Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Hot Start hat das Update 1.5.2 für den CL650 veröffentlicht. Alle Kunden die den Hot Start Challenger 650 bisher gekauft haben, müssen dafür auf der X-Avitiation Seite erneut das Installationsprogramm herunterladen und den Flieger in der neuen Version installieren. 

Dabei bleiben alle Liveries und auch eure aktuellen Panel States erhalten. Selbst die Deinstallation der alten Version übernimmt der Installer selbständig.

Da immer noch bei einigen Kunden Performanceprobleme aufgetreten, bei denen die FPS im X-Plane sehr niedrig und der Flieger nicht mehr Steuerbar war, gilt immer noch die Empfehlung von Hot Start. Sollte das bei euch der Fall sein, bittet Hot Start um das beachten der folgenden Hinweise: Addressing Performance/FPS Issues – Technical Support – X-Pilot.

Das Update integriert neben vielen Fehlerbehebungen und Ausbesserungen auch den lange gewünschten FAN CPDLC Support

Here’s what’s changed in version 1.5.2:


New Features:

• 2690: Add a clickspot for inspecting wing surfaces during preflight

• 2708: Add support for xPilot’s SELCAL datarefs

• 2716: Implement FANS CPDLC support

• 2732: Implemented DEP CLX, OCEAN CLX and ATS LOG datalink subsystems



• 2691: Redesigned the overnight icing accumulation algorithm to use real METAR data

• 2688: Add support for detecting POSCON client for disabling realistic altimetry feature

• 2698: Implement workaround for FMod sound bug when loading the airplane with sound muted

• 2699: Implement dataref interface for libfail to allow 3rd party software to trigger our failures

• 2320: User request for dataref to indicate when in “walking mode”



• 2683: ABEAM REF distance and time isn’t working correctly

• 2687: V-bar FD vertical deflection & rotation stacking should be reversed so the V-bar rotates around the nose indicator

• 2692: Reduce landing and taxi light brightness to be a bit closer to reality

• 2648: KEUG I16R with EUG transition is handled incorrectly for the subsequent leg intercept off the procedure turn

• 2409: Shrink or hide manipulators for engine fire push buttons so they can’t be clicked by mistake

• 2685: Manual ENG BLEED setting isn’t being cross-talked between FMCs

• 2693: afm_mgr has a potential deadlock due to locking inversion if a state load coincides with a state save

• 2694: THRUST LIMIT page 2/2 shouldn’t be selectable in the air

• 2695: Smooth FPLN leg joins should anticipate turn radius changes due to climbs

• 2697: CPC PID derivative rate was still causing oscillations when reloading a climb state at higher ISA around mid-20 thousands

• 2487: CTD – CL650[chart_prov_navigraph.c:1086]: assertion „chartdb_add_chart(arpt, chart)“ failed

• 2721: Receiving a ATIS datalink message should show green DATALINK advisory CAS

• 2730: Reduce initial engine parameter variance a bit to help avoid unusually high ITT deviations

• 2775: Fix radial are off by a few degrees

• 2776: ATS posts an FMC ERR when FMS3 is selected as active on the left side

• 2779: Descent altitude constraints can stick past the waypoint where they are applicable

• 2780: Compressor stalls should stop when the engine is shut down

• 2773: PFD SVS rendering distance too short

• 2768: Changing NAV SRC while OEI causes CTD

• 2784: Small amount of aileron trim causes persistent monitored AP disconnects due to servo misalignment alarm firing

• 2769: DCT fix in FMS followed by pressing NAV causes CTD

• 2767: CTD when attempting to use invalid AFCS data

• 2749: Hold exit followed by FPL disco. clear = CTD

• 2785: Newly created airframe has right hand side cabin window blinds closed

• 2786: Engine hydraulic SOVs were being ignored when determining engine-driven pump operation

• 2787: Manual date setting on STATUS page results in setting incorrect year

• 2789: Make tail refuel pump fatter by 1mm to avoid spurious AUX TANK HEAVY CAS messages

• 2791: PBPB waypoint entry when first WPT SEL has 1 option and second WPT SEL has more than 1, empty WPT SEL shows instead

• 2792: PBPB waypoint checker should be using the passed selection lookup type, instead of defaulting to database-only

• 2793: WPT SEL screen should return to the caller’s subpage

• 2777: Fix page missing Lat/Lon Cross small text

• 2795: FLT LOG fuel used needs to allow entering DELETE to reset the value

• 2796: TERM WX should allow for non-ICAO station IDs

• 2794: Add a checklist menu item to manually stop the FO’s go-around flow

• 2797: is_valid_icao_code should allow for numbers in IDs

• 2798: Invalid ICAO code in FPLN RECALL page isn’t generating an INVALID ENTRY error


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