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Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
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Der Panama-Kanal ist die wichtigste Verbindung zwischen Atlantik und Pazifik. Im Rahmen ihrer Landmarks-Reihe haben Orbx den Kanal und andere Wahrzeichen des Landes als „Panama City Pack“ jetzt in den Microsoft Flight Simulator gebracht.

Alle fünf Schleusen, Kanalgebäude, Denkmäler und das Agua Clara Locks Visitor Center sind von den Australiern umgesetzt worden. Besonderes Augenmerk liege laut Produkbeschreibung auf den Zugängen zum Kanal, einschließlich Container-, Öl- und Kreuzfahrtterminals sowie Kontrolltürmen. Mehr als 50 verschiedene Arten von Schiffen solle man beim Überflug erkennen können. Für 8,70 Euro gibt es das Add-on jetzt über Orbx Central


  • All five canal lock groups, modeled in high detail, from the Cocilo Locks on the Pacific coast to Gatun Locks on the Atlantic side.
  • Historic and administrative canal buildings and monuments, plus the Agua Clara Locks Visitor Center.
  • Special focus on the approaches to the canal, including container, oil, and cruise terminals, control towers.
  • More than 50 different types of static vessels, placed throughout the canal and port areas.
  • Detailed models of the Centennial Bridge and Atlantic Bridge, crossing the canal.
  • Custom landmarks in Panama City include the historic Casco Viejo district, as well as modern towers such as Bellagio and The Grand Tower.
  • More than 60 medium-detail custom buildings of Panama City: highrises, museums, government buildings, stadiums, etc.
  • Several buildings with rooftop helipads, with additional landing areas on vessels throughout the canal.
  • Animated features and special effects on both water and land.
  • Custom orthoimagery for downtown Panama City and the north and south ends of the canal.
  • Many enhancements throughout the coverage area: improved vegetation and building placements, extensive terraforming, and shoreline adjustments.
  • Custom night lighting based on real-world photography.
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