Bei Asobo Studios und Microsoft ist Dienstag Update-Tag. So hat der Microsoft Flight Simulator jetzt ein neues Update bekommen. Mit Release unterstützt der Sim ab sofort auch Virtual-Reality-Technologie. Dabei werden alle OpenXR-kopatiblen HMDs (Head Mounted Displays) unterstützt. Passend zur Jahreszeit bietet dieses Update auch diverse Winter-Features, so stellen meteoblue mit ihrer Wetter-Engine passendes Eis- und Schneewetter bereit. Außerdem wurde der Sim an vielen Stellen weiter gefixt, wie das Changelog verrät (siehe unten). Das Update wird wie immer beim Start des Sims installiert – wie bereits veröffentliche Add-Ons von Drittanbietern mit dem Update klarkommen, ist noch nicht bekannt.
Das Changelog:
- Virtual Reality is now available to all users as a free update for all OpenXR-compliant headsets! Visit the VR options menu in-game to enable the feature.
- Two new training missions will help you take off and land with the Airbus A320neo.
- Live Weather is enhanced with Meteo blue data to include snow and ice coverage.
- Spotlight Event now features an Airbus A320neo Landing Challenge. See how well you do after training!
- Sam and Rufus liveries for the Aviat Pitts Special S2S
- Aviators club livery for all 30 planes available in the Marketplace for free!
- Test pilot livery for all 30 planes will be granted to all Alpha and Beta testers!
- Fixed an issue where standard animations on air traffic planes could crash the game.
- ATC memory footprint has been optimized
- Fix choosing closed runway on the World map
- Fix ATC pronouncing airport name letter by letter
- Fix ATC giving wrong altitude if first approach waypoint has no altitude descriptor
- New Content manager menu
- Reactivity” and “Extremity dead zone” parameters have been added to the device sensitivity screen
- Copilot is no longer turned on through different play sessions
- Visual help has been added to highlight instruments during tutorials
- You can now map buttons / switches numbered higher than 30 using the Search option in the Input box
- Scroll is now available for camera toolbar panel
- In Controls Options, the profile description of a newly plugged peripheral is now displayed
- Performance in the marketplace has been improved
- Various accessibility issues have been fixed
- Fixed VFR map becoming transparent when resizing
- Ground SFX improvements on Textron aircrafts
- Kinematic sounds improvements on aerobatic planes
- Added seatbelt & no smoking chimes in airliners
- Bug fix and polish on instruments, buttons and flight control SFX
- Fixed no audio heard when aircraft flies over Outer marker beacon
- Fixed flickering clouds for some specific GPUs
- Fixed sun flare flickering on certain occasions OR in certain situations
- Reduced density of lights on secondary roads in the countryside
- Fixed taxi ribbon displayed inside the cockpit
All aircraft shared fixes and improvements
- Plane models update and optimization
- Fixing avionics / FMS validating next waypoint too early when flying
- Fixed several aircraft going back to departure airport when approach is activated on G1000
- Tweaked ground effect
- Planes can land and roll on ice
- Fixed warnings and alerts not resetting when instruments reboot
- Fixed monitor a frequency in COM 2
- Copilot behavior has been improved
General Aviation fixes and improvements
- Fixed various plane oscillation and overshoot AP related issues
- Fixed station ID visible on Garmin displays despite being not received by aircraft
- Fixed issue in Garmin avionics preventing to fly a “direct to” after deleting the current flight plan
- Aviat Pitts Special S2S: fixed turn coordinator not working correctly
- Cessna Citation CJ4: fixed issues with displays not updating or freezing in certain situations
- Cessna Citation CJ4: fixed right engine ITT red line badly placed
- Cessna Citation CJ4: fixed missing last leg of a flight plan when finishing at a point of interest
- Cessna Citation CJ4: fixed aircraft not intercepting and tracking VOR when NAV mode is engaged
- Cessna Citation CJ4: fixed impossibility to turn yaw damper on
- Cessna Citation Longitude: fixed incorrect fuel tank capacity
- Cessna Citation Longitude: tweaked thrust settings
- Cessna Citation Longitude: fixed aircraft empty weight and center lift
- Tweaked fuel flow and ITT for Cessna Citation CJ4 and Longitude
- Zlin Savage Cub: fixed too high oil pressure
- Zlin Shock Ultra: fixed leading-edge slats incorrectly linked to flaps
- Zlin Savage cub: fixed copilot not pulling the choke lever during starting engine procedure
- Flight Design CTLS: fixed issue preventing validation of checklist step during starting engine procedure
- Cessna 208 B Grand Caravan EX: fixed issue making the plane banking to the right when enabling AP
- Daher TBM 930: fixed inconsistency between overspeed stripe on PFD and backup display
- Beechcraft Bonanza G36: tweaked performances
- Beechcraft Bonanza G36: tweaked manifold efficiency
- Fixed spoilers too low deflection for Cessna Citation CJ4 and Pipistrel Virus SW121
- Diamond DV20: drag and power adjustment
- Extra 330LT: tweaked handling
Airliners shared fixes and improvements
- Fixed radio frequencies not updating when changing them via the ATC window
