Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
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Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Noch ein E-Jet für X-Plane? Und wer ist Flight Procedures Simulation? Hinter Flight Procedures Simulation steckt niemand anderes als Supercritical Simulations Group (SSG), die schon die 747-8 oder auch die E-Jets in den X-Plane gebracht haben. Die neue Version der E-Jets für XP12 wurde schlussendlich unter einem neuen Label angekündigt.

Viel ist noch nicht bekannt. Allerdings wurde eine Umfangreiche Featureliste geliefert.

This model is a completely X-plane 12 ACF model upgrade from the iconic Ejet Evolution Series for XP10/11

•    The Aircraft is modeled as near as real one with many details such as a satellite antenna and various vents, drains, etc.
•    Detailed landing gear/gear doors with proper animation.
•    Openning doors.
•    Wing flex animation.
•    Custom external lights design with realistic width, direction and range.
•    External 3D cockpit and cabin with enhanced graphics and physic based rendering lights.
•    Detailed overhead, pedestal, forward panels with most animated buttons, knobs and switches.

Custom Systems description

•    Brake system with autobrake and antiskid.
•    Functional gear steers system.
•    Hydraulic system logic.
•    Electrical system logic.
•    Bleed sytem Logic.
•    Air Conditioning system logic.
•    Advanced Advisory System logic with more then 100 messages logic.
•    Lights switch test system.
•    Fire test system.
•    Fire dish with bottles system.
•    Display brightness.
•    Wipers with speeds and real recorded sounds.

Flight Model

•    The flight model is an upgrade of the iconic Ejet Evolution Series for XP10/XP11.
•    Custom Fly By Wire system that provides flight protection limiting and control laws acording with the FMS Protection System logic.
•    The advanced and accurate flight performance, engine thrusting, consumiption, speeds etc.

Flight Management System – FMS

•    Navigraph supported flight plans and AIRACs.
•    High resolution displays and Pop Ups with the real font type.
•    IRS implemented with automatic alignment function.
•    Navigation Display (ND) with accurate functions, TCAS and default XP Weather radar.
•    Complete custom autoflight system management with FMA – Fligh Management Anunciators.
•    Primary Flight Display with Pop Up.
•    EICAS Display with Pop Up.
•    Complete synoptics pages with Pop Ups.
•    Aural system advisory and EGPWS implementation.
•    Functional Stby Intrument.
•    Dual integrated Custom MCDU similar as the real one load 25 and/or load 27 with :
   • Integrated Radio
   • Initialization
   • Navigation
       • Performs TOGA/VNAV/LNAV/RNAV/LOC/GS/Missed APPR
       • Performs SPEEDS CLIMB/CRZ/DESC with Autothrootle custom system
       • Performs Autoland 1  CATI,II.
   • Route Preview
   • Performance
       • Init
       • RTE
       • Takeoff
       • Climb
       • Cruise
       • Descent
       • Landing
       • TRS
   • Nav page with FIX and HOLD functions
   • Plan page
   • Progress

Integrated Fmod Sound

•    Engines sounds with many stages recorded from real engines.
•    Cockpit sounds recorded from real cockpit as rolling and windy stages.

Integrated Tablet with opton functions and Avitab support.

   • Initialization with 3 states.
   • Ground operations  (Doors, pushback truck, Workable GPU, weight mode)
   • Loading  (Payload sheet)
   • Fueling  (fuel loader with trip prediction)
   • Sound Options integrated with Fmod sounds.
   • Preferences (Pilots outside, Yokes, Tablet, baro, TD)
   • Autosave for  Preferences ans Sound mixer.

Wann der Release sein wird ist noch nicht bekannt, allerdings wird von very soon gesprochen. Zu begin wird nur der E195 veröffentlicht, über weitere Modelle ist noch nichts bekannt.

Was jedoch bestätigt wurde, ist ein upgrade Preis für Besitzer der vorherigen Version von SSG. 

Für weitere Infos sei auf den Forenpost verwiesen.

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1 Jahr zuvor

Ich bin aktuell mit meinen „freeware“ Embraers für XP11 zufrieden. Ansonsten würde ich sagen, Konkurrenz belebt das Geschäft. Auch weil X-crafts ja nicht gerade günstig ist.

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