Lionel von Aerobask hat jetzt im den Release der Phenom 300 für Ende März angekündigt. In der Entwicklung hätten Aerobask Kenntnisse gewonnen, die auch die Entwicklung der Falcon 8X positiv beeinflussen sollen, so Lionel:
Technology developed for this aircraft has allowed us to reduce VRAM usage of our Falcon 8X by roughly 1GB and workload by 1ms per frame on my old gear. In short, doing this aircraft was beneficial to the development of the Falcon.
Das Flugzeug-Add-On verspreche eine VR- und Cockpitbauer-freundliche Umsetzung des angepassten Laminar G1000s, so Aerobask weiter. Auch wenn ein genauer Termin nicht genannt wird, peilen die Entwickler den Release des virtuellen Businessjets Ende März mit folgenden Featuers an:
- Detailed cockpit, cabin and exteriors
- Functional baggage, GPU and fuel doors
- 4K PBR textures
- 8 beautiful liveries out of the box
- White (for painters) and Lo-res liveries available through Aerobask website
- Smooth and VR-friendly manipulators
High quality sounds
- full FMOD environment by Daniela Rodriguez Careri
- in-game volume control without pausing the sim
- New Synthetic Vision technology by OscarPilote
- Laminar’s GFC700 autopilot with popup
- Custom MFD engine parameters, with reversion mode on PFD.
- Optional mouse, scroll-wheel and dial-pad support for easy PFD data input
- Keyboard support for GCU478 and flight plan input
- Detailed ELEC, ANTI-ICE, FUEL and STATUS synoptic available through fictional buttons
- Custom detachable popups with fixed ratio and all optional features above
- Note: some of the optional features may need VR-mouse at the moment
- Custom-coded Integrated Electronic Standby Instrument (IESI)
- Custom Current Speed Control (CSC)
- Working refueling panel
- Realistic engine startup procedure, electrical circuit and anti-ice functionalities
- Oxygen system for emergencies
- Functional breakers, with configurable reliability
- Avitab tablet, with integrated options panel
- Detachable and VR-friendly 2D options panel
- Preferences saved between flights