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Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Schon seit dem 2. Weihnachtsfeiertag erhältlich: Die 747-200 von Felis hat ein Update bekommen. Dabei werden diverse Bugs und Ungereimtheiten des X-Plane-12-Add-ons adressiert.

Das Update gibt es bei Felis wie immer über zwei Wege. Entweder das neueste Build aus dem Store laden oder den Skunkcraft-Updater nutzen. Folgende Verbesserungen habt ihr danach im Jumbo:

Version 1.2.5 (December 26th 2023)

+++ engine anti-ice now works only when engine is running
+++ fixed frozen static port making CADC go wild
+++ turn rate indicators now controlled by Yaw Damper system
+++ engine fuel and oil collected leaks are cleared, when corresponding failure is cleared
+++ added HYD pumps conditional failures
+++ added power logic to the APU Oil QTY gauge
+++ liveries can now contain a config file to store some info. for now it is only a tail number
+++ fixed an issue when saved state file from default livery were loaded, instead of selected
+++ fixed cockpit lamps logic. Added stby lights, reconnected some lamps to correct busses
+++ APU may fail, if attempted to start with no oil
+++ fixed bug with CSD temp rise, when have CSD fail and CSD disconnected
+++ changed animation for CBs
+++ APU FAULT lamp now acts correctly
+++ XP12. tuned APU to turn OFF faster
+++ added SelCal chime sound
+++ added more CBs and edited systems logic for them. Added sounds
+++ added coordinate stickers on all CB panels
+++ cabin altitude resets to airport elevation, when changing location
+++ XP12 added the default heater. Temporarily, until LR fixes the problem
+++ added log messages for conditional failures to specify what caused them
+++ AP captures GS only if NAV (LOC) is already captured
+++ switching from LAND will trip both APs to OFF, if two of them were engaged.
+++ added 2D panel for the LTN CDU
+++ EVAC panel now works from the Hot Bat bus
+++ commanding to Evac, will open all doors if acf is close to the ground
+++ fixed cabin lights in XP12
+++ clocks timers: CHR and ET are now saved in save/load
+++ added manipulators for cabin doors
+++ fixed light intensity of the front panel
+++ tuned engine failures chains
+++ remade bird strike failures. Now it is 5% for each element to be damaged.
+++ added engine stall if high crosswind and too fast throttle advance
+++ added an option for enable/disable conditional fails
+++ added fuel control fail if enough ice built in fuel
+++ ice in fuel makes engines uncontrollable
+++ added engine flameout conditions
+++ changed direction for changing Random fails period setting
+++ APU EGT tuned to reflect its load
+++ added flaps and slats overspeed fail
+++ added landing gear overspeed fail
+++ added fail flags for EPRL indicators
+++ fixed FPS drop in XP12.08, when using custom livery
+++ fixed „starting engine X“ callout
+++ fixed Crew VO sound volumes and ON/OFF option
+++ XP11 fixed EPR reading in cruise
+++ fixed AT with default FMC.
+++ random fails period option is increased to 60 min.
+++ added fuel and oil leaks failures
+++ added engine rupture fail
+++ pack 2 should trip when press relief valve opens
+++ EGT rise on custom fires
+++ added visual effects for custom engine fire and compressor stall

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Was Felis als ein 1-Mann Studio für langfristigen und kontinuierlichen Support leistet wird viel zu wenig beachtet – weil er halt nicht wie andere dann noch Zeit für Influencer Hype Marketing hat. Dafür stimmt das Produkt und vor allem auch der Support (looking at you, ini Builds)

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