Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Roman von FlightFactor nennt sie Frankenstein –  denn die 767-400 ist nicht nur die jüngste in der 767-Familie, sondern auch die am stärksten modifizierte. „Die 767-400ER ist ein klassisches 90er-Jahre-Flugzeug mit Avionik, die von der modernen 777 übernommen wurde“, erklärt der FF-Chef kurz vor Release. „Wir haben ein komplett neues Avionik-Set mit neuen 3D- und Texturen für das Cockpit, hochauflösenden Bildschirmen, MFD und einer neueren Version des FMS zu dieser 767 hinzugefügt. Neue, stärkere Triebwerke, ein längerer Rumpf und ein von Grund auf neu konstruiertes Fahrwerk! Außerdem wurden kosmetische Änderungen am Außenmodell vorgenommen.“

Die 767-400ER für X-Plane ist jetzt im Org-Store erschienen – der Preis ist davon abhängig, welche FlightFactor 767 ihr schon besitzt. Solltet ihr Neukund:in sein, kostet euch die neue 767 im Moment 70 Dollar im Org-Store. Wer von einer anderen 767-Version upgraden will, findet hier die Möglichkeiten. Vor dem Kauf wird der Rabatt dann passend angezeigt – die 999 Dollar sind nur ein Platzhalter. Wollt ihr auch noch die anderen Teile aus der 767-Familie? Dieser Entscheidungsbaum soll euch laut Flight Factor helfen:

Übrigens gibt es die 767 gleich für zwei Simulatoren: X-Plane 11 und X-Plane 12. Letzterer sollte in den nächsten Wochen erscheinen, meinte Philipp Ringler von Laminar bei uns im Podcast.

Wer jetzt noch im XP11 loslegen will, folgende Features verspricht FlightFactor bei der neuesten 767:

New Features

  • Full support of in-flight Navigraph charts
  • Pop-out EFB with checklist, options, menus, PA announcements and more
  • Full VR support in several modes, native and exclusive FlightFactor mode
  • Modern 777 EFIS backported in the early 2000s by Boeing into the 767-400ER
  • Remodeled unique cockpit which combines the systems of the classical 767 series with the modern avionics of the 777.

Flexible Options

  • A very flexible architecture : You choose the set up
  • Different options for many avionics instruments including PIP with some specific additions for 764.
  • Most of the options included in the real 767

Interactive checklists and ‚Autohelper‘ 

  • Full electronic interactive checklist with automatic action detection.
  • Exclusive: An automatic „helper‘ mode performs all the actions for you, you just CHECK the items.
  • A tutorial which shows the user what to do and when.

Perfected Flight model

  • Accurate flight model, as close as it gets to real performance. Tested by real pilots and translated to X-Plane
  • A dynamic and customizable center of gravity that depends on actual cargo and passenger load

Fully Functional Professional FMS and EFIS System

  • Custom Flight Management Computer, integrated with other plane systems.
  • Custom programmed LNAV logic for terminal procedures from updatable database.
  • VNAV-managed climbs and descends.
  • Optimum cruise performance and step climb calculation.
  • A modern 6 screen EFIS system with MFD pages for brakes, tires, flight controls and more.
  • Dual-FMS with two independently working CDUs.
  • Triple IRS 
  • Dual air-data computers with custom failure modes and source switching.
  • Realistic inertial, radio and GPS position updating, you can see the individual inaccuracies of those systems.
  • Triple-channel autopilot with realistic dependencies.
  • Fail operational and fail passive auto land with mode degradations based on system failures.
  • Load company routes generated by Professional FlightPlanner X (or other compatible programs) directly into the FMC.
  • FMC can be used on external touchscreen or tablet, optimized for the Retina iPad.

Custom Systems and Failure model

  • Detailed and deep simulation of almost every system in the real aircraft.
  • Custom air and pressure system.
  • Electrical system with all AC and DC busses modeled – see which system depends on which bus.
  • Hydraulic system that uses a little fluid when treated correctly and a lot of fluid if used incorrectly.
  • Multistage custom failure system – over 200 more failures than X-Plane. 
  • Ability to fix failure by following proper procedure.
  • Persistent failure and maintenance system. Aircraft wear and misuse will carry over to your next flight.

Warning system and radars

  • Fully functional GPWS with all the modes the real plane has.
  • Fully functional terrain radar, with custom database (just like the real plane), a look-ahead warning system and many other features.
  • Weather radar that works like the real thing. Including tilt and gain functions.
  • Ground clutter, turbulence detection and windshear prediction.

3D Modeling

  • Accurate dimensions based on exterior drawings provided by Boeing.
  • Very detailed exterior modelling with high resolution textures
  • Very high resolution 3D cockpit with every switch functional
  • Very detailed passenger cabin graphics including galleys.
  • Additional graphic features: real working oxygen masks both in cockpit and cabin, dynamic window blinds that react to sunlight etc.
  • Smooth and accurate wingflex.

Special effects with dynamic reflections  Exclusive features

  • Multilayer dynamic reflections on all glass objects.
    Reflective metal and plastic objects in the cockpit.
  • Glossy exterior dynamic reflections Exclusive feature
  • XP weather enhancements like custom windshear.

Advanced Custom Sounds

  • A professional sound pack by BSS Studio
  • Several hundred custom sounds
  • In-cockpit custom sounds.
  • Switches with individual sounds
  • Many individual system sound inside and outside.
  • Airport environment sounds.
  • Cabin sounds.
  • 3D stereo sound system for engines.
  • In flight cabin announcements.
  • Interactive communication with the cabin crew (reporting misconfigurations and passenger comfort problems).

On Screen menus 

  • An tablet-like menu popping-up from the cockpit.
  • Custom pages for loading/unloading fuel, cargo and passengers, customizing the CG, calling for pushback and performing maintenance.
  • Ability to customize the plane with winglets, reflection level, wingflex level and set other options to be saved or default.
  • Ground equipment and door pages.
  • Failure monitoring menu.

Extra objects

  • Working push-back truck – Fully controllable with your joystick.
  • Passenger bus and stairs or optional gate configuration (passengers can be loaded from gate instead of bus).
  • Fuel truck, de-Icing truck, GPU, ground-start units both visible and fully functional with airplane systems.
  • Other ground equipment.


  • Included in the package:  Delta, United, Air Canada, China Eastern, China Southern, FlightFactor House, Turkish Airlines
  • Many More available Online
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2 Jahre zuvor

Gefällt mir bisher gut. Texturen nicht mehr taufrisch (hab da aber eh noch nie großartig Wert drauf gelegt sofern der Rest stimmt) , schönes Soundpack, der Flieger hat auch schon das modernere 777/747 ähnliche Cockpit und er hat mw auch die Tragflächen der 777 bekommen (zumindest ähnliche). Für 30$/€ update top ! Fand die 757/767 von FF aber schon immer gut.

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