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Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
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ToLiss hat heute das lange angekündigte Update für den A319 veröffentlicht. Das Mainfeature des Updates ist der neue Sound. Dieser ist nun vollständig mittels FMOD umgesetzt und das IAE Soundpaket ist nun auch von Beginn an dabei.

Des Weiteren gibt es ab sofort eine Unterstützung für den Thrustmaster Airbus Stick und einfache Regeneffekte die mit der neuen Vulkan-Engine laufen.

Zu kaufen gibt es den Flieger im X-Plane Store für 69$.

Hier noch einmal der gesamte ( englische) Changelog:

Major new features:
– Sound system fully transitioned to FMOD sounds including new sounds such as door opening/closing, electric hydraulic pump, brake fans, and many more
– Joystick command support for TCA Sidestick and Thrust levers
– Addition of the Bottom of Descent and Descent profile intercept indicators
– Added simplified rain effects that also work under Vulkan/Metal

Minor new features:
– Added Stay-out zone for IAE engine on ground
– Adapted TCAS to new XP11.50 interface – now supporting up to 63 other aircraft
– Adapted TCAS to not issue alerts when flying parallel approaches, e.g. in KSFO
– Fine tuning of engine start timing to better reflect the differences between CFM and IAE engine
– Fine tuning of engine auto ignition logic
– Activation does not required aircraft reload anymore
– Idle factor on MCDU status page can be used to stretch or shrink the descent
– INIT page values CRZ TEMP and TROPO enter into the vertical FMGS predictions
– The pilot can now overwrite the ALTN fuel on the MCDU INIT B page
– Added functionality on OHP maintenance panel, like Blue pump override and FADEC ground power

Bug fixes:
– Improved landing gear strut absorber deflections for more realistic ground attitude
– Fixed SD page displayed after landing after engine shutdown – it’s back to DOOR/OXY as it should be
– Reduced time to disarm slides after landing when engines shut down and beacon off.
– Fixed numerous replay issues
– Fixed ISI reset issue on power transients
– Fixed TCAS panel CLR button behaviour
– Fixed cockpit brake pedal animations.
– GPWS does not issue glide slope warning anymore, unless you are on a ILS approach.
– LAND ASAP is now displayed above secondary failures, as it is in real life.
– Fixes to automatic SD page selection logic when ENG mode selector is set to IGN.
– Improvements to the display logics of the MCDU flight plan page.
– Corrected load assignments between generators to avoid generating power out of nothing.
– 3d cockpit model fixes


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