Gerade knapp eine Woche alt, schon haben Flysimware ein erstes Update für den Learjet 35A im Microsoft Flight Simulator veröffentlicht. Dabei werden Probleme mit dem TDS GTN behoben, aber auch kleine visuelle Fixes erhält der Bizzer.
Das Update ist als Komplettdownload über die Flysimware-Website zu bekommen. Folgende Fixes finden sich im Changelog:
Learjet 35A V1.0.1
1. Fixed engine fan blade visibility timing between speeds.
2. Fixed the visuals for the animated door on the GTN 750 model and fixed the tablet door switch.
3. Fixed the RMI VOR/ADF needle animation as it was not an accurate direction.
4. Fixed the Co-pilot HSI diamond center line was not matching the pilot side.
5. Jet engine volume sound was increased, trim and N1/N2 clackers volume sounds was lowered.
6. Fixed the sound loop issue for the annunciator test switch.
7. Pilot camera position sits higher now.
8. N145AJ has the tip tank livery wrong orientation.
9. Fixed GPU sitting too low due to the suspension being lowered.
10. Fixed the autopilot bank and pitch flight director animation scale. (This also effected the Go-Around mode. See note below)
11. Fixed the beacon light effect from showing on the opposite side of the wing and stab surface and the windshield heater vent.
12. Fixed GPU sitting too low due to the suspension being lowered.
13. Fixed the Altitude hold for the TDS GTN 750.
1. New engine fan textures.
2. Added disable options for the tablet configuration page to disable trim or N1/N2 clacker sounds.
3. The flood light is now a true white bulb with more intensity.
4. The yokes now have ambient light effect based on the left, right and pedestal EL lights.
5. The throttle qaudrant textures were updated with new detail.
Note: The Go-Around is not supported from the WT530 or the PMS50 GTN750. This only effects the 9 degree flight director pitch up. All other mode changes will still work. So just pitch up 9 degrees and use the pitch sync button on the yoke.
Note: Exterior and interior textures are getting updated over the next 3 to 4 weeks. So please be patient. Also no need to report issue. We have an in house beta team. Once we do an official release bug reporting will open.
Nach dem Update wird mein TDSI GTXi nicht mehr erkannt. Wer hilft?