Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
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Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Klein, agil und für Schönwetterflieger: Vskylabs haben ihre Umsetzung der Aeroprakt A22-LS für X-Plane veröffentlicht. Mit dem UL-Flieger wollen die Designer nicht nur ein Add-On für Sichtflüge bieten, sondern auch das „Experimental Flight Model“ des Simulators nutzen. Das Produkt ist jetzt im X-Plane.org-Store für 27,50 Dollar erschienen. 


  • VSKYLABS ‚Test-Pilot‘ Project: designed for use with X-Plane’s cutting edge Experimental flight model environment, featuring superb flight dynamics with authentic performance and flight handling characteristics.
  • Built for VR: development was tailored specifically for VR, and optimized for 2D usage.
  • Engineered and designed as a default X-Plane aircraft (Like all VSKYLABS projects). The VSKYLABS projects are practically show-casing X-Plane, as they are stretching X-Plane default features, systems and flight model to its limits without any dependencies on complementary plugins or software…delivering a very robust simulation model, having maximum compatibility with the ever evolving X-Plane flight simulator.
  • Perfect fit for beginner and expert pilots: The VSL A22-LS is featuring the standard, basic analog cockpit suitable for VFR + night flying. The simple and clear analog gauges layout is perfect for beginner pilots. It is also featuring an optional experimental LSA-grade autopilot.
  • Built-in Avitab Plugin Compatibility (AviTab plugin is not included).
  • STMA Auto Updater plugin is included – all updates are being pushed smoothly without the need to re-download the entire base package (base package will be updated every once in a while to minimize the gap).
  • Highly responsive and professional support: VSKYLABS is offering continuous professional support from aircraft related aspects (operating and flying) to X-Plane technical support.
  • The project is under constant maintenance and development.
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