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Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
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VSKYLABS haben eine neue Variante der DC-3 für X-Plane 12 veröffentlicht. Der „‚Test-Pilot‘: DC-3 Airliner“ bringt in den bekannten Rosinenbomber moderne Avionik in Form des G1000s und andere Features, die in einer DC-3 eigentlich nicht zu erwarten sind.

Die DC-3 ist vielleicht neben der C172 das bekannteste Flugzeug der Welt – behaupte ich jetzt mal. Denn nicht nur die große Stückzahl des Rosinenbomber sorgte für Bekanntheit, auch der weltweite Einsatz bis heute lässt Luftfahrtfans viele Impressionen der Maschine sammeln.

VSKYLABS sind die Experten für die X-Plane-Version des Flugzeugs. Mit der Skytrain hat die Add-on-Schmiede bereits eine DC-3 rausgebracht. Jetzt ist eine neue Variante des Rosinenbombers erschienen. Die „Test Pilot“-Edition ist im Org-Store für 30 Dollar verfügbar und bringt einen Kontrast in den Oldtimer. Ein modernes G1000-Glascockpit samt Autopilot und Passagiersitze mit IFE sollen für Airliner-Feeling sorgen. Laut Produktbeschreibung sei die Maschine der echten sehr nahe, VSKYLABS spricht hier von „Research Level“. Und für die Buffalo Airways-Bemalung gab’s auch noch ein offizielles Go der Ice Pilots

In Kürze will VSKYLABS noch eine besondere Variante veröffentlicht: Die Tri-Turbo-Three ist die Version der DC-3, die mit drei Turbo-Propellern ausgestattet wurde. 

Wer bis dahin Test Pilot fliegen will, hier die Features:

Project Highlights:

Project is ‚VR Ready‘ for use with X-Plane: VR functionality is a part of the project aspects which are constantly under evaluation and development for reaching a higher level of immersion as the VR features and possibilities are growing

Highly Realistic Handling and Flight Performance DC-3 Simulation: Highly accurate performance and handling simulation of the DC-3. Aircraft performance and handling qualities were designed and tested in a „Research level“ approach and went through a validation process of hundreds of flight testing and evaluation, tested and refined by real-world C-47 pilots.

Workhorse for DC-3 pilot skills: Experience authentic flight performance and handling practices (takeoff, landing, single engine operations, flight planning, long range flights). It is a perfect platform to recreate and fly historic routes using authentic performance.

Unique look and feel: There is nothing to hide – the VSKYLABS DC-3/C-47 projects are a mixture of a simplified yet very engaging design.

Compatible with the VSKYLABS ‚Test-Pilot‘: C-47B Skytrain project liveries!

Advanced avionics and autopilot: Fully featured glass cockpit avionics based on the LR G1000 (including the G1000 autopilot), along with complementary analog instrument gauges and navigation displays.

Comprehensive systems: All the relevant systems are being simulated. Here are **some** of the more unique systems:

  • Engines/propeller systems – Highly defined PW-1830-92, 14 cylinder engine simulation, designed with fully featured, functioning and authentic DC-3/C-47 propeller feathering system, for highly realistic single engine simulation.
  • DC-3 Fire Extinguisher system – including fire indication system. The fire extinguisher control panel is located behind the hinged cover on the cockpit floor, between the pilot/co-pilot seats.
  • Damage simulation – engines are sensitive to rapid spool-up (experimental feature). Engine mishandling will result in severe damage to the engine/engine fire. Stressing the airframe will result also in severe damage, following a visual representation of the damages. Blown tires are also being visualized and simulated.
  • Landing gears and flaps simulation – are being simulated with a high level of authenticity.
  • Advanced glass cockpit and autopilot system – based on the LR G1000.
  • Anti-Icing/De-Ice systems – including icing and rain visualization.
  • Skis – Animated, incorporated in the flight dynamics model.
  • Making use of X-Plane 12 advanced weight and balance system for station based passengers loading.
  • Passenger and luggage 3-d visualization.
  • Comprehensive FMOD sounds.
  • Auto-update based on the SkunkCrafts autoupdater.
  • Built-in AviTab compatibility. (AviTab plugin not included).
  • Highly responsive VSKYLABS support system (including C-47 / DC-3 operational knowledge and support/assistance).


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