Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
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Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Ein neuer Warbird fliegt im X-Plane-Himmel: FlyingIron haben ihre Umsetzung der P-38L Lightning veröffentlicht. Damit erweitern FlyingIron ihr Portfolio an Warbirds. Für 33,65 Euro ist die Maschine jetzt direkt bei den Designern erhältlich.

Die Lightning ist ein klassicher Warbird der damaligen United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) und wurde vor allem im Pazifik-Krieg des Zweiten Weltkrieges in den Einsatz geschickt. Die X-Plane-Umsetzung von FlyingIron simuliert die P-38L. Diese wurde in der Realität über 2.500 mal gebaut. X-Plane-Pilotinnen und Piloten erwartet eine umfangreiche Simulation, das verspricht zumindest die Feature-Liste des Addons:

Key Features

  • High-quality, extensively detailed and accurate 3D Model
  • Ultra-realistic, high-res Texture work (built with the aid of photogrammetry)
  • Immersive FMOD Sound design built from professional recordings of a real P-38 and Allison V-1710
  • 9 included liveries, including Richard Bong’s iconic livery. Professional quality nose art included in many liveries.
  • Detailed & Extensive simulations of the Lightnings core systems, including accurate, code-driven replications of the Lightnings Fuel, Hydraulic, Propeller, Cooling and Electrical Systems. All systems are programmed to function virtually identically to the real-world P-38 Systems. Almost all default X-plane systems have been overridden and/or enhanced significantly.
  • Incredibly realistic Flight Model made possible with carefully data-matched simulations of the NACA 23016 & NACA 4412 Airfoils. Flight performance has been verified against real-world Performance & handling tests to ensure extensive realism. We’ve gone so far as to model the drag from individual coolant flaps!
  • Custom heat & thermodynamics modelling, extensive engine management simulation
  • Realistic Engine Start-up modelling (don’t forget your checklists!)
  • Realistic External Tanks Integration
  • Custom damage modelling & failures, including heat damage & operating limits
  • Fitted with 4 x .50 Cal Nose guns and a 20mm Nose Gun by default, and also compatible with X-planes weapons systems (bombs).
  • 3D Garmin 530 GPS fully integrated into the cockpit (optional)
  • Modern Radio / Transponder Unit
  • AviTab Integration
  • Inclusion of FlyingIrons UI Tablet (optional). The tablet incorporates many useful GUI features and puts them in an easily accessible and realistic in-cockpit Touchscreen Tablet. Included in the tablet is:
    • Settings Page / Config
    • Flight Setup / Weight & Balance Page (Custom – Graphical)
    • AviTab
    • GPS & Radio toggles
    • X-plane Map & IOS apps
    • Ground Services app
  • VR Ready
  • Custom Particle FX
  • Detailed User Manual & Checklists
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