VSKYLABS haben ihre Umsetzung der Robinson R44 Raven II für X-Plane veröffentlicht. Damit versprechen die Entwickler eine ultra-realistische Umsetzung des viersitzigen Sport-Helikopters. Neben realistischen Flugeigenschaften sollen virtuelle Pilotinnen und Piloten auch die Optimierung für Virtual Reality zu einem optimalen Flugerlebnis führen.
Der Hubschrauber ist ab sofort auf xplane.org für 33,95 Dollar erhältlich.
Diese Features versprechen die Entwickler:
- VSKYLABS ‚Test-Pilot‘ Project.
- Robust and Highly Defined flight dynamics model of the Robinson R44 Raven II helicopter, built around the powerful, native X-Plane 11 ‚Experimental Flight Model‘ environment.
- Highly detailed model of the Robinson R44 Raven II helicopter.
- Autorotation capable.
- Comprehensive systems which were designed to follow the real R44 Raven II POH, as authentically as possible within X-Plane 11 flight simulator limitations.
- Fully functional VR (Virtual Reality) Ready: highly interactive cockpit environment including levers, switches, guards, 3D checklist viewer, modular cyclic and more.
- Equipped with Robinson’s classic 7 holes analog panel.
- R44 Auxiliary fuel system.
- Removable doors.
- Fully featured GNS530.
- Built-in Avitab Compatibility (Avitab plugin not included).
- Multi-Layer FMOD sound pack.
- The project is under constant development: development road-map is including flight model refinements, enhanced systems depth, additional liveries and other improvements.
- STMA Autoupdater is included: project updates are fast and efficient!
- Highly responsive VSKYLABS support forums.
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