Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Die B314 Clipper ist die Ikone der Flugboote und war ein Gigant ihrer Zeit. Die P3D Umsetzung von Pilots gehört zweifelsfrei zu den Exoten im Simulator. Kunden können sich nun über ein umfangreiches Update des Boeing Klassikers freuen.

Version 1.5 ist ab sofort im Kundenkonto des jeweiligen Anbieter erhältlich. Neben Änderungen an der B314, gibt es auch Verbesserungen für das B314-A Erweiterungspaket.

  • overhaul of almost all of the aircraft systems to meet new information obtained since the release.
  • All known bugs fixed and all systems tested against the book.
  • completely new gyropilot that now behaves as real world, thanks to additional information not originally available
  • B314-A A3 gyropilot responds more quickly than the earlier B-314 A2 gyropilot, as it was in real life (B314A AddOn required)
  • step-by-step instructions on engaging and disengaging the gyropilots
  • three BOAC textures for the B314-A: G-AGBZ Bristol, G-AGCB Bangor and G-AGCA Berwick (B314A AddOn required)
  • all-new cockpit textures for the B314-A only representing an aircraft that has been hardly used (B314A AddOn required)
  • weight and balance sheet for both versions that behaves as close as possible to how a real world paper version would be used
  • updated manuals that have almost doubled in size. In particular, the part 1 manual ‚The Aircraft‘ contains photographs that have only recently become available as they were in private hands
  • three new scenarios for the B314-A including one where G-AGCA Berwick is set up in level flight with the gyropilot engaged, allowing you to practice with it (B314A AddOn required)
  • North Pacific Ocean weatherships added for the B314-A (B314A AddOn required)
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