Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Die französischen Entwickler von Aerosbask haben ihre Simulation der Embraer Phenom 300 veröffentlicht. Die Designer versprechen eine detaillierte Simulation des brasilianischen Business-Jets mit erweitertem X-Plane G1000. Für 45 Dollar gibt es das Flugzeug Add-On jetzt im X-Plane.org-Store. 

Aerobask quality 3D model
  • Detailed cockpit, cabin and exteriors
  • Three cabin atmospheres: light wood, dark, beige
  • Functional baggage, GPU and fuel doors
  • Functional Lavatory, Doors and Hatches. Animated Cabin with Passenger Control Tablet (Shades, Tables, Doors and “airshow” system). Functional 3D exterior Fuel Panel.
  • 4K PBR textures
  • 9 beautiful 4K liveries out of the box
  • Low Res 2K livery for those short in VRAM
  • White (for painters) and additional liveries available through Aerobask website
  • Smooth and VR-friendly manipulators
High quality sounds
  • Full FMOD environment by Daniela Rodriguez Careri
  • Samples recorded from real aircraft
  • Accurate doppler, distance attenuation and flyby effects.
  • In-game volume control without pausing the sim
Enhanced Laminar G1000
  • New Synthetic Vision technology by OscarPilote
  • Transparency options over SV
  • Vspeeds and barber pole
  • Optional flight director cross-pointer
  • Always-on AP speed selector
  • LBS/KGS, PPH/KPH selection
  • Correct Mach mode with accurate auto-switch between KIAS and Mach
  • Ground speed display (optional)
  • Radar altitude display (optional)
  • GPWS callouts, with GS inihition
  • Custom CAS messages with aurals
  • Custom popups/popouts working in internal Forward-with-No-Display view (optional)
  • Laminar’s GFC700 autopilot with popup
  • Laminar’s GCU478 FPL input with physical keyboard support and popup
  • Custom MFD engine parameters, narrow in reversion mode.
  • Optional mouse, scroll-wheel and dial-pad support for easy PFD data input
  • Detailed ELEC, ANTI-ICE, FUEL and STATUS synoptics available through fictional buttons
  • Custom detachable popups with fixed ratio and all optional features above
  • Custom warmup sequence with TAWS and TCAS tests
  • Note: some of the optional features may need VR-mouse or third party plugin
Deep system emulation
  • Custom-coded Integrated Electronic Standby Instrument (IESI) with warm-up sequence
  • Custom FADEC-driven engine Thrust ratings
  • Custom Current Speed Control (CSC)
  • Accurate 3-in-1 spoilers behavior (roll spoilers, ground spoilers, speed-brakes)
  • Functional TEST switch and button with corresponding CAS and aurals
  • Working 3D refueling panel
  • Realistic engine startup procedure, electrical circuit and anti-ice functionalities
  • Oxygen system for emergencies
  • Automatic pressurization LFE setting based on flight plan
  • Complete array of custom documentation
  • Avitab tablet, with integrated options panel
  • Detachable and VR-friendly 2D options panel
  • Cabin flight progress screens
  • Preferences saved between flights
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