Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
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Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Hot Start legt nach und hat heute das Update 1.3.1 für den CL650 veröffentlicht. Alle Kunden die den Hot Start Challenger 650 bisher gekauft haben, müssen dafür auf der X-Avitiation Seite erneut das Installationsprogramm herunterladen und den Flieger in der neuen Version installieren. 

Mit der Installation des Updates wird von Hot Start empfohlen, den nächsten Flug nicht mit euren gespeicherten Zuständen des Fliegers zu starten, da es hier nach dem Update zur Inkompatibilität und Problemen kommen kann.

Bei einigen Kunden sind Performanceprobleme aufgetreten, bei denen die FPS im X-Plane sehr niedrig und der Flieger nicht mehr Steuerbar war. Sollte das bei euch der Fall sein, empfiehlt Hot Start das beachten der folgenden Hinweise: Addressing Performance/FPS Issues – Technical Support – X-Pilot

Here’s what’s changed in version 1.3.1:

New Features:

  • 2503: Need a dynamically drawn placard on the MIP to show the registration, MSN and other info
  • 2532: Implement direct wind component specification format on PERF INIT and LEG WIND pages
  • 2616: Implement screen backlight bleed effect
  • 2638: Add standard exterior placards and markings


  • Visuals:
    • 2509: MDC panel backlighting should be deleted
    • 2510: Fix overhead annunciator text for APU PWR FUEL and MAIN BUS TIE
    • 2448: LWD and RWD text on aileron trim panel is too close to switch and is hidden by the cutout in the panel
    • 2450: Texture error on toilet door
    • 2511: Fixed center pillar to cover top of sight alignment
    • 2512: Smoothed out tablet holder
    • 2513: Fixed Z Thrashing on screws of rear CB panel
    • 2514: Darkened overhead annunciator textures and made the LIT’s a richer color
    • 2636: Overhead vent used for cockpit entry out of position
    • 2639: Flipped direction of window blinds on all cabin windows except for the emergency exit window
    • 2640: Enlarged manipulator for glass cover on fire buttons

