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Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
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Neue Liveries und verbesserte Funktionen: Just Flight haben FSTraffic verbessert. Das Verkehrs-Add-on der Briten steigt damit auf Version 1.0.5. Im Paket finden sich sieben neue Aircraft-Modelle, neue Effekte, ein besseres Reiseflugverhalten und vieles mehr.

Das Changelog findet ihr unter diesem Video, das das Update kurz vorstellt:

Core Installer (v1.0.5) 

– Reworked cruise traffic system: Flight plans are based on plausible departure and arrival airports, interacts with ATC and external lighting works.

– Added support for multiple legs: If a new destination is selected after landing at an initial destination, a new destination can be set using the in-sim menu and traffic will spawn at that airport.

– Adjusted arrival logic so that aircraft spacing is improved and reduces the likelihood of low flypasts.

– Replaced destination spawn logic: Tests that the user is within the reality bubble rather than relying on distance. This should reduce the chance of traffic not appearing at the destination and will allow traffic to spawn at the earliest possible point in time.

– Disabled reliance on hard coded airports list: Users can now create user flight plans for airports that do not include those covered by FST.

– Combined departure and arrival .pln files: This will reduce the installation time by halving the number of flight plans.

– Remove Traffic button logic improved so that multiple removals are possible.

– Added an alternate wingspan option into the Traffic Control Centre: This option will allow aircraft to spawn at airports where the gate sizes are too small. This does not affect the physical wingspan of the aircraft models.

– Alphabetical filter added to Routes Manager in Traffic Control Centre in order to reduce loading time lag.

– Added – New Livery assistant to make setting up new liveries straightforward.

– Bug – Now able to add new liveries to an aircraft where the livery count was 0.

– Added – Custom airlines that do not exist in the airlines database will be added when assigning them in the TCC Aircraft Manager. Additional popup will ask you to assign a Callsign

– PLN files generated by the TCC when creating a new route updated to match the new format used by the module.

– LOD option values modified to reflect new model settings.

Traffic Fleet installer (v1.0.5) 

– Major: Added 737-7, 737-8, 737-9, 757-200, 757-300, 767-300, A350-1000 

(See below for livery list)

– Major: Added custom code for touchdown smoke and wheel spray effects

– Major: Added wing-flex to A350-900/1000, 777-300, A330-300, A330-200,747-400, 747-8, A380

– Major: Added control surface droop to A319/A320/A321/A330-200/A330-330/A350-900/A350-1000/A380

– Minor: Reduced volume on all aircraft sounds (Other aircraft slider can now be set to 100%)

– Minor: Fixed A350-900 Turnoff light

– Minor: Fixed E195 Wingspan to correct value

– Minor: Fixed Qantas callsign

– Minor: Fixed default fast turnaround ground services on A319NEO, CRJ-900, ERJ-145 and E-170

– Minor: Fixed 777-300ER Taxi light

– Minor: Fixed A350-900 Turnoff light

– Minor: Fixed CRJ700,900 Lighting

– Minor: Fixed 787-8/9 Taxi light angle

– Minor: Correct TUIfly Germany callsign to TUI JET

– Minor: Removed erroneous NEO textures in A321 Sl

– Minor: Restructured A321NEO to reduce file size

– Minor: Restructured A319 textures to reduce file size

– Minor: Change Thomson callsign to Tomjet

– Minor: Changed Arke callsign to Orange

– Minor: Updated Norwegian callsigns

– Minor: Updated Norwegian codes in VMR**

– Minor: Fixed A330-200 landing speed

– Livery: Fixed Star Air India texture folder name and cfg entry

– Livery: Added Air Asia A320/A320_SL

– Livery: Added Thai Air Asia A320/A320_SL

– Livery: Added Ryanair UK livery (RUK)

– Livery: Colour matched TUI/TFL 787-8/9

– Livery: Colour matched entire TUI 737 fleet

New fleet liveries

737-8 White

737-8 Air Canada

737-8 Akasa Air

737-8 Aeromexico

737-8 Aerolineas Argentinas

737-8 Ukraine International Airlines

737-8 Caribbean Airlines

737-8 Lynnx Air

737-8 Ethiopian Airlines

737-8 flydubai

737-8 Fiji Airways

737-8 Flair Airlines Ltd.

737-8 VRG Linhas Aereas S.A. – Grupo GOL

737-8 Icelandair

737-8 TUI Airlines Belgium t/a Jetairfly

737-8 Korean Air

737-8 LOT Polish Airlines

737-8 Malindo Airways Sdn Bhd ( Malindo A

737-8 Oman Air

737-8 Ryanair Ltd.

737-8 Buzz

737-8 SpiceJet Ltd.

737-8 Singapore Airlines

737-8 Southwest Airlines Co.

737-8 Sunwing Airlines Inc.

737-8 TUI Airlines Nederland B.V.

737-8 THY – Turkish Airlines

737-8 Thomson Airways Limited

737-8 United Airlines

737-8 WestJet

737-8 Swoop

737-9 White

737-9 Aeromexico

737-9 Alaska Airlines

737-9 COPA Airlines

737-9 flydubai

737-9 Icelandair

737-9 THY – Turkish Airlines

737-9 United Airlines

737-9 JSC Aircompany SCAT

757-200 White

757-200 Titan Airways Limited

757-200 Delta Air Lines

757-200 Jet2 Limited

757-200 Jet2 Limited

757-200 Icelandair

757-200 Turkmenistan Airlines

757-200 United Airlines

757-200 JSC Aircompany SCAT

757-300 White

757-300 Condor

757-300 Delta Air Lines

757-300 United Airlines

757-300 Airline Utair – Ukraine

767-300 White

767-300 Airdo Co., Ltd

767-300 All Nippon Airways

767-300 Air Niugini

767-300 Austrian

767-300 Boliviana de Aviacion – BoA

767-300 Condor

767-300 Delta Air Lines

767-300 Delta Air Lines

767-300 Eastern Air Lines Group Inc.

767-300 Icelandair

767-300 Japan Airlines

767-300 AZUR air Limited Liability Company

767-300 Lan Airlines

767-300 Lan Airlines

767-300 TUI Airlines Nederland B.V.

767-300 Thomson Airways Limited

767-300 United Airlines

767-300 United Airlines

767-300 Uzbekistan Airways

A350-1000 White

A350-1000 British Airways

A350-1000 Air Caraibes Atlantique

A350-1000 Cathay Pacific

A350-1000 Etihad Airways

A350-1000 French Blue

A350-1000 Qatar Airways

A350-1000 Virgin Atlantic

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