Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
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Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Nach einer langen Beta Phase hat Entwickler Flight Factor nun soweit an ihrer 767 gearbeitet, das der Flieger mit dem neusten Update 1.6.6 die Beta Phase verlässt und damit seine erste Releaseversion im neuen X-Plane 12 bekommt.

Das Update kann wie auch schon zuvor über das Skunkcraft Update Plugin direkt im Simulator heruntergeladen und installiert werden.

Das Changelog wollen wir euch natürlich nicht vorenthalten:

Known major issues in the latest version:
– xp12, Linux specific issue when the plane fails to load with errors in the log file like this: undefined symbol: gluBuild2DMipmaps
workaround: start X-Plane with command like that: LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libGLU.so.1 ./X-Plane-x86_64″

– Now it is compatible with X-Plane 12! Use separate *_xp12.acf files for X-Plane 12
– added thumbnails for xp12 for livery packages, redownload them from the store
– added h-stab outside animation
– fixed possible going to manual nav1 during fmc autotuning
– fixed air brake manipulator (400)
– fixed trim indicators LIT (400)
– fixed parking brake LIT (400)
– fixed ckpt flood light color (ALL)
– fixed some displays reflection issues
– fixed dome light issue in cold&dark
– fixed some lamps in cockpit that were broken
– fixed standby altimeter
– fixed some visual bugs in the cockpit
– fixed the ALTN lights on some FPDS buttons
– fixed engine start sound looping on outside view bug
– fixed 764 compact engine display option
– fixed some tutorial issues for 764
– fixed wing light position for 764 (xp11)
– changed apu lamp behaviour
– fixed possible CTD or other weird behaviour when you have a hold in non active or MOD rte
– fixed issue when fmc pretunes ils freq even for non ils/loc approaches
– fixed inverted ailerons indication for 764
– fixed the stby altitude readout
– fixed an issue with the clicksystem, mouse protection mode click up mouse let-go
– fixed some VR issues for 764
– fixed graphical issues of gear being in the ground
– made some blind attempt to fix the issue with possible unexpected alt_hold mode after takeoff

Changes since 1.6.5 beta:
– tuned more lightings things for xp12
– fixed sasl soft crash on Mac OS with GE engines (outside->inside view issue)
– fixed issue when plane could be broken after activation until the whole sim reloading

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