Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
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Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Ein altes Flugzeug, das in X-Plane 12 von Felis stets modern gehalten wird: Ein großes Update ist für die 747 Classic ist jetzt erschienen. Im Changelog finden sich Fixes quer durch alle Systeme.

Version 1.2.4 (September 28th  2023)

+++ added airflow logic for equipment cooling system
+++ added manifold and engine bleed pipes leak failures
+++ changed HDG bug logic in HSI
+++ added bird strike effects and following failures
+++ added radar fails
+++ hydraulic failures added
+++ instruments failures added
+++ added override for AP to fix AT problem
+++ custom failures for A/P, A/T, FD, YAW damp and ALT alert added
+++ custom failures for the flight controls added
+++ pressurization and air conditioning fails added
+++ added flight controls failures
+++ fixed fire system logic and custom failures added
+++ new LE flaps logic and animation to make proper groups extend for Flaps 1 setting
+++ re coded wing overheat detection system
+++ remade logic for MILES indicator on HSI
+++ fixed problems with XP FMS
+++ fuel load app fixed
+++ disabled reverse deploy failures
+++ replaced deprecated datarefs for XP12
+++ tuned engine start and spool down speeds
+++ changed HYD sources for AP controls
+++ fixed logic in HSI to show LTN 3 instead of INS 3, when selected alt source. (LTN option)
+++ PACK logic fixed. Actual door position was missed in temperatures calculation
+++ 2 axis reworked. axis notches are not supported.
+++ generator’s PMG does not depend on the FIELD ON now.
+++ APU generators don’t have CSD and its RPM now always 0
+++ fixed DATA page on the LTN CDU to show correct HDG in range 0-360
+++ engine reverse should stay locked, when engine is off
+++ fixed body gear steering related lamps
+++ fixing failures also fixes flaps position to prevent desync lock
+++ N1 gauges fixed to have their own corrections
+++ fixed error in loading of the flight plan in LTN
+++ BRAKE REL lamps logic fixed. Now they only show the pressure to release the stab brakes
+++ Stall warning PWR OFF lamp fixed
+++ HYD low pressure lamps on the front panel fixed
+++ HYD temperatures reworked
+++ changed logic for ESS AC bus
+++ added custom failures for electric system
+++ fire handles now don’t extinguish fire right away
+++ fixed engine oil pressure for XP 12.06b1
+++ extinguisher buttons now act as push buttons
+++ used fire bottles now can be replaced on the Failures EFB page
+++ master fire warning lamp shuts down when button is pressed
+++ external APU fire horn fixed
+++ changed dataref for TAS for XP 11.44 compatibility
+++ EPRL mode switch now works properly with GA ARM mode in AT
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6 Monate zuvor

Der Flieger ist definitiv zu empfehlen. Damit hatte ich schon einige Langstreckenflüge und der Flieger sorgt einfach dafür das man auch auf der Langstrecke immer ein klein wenig was zu tun hat.

6 Monate zuvor
Antwort auf  Silvio

Absolut! Dazu eine One Man Show aus einem Kriegsgebiet (Felis arbeitete letzten Winter mit Notstromaggregat) mit permanentem Updates, kostenfreiem XP12 Update und offen für Community Feedback (wie das LTN damals). Felis reist das so dermaßen ab, dass die ganzen Marketing Buden wie iniBuilds, etc glanzlos dastehen lässt.

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