Leonardo hat für Ihre Maddog ein weiteres Update veröffentlicht. Neben zahlreichen Bugfixes wurde unter anderem das Head Up Flight Display (HFDS) hinzugefügt. Das HFDS kann optional für die Basisversion der MD-82 und für das Expansionspaket der MD83/88 aktiviert werden. In der Realität kam es beispielsweise bei Swissair zum Einsatz. Der neue Installer ist wie immer im persönlichen Simmarket-Account zu finden.
******1.2b169 – 07/07/2023******
– fixed issue in EFB Services App not showing correctly aux fuel qty for the MD-83;
– fixed issue with initial cabin supply temp;
– fixed issues with GSX boarding on second+ consecutive flight;
– fixed issue in EFB Perf APP not taking into account pilot entered QNH;
– fixed issue in FMS turning too early (or too late) in RNAV approaches;
– fixed issue in holding direct entry with certain intercept angles;
– fixed issue with CPDLC removing answer prompts (WILCO, UNABLE, etc.);
– fixed issue in FMS which caused certain departure transition to be loaded uncorrectly;
– fixed issue in EFB perf app with Force Norm TO SWITCH remaining visible in landing page;
– fixed issue with PFD 2 going OFF when PFD 1 dimmed to OFF and option Synch CM1/CM2 disabled;
– fixed issue in FMS CRZ page with missing W/MOD data;
– fixed brake temperature remaining high in turnaround mode;
– fixed artifact in texture of air conditioning gauges;
– fixed missing sound when manually tripping CBs;
– added optional Head Up Flight Display System (HFDS), and documentation;
– added throttle axis calibration in Load Manager;
– when a MSFS flight is initalized ‚in the air‘, the maddog will now be configured correctly for level flying with engines, AT and AP ON;
– revised FMS step climb logic and manual step climb enquire in CRZ page.