege ich den A320neo am meisten. Einfach eine super Simulation.

3 Monate zuvor

Achso, fällt mir gerade auf. Das Thumbnail des Artikels zeigt den FF A320 😉

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