  • Simulation:
    • 2470: ADG manual deploy signal cannot be reset on the ground
    • 2462: Flashing STALL on PFD during STALL test
    • 2491: OpenGPWS connection failure in phys_init causes a subsequent crash in error handling
    • 2495: Map cursor doesn’t account for magnetic variation in PPOS mode when copying coordinates to scratchpad
    • 2477: Crash when entering a hold at a waypoint requiring the WPT SEL screen to show
    • 2497: Doing a regular waypoint insert on the HOLD AT page should switch to the matching LEGS page
    • 2500: Fixed protruding hinges on nose gear door
    • 2501: Closed minor gap on fuel panel display
    • 2505: Closed very minor gap between wingbox and fuselage
    • 2494: Fueler dialog popup is lost if fbo phone is answered
    • 2506: Forgot to delete GLsync objects after use, leading to persistent memory leak and eventual crash
    • 2508: CA and VA legs mustn’t be allowed to reduce to zero length to avoid sequencing issues from intercept legs
    • 2517: Read back of speed limit value on VNAV SETUP uses incorrect feet-to-meters conversion
    • 2518: MCT and APR should be selectable as normal thrust modes
    • 2519: Selection of TGT on THRUST LIMIT should show in cyan
    • 2524: AUX-to-MAIN transfer needs fatter pipes to keep up with single-engine ETOPS operation
    • 2525: Leg join computation can fail on DF legs if the leg is zero length
    • 2529: Increase wing tank ram air temp effect a bit to counter excessive fuel chilling
    • 2531: APU NEG-G SOV isn’t correctly inhibiting APU fuel flow
    • 2534: In the air, FPLN PRAIM should show PRAIM CHECK CANCELED
    • 2541: Idle thread prioritization appears to be dangerous in Rosetta on MacOS Monterey
    • 2544: SEC PERF is not selectable on pages other than page 1 of SEC FPLN
    • 2548: Right latch on APU service panel door isn’t holding the door closed
    • 2527: Crash on reselecting taxi lights checklist item after Shutdown checklist completion
    • 2538: VFLC FMA speed needs to be magenta
    • 2550: Engine oil pressure transducers weren’t properly hooked up their electrical power inputs
    • 2551: Deleting on a hold to an enroute DIRECT leg deletes the entire route line
    • 2562: Boost pump INOP light shouldn’t come on in flight on a running when pushed in
    • 2559: Osrand issue generating auth request for Navigraph on Windows
    • 2564: Switching EICAS reversion to BOTH PFDS, the CAS on the L MFD is not replaced by a red X
    • 2561: Popouts don’t restore size/position when reentering cockpit
    • 2565: DC BUS 1 and DC BUS 2 CAS messages aren’t being posted if the respective TRU is unpowered on the ground
    • 2566: DC ESS BUS and DC EMER BUS CAS message trigger conditions weren’t correct
    • 2568: CAS trigger conditions for ESS TRU 1|2 FAIL were incorrect
    • 2570: Incorrect trigger conditions for AC BUS 1|2, BATTERY BUS and EMER POWER ONLY CAS messages
    • 2571: Trigger condition for APU GEN OFF message wasn’t correct
    • 2582: Database lookup page counter retained from sub-pages
    • 2567: TCAS ALT TAG and TRAFFIC fields blank on new airframes
    • 2585: FMS plan file containing a destination approach keeps throwing BAD ROUTE PARSE
    • 2589: Retune CPC PID to be less susceptible to entering a self-amplifying oscillation
    • 2557: VNAV misbehaviour when shortening an arrival. 
    • 2597: Navigraph chart common to multiple procedure variants might not be picked up automatically by the IFIS charts feature
    • 2591: Overbanking results in erroneous RA readout
    • 2516: Contrails still showing even with engine shut down
    • 2599: Make the dialog tree popup window follow out of VR when the headset is removed
    • 2603: SEL WPT page doesn’t properly set up its subpage counter if the total number is less than 2
    • 2607: Going direct-to an internal airway leg causes the subsequent airway legs to be dropped
    • 2606: Connecting a STAR into an IAP starting with a hold duplicates hold turn direction into connecting leg
    • 2608: Pushing YD DISC should trigger monitored AP disconnect with continuous cavalry charge
    • 2609: Aural tones shouldn’t be cancelable by pressing the Master Warning/Caution cancel button
    • 2610: Once a monitored AP disconnect has occurred, the only way to silence it is using the AP DISC button on the yoke
    • 2611: Shorten the AP disconnect cavalry charge to roughly two chirps
    • 2621: FIX copy-back of the intersection off of VORTACs wasn’t using the correct magnetic variation
    • 2623: libhud is susceptible to crash on an internal assertion failure when a GL error was generated externally
    • 2630: Modifying vertical constraint value shouldn’t change constraint type if there’s already one there
    • 2631: Don’t show VOR ID on PFD bearing data when associated DME radio is in HOLD mode
    • 2632: Don’t show bearing distance and ID on the PFD if it’s the active nav source

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2 Jahre zuvor

Ich hoffe ja auf eine baldige Implementierung von random failures.

Muss ja nicht wie bei der TBM sein. Zb. Ein beliebiger Ausfall alle 500 Flugstunden würde mir reichen.

Das einfach der Kitzel da ist, dass etwas passieren könnte.

2 Jahre zuvor

Wäre es ein Flieger von AS, würde man sich nun ungefähr so äußern: „wieso ist das nicht beim Beta Test aufgefallen.“

2 Jahre zuvor
Antwort auf  Dings

Weil es scheinbar ein Problem ist was nur bei bestimmten CPU/GPU Kombinationen auftreten kann und Du kannst nicht alle Kombinationen in einem Beta-Test abdecken, da würde der Flieger sonst 500€+ kosten 😉

2 Jahre zuvor
Antwort auf  Christian

Das musst Du aber nicht mir, sondern den mit mir ungesprochenen sagen. ? ? ?

2 Jahre zuvor
Antwort auf  Dings

Auch läuft das Addon auf mehreren Betriebssystemen:

Operating Systems: MacOS 11+ (at least Big Sur), Windows 10+, and Linux.

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