Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
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Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Leonardo haben ein weiteres Update für die Open Beta der Maddog releast. Damit gibt es jetzt auch die Möglichkeit, die Maddog mit der Voice-Control-Funktion des P3Ds zu nutzen. Eine weitere Funktion bietet die Anknüpfung an das Hoppie ACARS-System und die damit verbundene Nutzung von CPDLC im IVAO- und VATSIM-Netzwerk. Auch METAR und D-A-TIS funktioniert jetzt mit Active Sky, VATSIM oder IVAO.

Die Installer des Updates gibt es direkt im Leonardo-Forum für Prepar3D Version 4 und Prepar3D Version 5. Für die Nutzung des Updates wird  mindestens die Version 1.7b753 benötigt. 

Lest hier den Ankündigungspost mit mehr Screenshots und Features.

******2.0b778 – 02/02/2021******
1.7b753 -> 2.0b778 incremental upgrade
64bit edition – P3D v4.4/v4.5

– Rudder axis is limited to 17° for steering if a tiller axis is used;
– Right click on the INT or PA buttons  in audio panels/compact radio window will open the corresponding Gsx menu window if Gsx integration is enabled in Simulator Options;
– Added 2D views for CM2 side: PFD/ND/FMS;
– Added 2D compact radio panel;
– Added new 2D CM2 views and compact radio panel in View Manager panel (SHIFT+1);
– Added Vatsim and Ivao to ActiveSky as Data Client for METAR and D-ATIS;
– Added Hoppie acars network support and CPDLC menu in AOC;
– EFB now auto-loads most recent OFP when opening the EFF or WAB apps; „Import OFP“ list data sorted by date with most recent on top;
– Added hotspots for 2D views for CM2 side: PFD/ND/FMS;
– Added Gsx menu hotspots in audio panels/compact radio 2D window;
– Added Data Client selection list for Active Sky, Vatsim and Ivao;
– Added Hoppie ACARS logon code field in „additional options“;
– Custom commands can be added while the sim is running (press the Sync button in Load Manager to transfer the new command created);
– When adding a custom command linked to a joystick button, the Load Manager will show the joystick names in the dropdown list, and the selected joystick will match the corresponding P3D joystick;
– Added latest TrueGlass installer by TFDi;

– Fixed issue with GSX non updating PAX# if ZFW figure is declared in OFP;
– Fixed duplicated message print if an ACARS SIGMET crew message is received;
– Fixed CM2 side EFB animation when opening window;
– OM vol 2 Operational Bulletins revision to include CPDLC operations;
– OM Vol.2 Ch.8 Normal Checklist revision;
– OM Vol.2 Ch.8 Cold Weather Checklist revision;
– Quick Guide and User Manual revision;
– List of Commands revision;
– List of Documents revision.


******2.0b778 – 02/02/2021******
1.7b753 -> 2.0b778 incremental upgrade
64bit edition – P3D v5.0/v5.1

– Experimental: added Prepar3D v5 voice recognition;
– Rudder axis is limited to 17° for steering if a tiller axis is used;
– Right click on the INT or PA buttons  in audio panels/compact radio window will open the Gsx menu window if Gsx integration is enabled in Simulator Options;
– Added 2D views for CM2 side: PFD/ND/FMS;
– Added 2D compact radio panel;
– Added new 2D CM2 views and compact radio panel in View Manager panel (SHIFT+1);
– Added Vatsim and Ivao to ActiveSky as Data Client for METAR and D-ATIS;
– Added Hoppie acars network support and CPDLC menu in AOC;
– EFB now auto-loads most recent OFP when opening the EFF or WAB apps; „Import OFP“ list data sorted by date with most recent on top;
– Added hotspots for 2D views for CM2 side: PFD/ND/FMS;
– Added Gsx menu hotspots in audio panels/compact radio 2D window;
– Added „voice controls“ page;
– Added Data Client selection list for Active Sky, Vatsim and Ivao;
– Added Hoppie ACARS logon code field in „additional options“;
– Custom and voice commands can be added while the sim is running (press the Sync button in Load Manager to transfer the new command created);
– When adding a custom command linked to a joystick button, the Load Manager will show the joystick names in the dropdown list, and the selected joystick will match the corresponding P3D joystick;
– Added latest TrueGlass installer by TFDi;

– Fixed issue with GSX non updating PAX# if ZFW figure is declared in OFP;
– Fixed duplicated message print if an ACARS SIGMET crew message is received;
– Fixed CM2 side EFB animation when opening window;
– Global revision for better Prepar3D v5.1 compatibility;
– OM vol 2 Operational Bulletins revision to include CPDLC operations;
– OM Vol.2 Ch.8 Normal Checklist revision;
– OM Vol.2 Ch.8 Cold Weather Checklist revision;
– Quick Guide and User Manual revision;
– List of Commands revision;
– List of Documents revision.


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