Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Nicht nur wegen Topgun und anderen Filmen: Die A-4E ist ein Klassiker der militärischen Luftfahrtgeschichte. Auch bei DCS-Pilot-Fans ist die Maschine seit jeher auf der Festplatte. Als Community-Freeware-Mod war die A-4E immer der umfassendste Mod, den man kostenlos bekommen konnte. Jetzt hat das Entwickler-Team nochmal eine Schippe draufgelegt. Man könne jetzt das bisher umfangreichste  DCS World-Modul in diesem 2.0 „Forever Free“-Update mit einem realistischen Flugmodell, verbesserten Systemsimulationen, erweiterter Funktionalität auf allen verfügbaren Karten von DCS World, vollständiger Trägerkompatibilität, Funkgeräten und Luftbetankung präsentieren, schreibt das Team auf github. Dort findet sich auch der Link zum Download des Mods. 

Folgende Dinge hat das Team ergänzt, das volle Changelog findet ihr hier.

  • Features:
    • Added External Flight Model (EFM) with flight dynamics, suspension, slat simulation, differential braking, cockpit shake, wing vapour and more.
    • Added Pratt & Whitney J52-P-8A engine simulation.
    • Added SuperCarrier compatibility.
    • Added carrier mod support (HMAS Melbourne, HMS Hermes).
    • Added air-to-air refueling.
    • Added exterior engine sounds.
    • Added many interior sounds.
    • Improved interior sound localization and feedback.
  • Systems:
    • Added AFCS stability augmentation.
    • Added AN/ARC-51A UHF Radio with VOIP. (thanks Harald)
    • Added AN/ARN-52 TACAN.
    • Added AN/ARA-63 MCL (ICLS).
    • Added AN/ASN-41 Navigation Computer drift on long flights and heavy maneuvers.
    • Added CP-741/A bombing computer.
    • Added fuel flow system.
    • Added oxygen system.
    • Improved Approach Power Compensator (APC) behavior.
    • Fixed spoiler behavior to deploy/stow properly (weight on wheels, engine RPM under 70%). (thanks pohlinkzei)
  • Weapons and Loadouts:
    • Added BDU-33 training bombs.
    • Added SUU-25 parachute illumination pod.
    • Added empty fuel tanks.
    • Added AIM-9 growl and lock tones (fixes missing sound bug).
    • Improved AIM-9 missile loadouts, sidewinters are now available to mount on stations 4 and 5.
    • Removed non-functional loadout options to reduce confusion about module functionality: AGM-12C Bullpup, AGM-62 Walleye, D-704 Refueling Pod (see FAQ).
  • Missions:
    • Added new instant action missions across all maps (thanks Sidekick65, Cubeboy, Shadowfrost, SPINEG).
    • Added runway strike and anti-ship strike roles.
    • Improved instant action missions.
    • Added Argentina and Chile to available countries.
  • Textures:
    • Added unique helmets, pilot uniforms and patches.
    • Added preliminary damage textures.
    • Improved exterior and interior textures. (thanks HellesBelle, Sport, JP Gabobo)
    • Fixed exterior and cockpit model material names to avoid conflicts.
  • Liveries:
    • Added Community III: Forever Free, 2021 (Fictional).
    • Added Community IV: Sea Otter, 2021 (Fictional).
    • Added Argentina FAA Falklands Brigada IV and V, 1982. (thanks GVad)
    • Added Australian Navy Squadron 805, 1972. (thanks HellesBelle)
    • Added Brazil Marinha do Brasil VF-1 LoViz, 2018.
    • Added Brazil Marinha do Brasil VF-1 15 AÑOS, 2013. (thanks Bungo)
    • Added Finland FiAF, 1984 (Fictional). (thanks FinCenturion)
    • Added Malaysia TUDM M32-29 No.9 Squadron, 2004. (thanks JacobBadshot)
    • Added USN VA-46 Clansmen, 1967.
    • Added USN VA-83 Black Lancers, 1966.
    • Added USN VA-106 Gladiators, 1967.
    • Added RAF Empire Pilots Test School Raspberry Ripple (Fictional). (thanks FlyingHueman)
    • Added RNZAF Golden T-Bird No.2, Squadron Ohakea, 1986. (thanks Corsair016)
    • Improved inaccuracies and naming across liveries.
  • Quality of Life:
    • Added PDF and kneeboard manual (press RSHIFT+K) in the cockpit. (thanks Rob, Sidekick65)
    • Added cockpit controls indicator (press RCTRL+ENTER in the cockpit).
    • Added AN/ARC-51 UHF Radio frequency presets printout to right console panel.
    • Added new input categories.
    • Added dozens of inputs and variant input options.
    • Added special menu options for Trim Speed, Cockpit Shake, CSS mode FFB Deflection, Simple Braking (Rudder Assist).
    • Added a command to request the ground crew to lock the slats (useful for aerobatic formation flying).
    • Improved labeling alignment across tooltips, inputs, user manual and NATOPS manual for easy searching.
    • Improved trim reset for smoother performance.
    • Improved keyboard axis input behavior and recentering.
    • Improved smokewinder pod operation (weapon function select independent).
    • Improved main menu logos and iconography. (thanks Sport)
    • Fixed FFB stick support.
    • Fixed lots, and lots, and we mean LOTS of bugs. (thanks to the many A-4E-C users who helped identify, replicate and solve these!)


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2 Jahre zuvor

Danke für die Info
Kann ich diesen Mod auch für den Carrier-DLC benützen?
Danke für die Antwort
Froher Gruss

2 Jahre zuvor
Antwort auf  Werner

Frage geklärt, man(n) sollte auch mal das Video oben anklicken…;-)

2 Jahre zuvor
Antwort auf  Werner

Oder der dritte Punkt in den Features ??

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