Im Verlauf des Sonntages wird Leonardo eine neue Version der drei Maddog Varianten veröffentlichen. Dabei handelt es sich um die erste Aktualisierung nach dem Release des MD83/88 Expansion Packs. Adressiert werden primäre die gemeldeten Fehler. Neue Features sucht man vergebens.
Wie immer kann das Update über ein erneutes Herunterladen des Installers bezogen werden.
Changelog ******1.2b158******
- fixed issue with FMS wrongly sequencing WPs in certain procedures
- fixed issue with FMS not handling not-idle segment during approaches
- fixed wrong empty weight in flight_model.cfg (all three variants)
- fixed issue in liveries installer which caused downloaded 83/88 liveries to have wrong overhead texture
- fixed issue with ground de-icing
- fixed missing ‚WXR ON‘ alert on PFD when radar powered on ground
- fixed missing WX tilt on ND when value changed
- fixed issue with wrong INDEX values in Load Manager’s W&B page
- fixed issue with TCAS delivering wrong RA in certain situations
- improved performance of smoke effect;
- fixed missing radio-rack fan sound;
MODEL - fixed VC dome light gap between front cover and lateral box
- fixed brake pedal animation
- fixed issue with MD-83 aux fuel panel integral light
- overall performances optimisation of glass gauges and displays
- ‚chocks‘ do not force anymore sim parking brakes
- incremented effectiveness of manual trim (yoke or assigned buttons)
- removed ‚engines on‘ from OOOI ‚OFF time‘ logic
- added option in maddogx.ini to disable ND clickspots.