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Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
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Weg mit den Bildschirmen, her mit Nadeln: Black Square haben über Just Flight ihren Mod der Standard-Caravan veröffentlicht. Steam Gauge Overaul soll die Caravan im Microsoft Flight Simulator wieder mit einem Uhrenladen ausstatten und für mehr Systemtiefe sorgen. Für 25 Euro gibt es den Mod jetzt bei Just Flight. In einem Video wurde bereits vorgestellt, welche Features der Mod mitbringt – wir berichteten.

Hier die durchaus interessanten Features in der Übersicht.



  • Accurately modelled 208B Grand Caravan interior ONLY (uses default exterior model), created from hundreds of reference photos, panoramas and technical documentation
  • 100% MSFS native animation code for the smoothest animations and cockpit interactions using either legacy or new cockpit interaction modes
  • 4096×4096 (4K) textures are used to produce the highest possible texture clarity
  • PBR (Physically Based Rendering) materials with real-time environment reflections for superb quality and realism
  • Detailed normal mapping for leather, fabric, plastic, stitches, scratches, carpet and tooling marks, resulting in a texture resolution of 10,000 pixels per square inch (90.0kB)
  • Extensive use of the new MSFS decal system for nearly vector-graphic quality of labels, arrows and exterior detail features


  • Greatly enhanced instrument panel detail compared to default aircraft, with every label and marking in its place. If it appears in the real aircraft, you can interact with it!
  • Custom-coded steam gauges with low-pass filtering, needle bounce, and physics provide ultra-realistic and silky smooth animations like you’ve never seen before
  • Carefully modelled components match the depth and character of the real instrumentation, based on reference photos, schematics and real world measurements. Unlike other expensive Flight Sim aircraft, every piece of equipment that appears in a Black Square aircraft is modelled after a real piece of aircraft equipment, and will behave the same way in its primary functionality.
  • Every knob, switch and button is interactable and implemented, along with its respective electrical circuitry. Turn systems on and off or pull circuit breakers to see the impact it has on your generators and battery via the analog meters. Automatic load shedding and standby generators are also simulated. Many pieces of equipment respond correctly to electrical configurations with warning messages and diagnostic codes.
  • Fully 3D cockpit lighting technology for every gauge and panel, with ambient bounce lighting for a more immersive night-time experience that won’t leave you fumbling around in unrealistically dark spots
  • 4096×4096 (4K) PBR textures on cockpit and panel for crisp instrumentation. Even see the fingerprints on instrument glass!
  • Hideable yokes, adjustable sun visors and other cockpit aesthetics
  • All placards and warning labels from the real aircraft represented

Black Square’s overhauled cockpits with analog instrumentation go far beyond a visual upgrade. Included, you will find a complete redesign of all aircraft systems to more closely match the real aircraft, with a focus on electrical systems. Also included are more accurate weight and balance, lighting systems, flight dynamics and ground handling. Enjoy features such as:

  • Completely interactable electrical system with 12 buses and 90 circuits
  • Improved turbine dynamics (ITT, TRQ, Ng, Fuel Flow, Inertial Separator), battery charging circuitry and load shedding
  • Selective state saving for radio selection, radio frequency memory, cabin aesthetics etc.
  • Engine limit excursions that decrease engine health and will eventually lead to failure
  • Crew/Passenger oxygen system that depletes according to pressure altitude, passenger occupancy and the biological demand of each passenger based on weight
  • Standby flap motor circuitry, logic and switches, and working propeller governor test
  • Dimmable annunciators and backlighting controlled via their respective electrical circuits and individual radio power settings
  • Automatically dimming screens via photocell match real-world equipment
  • Remote compass control with automatic gyro slaving simulated with electrical systems

Over 350 checklist items are provided for 30+ Normal, Abnormal and Emergency procedures in textual form in the manual, and in-game, using the MSFS native checklist system with control and instrument highlighting. If it’s in the checklist, it’s settable in the aircraft!

Black Square’s Analog Caravan features the default MSFS-native (Wwise) 3D Grand Caravan sound package, inside and out. Default sounds have been carefully assigned to all interactable cockpit elements for an authentic 3D spatial experience.

  • Rich audio for every switch, button, lever and electrical system
  • Detailed physics-based effects on engine and wind noise
  • Accurately positioned 3D sound sources (best enjoyed in VR!)

Flight dynamics
The Analog Caravan features a slightly improved flight model compared to the default Grand Caravan, with tweaks based on operator feedback online.


Main Panel

  • Annunciator Panel
  • Quartz Analog Chronometer
  • True Airspeed Indicator
  • Bendix/King KI 256 Vacuum Artificial Horizon
  • Bendix/King KEA 130A Altimeter
  • Bendix/King KI 229 Radio Magnetic Indicator (RMI)
  • Bendix/King KI 525A Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI)
  • Vertical Speed Indicator
  • Bendix/King KI 206 Localizer
  • Mid-Continent Turn Coordinator
  • Bendix/King KRA-10A Radar Altimeter
  • Engine Instrumentation
  • Duplicate Co-pilot Instrumentation


  • Garmin GMA 340 Audio Panel
  • Garmin GTN 750 (COM 1) (PMS50 or TDS)
  • Garmin GNS 530W (COM 1)
  • Garmin GNS 430W (COM 2)
  • Bendix/King KX-155B (COM 1 / NAV 1)
  • Bendix/King KX-155B (COM 2 / NAV 2)
  • Bendix/King KNS-80 RNAV Navigation System (incl. NAV 3)
  • Bendix/King KR 87 (ADF)
  • Bendix/King KDI 572 (DME)
  • Bendix/King KAP 140 Autopilot
  • Bendix RDR1150XL Colour Weather Radar
  • Garmin GTX 327 Transponder


  • 100+ Circuit Breakers
  • Multi-Function Volt/Amp Meter
  • Bendix/King KA 51B Remote Compass Synchroscope
  • Propeller Amps Indicator
  • Vacuum Indicator
  • Oxygen Pressure Gauge
  • Hobbs Timer

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2 Jahre zuvor

Das Addon ist absolut Klasse, so macht die Caravan richtig Spaß

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