Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Am Wochenende vor Weihnachten war der offizielle Release von X-Plane 12; nach sechs vorab veröffentlichten Release-Kandidaten. Die Arbeit ruht bei Austin Meyers Team natürlich nicht, weitere Updates werden vorbereitet. Das erste ist jetzt als Beta verfügbar.

Die Beta adressiert dabei vercshiedenste Bugs im jüngsten Flugsimulator von Laminar Research.

Diese und alle zukünftigen Betaversionen von Updates lassen sich ganz einfach über den X-Plane-Installer oder Steam aktivieren. Beim X-Plane-Installer muss einfach ein Häkchen vor dem Updateprogress gesetzt werden – ähnlich läuft es bei der Steam-Version. Eine ausführliche Beschreibung findet ihr hier.

XPD fixes:
XPD-13676 – dev assert in shut-down in ATC controller.
XPD-13665 – Massive performance drop at sunrise/sunset.
XPD-13654 – Async compute has race conditions.
XPD-13647 – Add two new ATTR_Layer_groups.
XPD-13621 – ATTR_light_level control of alpha channel causes total chaos in v12.
XPD-13070 – XP12 fuel flow override and tank not drained.
XPD-13659 – Slight roll for swept-wing aircraft.
XPD-13658 – Heuristics for FISO/ATC default should take existence of ground/clearance delivery frequencies into account.
XPD-13642 – Custom docking jetways only working for ONE JW per airport.
XPD-13583 – Assert error conditions_dis_mtr > 0.0.
XPD-13468 – Missed-approach zone at far end of runway can be triggered during overflight on approach.
XPD-12879 – TCAS Target Wake Turbulence no longer exists.
XPD-10179 – Facade with illicit wall selection causes crash.
XPD-13688 – RV10: Engine volume too soft.
XPD-13687 – MD80: Incorrect tank names.
XPD-13686 – B738: Config warn and relay sounds when testing cockpit lites.
XPD-13678 – HSI broken since Baron cockpit update.
XPD-13664 – R22: Carburetor temp gauge fix.
XPD-13651 – Gate-hold due to airport flow change was not being cleared correctly.
XPD-13649 – Alia has no defined manufacturer or model code.
XPD-13640 – Citation X has no aileron and no rudder trim.
XPD-13637 – KBTV update.
XPD-13631 – Baron flightmodel improvements.
XPD-13615 – Boats sync is broken in multiplayer.
XPD-13601 – Trying to rewind in replay causes CTD with no error window.
XPD-13576 – Rare crash for AI trying to direct-contact field for landing.
XPD-13551 – X-Plane Hard crashes on PNG errors.
XPD-13549 – Race or some other failure to have l_temp texture in SSR init.
XPD-13518 – Crash when loading X-Plane 11 default controllers in X-Plane 12.
XPD-13510 – Rare crash checking arrival conflicts.
XPD-13493 – ATIS order differs between FAA and ICAO.
XPD-13488 – Can be told “off taxi route” before receiving it when leaving the runway on an unexpected exit.
XPD-13464 – Crash during unexpected shutdown.
XPD-13419 – Replays arent showing the instrument_brightness_ratio transformations.
XPD-13380 – Intrinsic balloons drawn at ground/sea level.
XPD-13274 – Tower may say “descend and maintain 0″ on final depending on exact timing.
XPD-13254 – Hang/device loss with async compute and alt-tabbing out of X-Plane.
XPD-13135 – Some commands are registered into two categories.
XPD-13080 – Missing type for internal FMS waypoints.
XPD-12911 – The AutoUpdate process locks up X-Plane when 2D Panels are set.
XPD-12748 – the type-2 facade has distorted geometry.
XPD-11228 – Super Cub reflected in Evo.
XPD-13655 – Log spam with AI waiting to transmit checkin messages.
XPD-13639 – Save/Don’t Save/Cancel Alert Not Clickable When Windows are Popped Out.
XPD-13598 – From Bug Report: F14 Odd visuals when paused in external view – afterburner on.
XPD-13578 – AI were obeying the user’s choice of pilot/copilot transmission setting.
XPD-13469 – OrthoXP DSF files provide no elevation data, breaking terrain avoidance and routing.
XPD-13409 – A pattern-type approach is used too often when a direct approach might be used.
XPD-13382 – Sky ambience cube map not reset when changing weather presets.
XPD-13136 – Catch2 wxr_def_t_test Wind altitudes fails.

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