- Fixed old path not disappearing when changing flight plan in a direct-to situation
- Improved radar altitude value refresh rate
- Fixed waypoints sometimes appearing twice on PFD or navigation displays
- Fixed duplicate waypoints in FMC / MCDU
- Fixed various presentation and flow issues in FMC / MCDU
- Fixed various graphic glitches in cockpit
- Added various missing labels and stickers in cockpits
- Fixed various cockpit model graphic details
- Fixed various cockpit backlight issues
- Fixed various issues related to the FMA
- Fixed autopilot oscillations in certain conditions
- Fixed multiple “direct to” issues
- Fixed incorrect speed trend vector behavior
- Fixed various tooltips issues
- Fixed various issues with Mach management
Boeing airliners
- Fixed various flow issues when navigating in FMC
- Fixed yoke obstructing view depending on selected camera
- Added FMC “PROG” page
- Fixed seat belt sign switches not working (manual mode only)
- Fixed radio / minimums / MDA selector not working
- Fixed delta pressure on EICAS incorrectly displayed
- Fixed missing altitude target markers on altitude tape when set above or below visible range
- Fixed autobrake selector jumping to the most left or right positions when changing the setting quickly
- Fixed LNAV ignoring arrival part of the flight plan in certain conditions
- Fixed audio landing gear GPWS alert not being played when needed
- Fixed discrepancies between world map flight plan and FMC/MCDU flight plan
Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental
- Fixed limit markers on N1 gauges
- Fixed missing ILS frequency set when starting a flight on arrival
- Removed dashes displayed in the N2 value field when engines are not started
- Fixed OAT indication in FMC perf INIT page
- Fixed missing trim numeric value displayed on EICAS
- Fixed wrong knob controlling FMC brightness
- Fixed current Mach and target Mach values on speed tape not matching
- Fixed IAS/MACH speed window on MCP remaining displayed when VNAV mode is engaged
- Fixed various issues with landing gear model
- Fixed missing EGT red start limit on EICAS
- Fixed N2 green bar missing on EICAS during start sequence
- Fixed incorrect start mode indications on EICAS during start sequence
- Fixed incorrect stabilizer trim green band placement on EICAS
- Fixed incorrect spoilers deploying during turns
- Fixing issues with the plane flying above the glideslope in certain conditions
- Fixed incorrect climb rate after take-off with VNAV enabled
- Fixed too high fuel consumption
- Fixed AP incorrectly tracking knots instead of Mach after Mach switch
- Fixed missing command N1 indicator bar on EICAS
- Fixed backup baro knob not switching to standard altitude when pressed
- Fixed missing heater switch on copilot side
- Fixed N1 slight oscillations
- Fixed max rudder values to 10 instead of 35
- Fixed compass model not matching reality
- Fixed EEC switches incorrect default state
- Fixed plane leveling off too early before reaching target altitude
- Fixed flaps and slats deployment and retraction logics
- Fixed switching to descent phase too early and corresponding managed speeds
- Fixed Gross Weight field in FMC PERF INIT page
- Fixed impossibility to set Zero Fuel Weight and reserve values in FMC PERF INIT page
- Tweaked fuel flow when throttle is adjusted
- Increased suspensions viscosity
Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner
- Removed info incorrectly displayed when engines are not started
- Fixed HUD horizon line not aligning with real horizon
- Fixed APU fault light behavior issues
- Fixed center tank fuel not going to lateral tanks when conditions are met
- Fixed spoiler lever incorrect default state
- Fixed AT button incorrectly lit by default
- Fixed transition speed after take-off
- Fixed TOGA mode engaging issue
- Fixed altitude target possibility to be set to negative values
- Fixed color and lighting issues on the HUD
- Fixed various autothrottle issues
- Fixed missing dividing lines on displays
- Fixed missing magenta highlight on previous and next page FMC buttons
- Fixed EXEC button not lighting up when needed
- Fixed master warning and master caution buttons labeling
- Fixed wind speed arrow color on ND
- Fixed vertical speed color not changing according to current value
- Fixed local time displayed in FMC instead of UTC time
- Fixed missing wind arrow on PFD
- Removed red chevrons on the FMC pitch ladder
- Fixed wind wrongly reported on displays while on ground
- Fixed airspeed box not highlighted in amber according to current airspeed
- Fixed AP incorrectly switching to LOC/FAC mode after capturing glideslope
- Fixed display format issues when pressing L / R switches
- Fixed VSD button not marked as INOP
- Fixed issues with cursor selection on navigation display
- Fixed flaps that can be incorrectly extended above FL200
- Fixed autobrake possibility to be set on RTO while airborne
- Fixed MCP windows going dark in certain conditions during flight
- Fixed incorrect fuel tank quantities
- Fixed heading target line on ND frozen when heading hold mode is active
- Fixed crossfeed valve open by default
- Fixed issue preventing to change Zero Fuel Weight value in FMC
- Fixed flickering shadows in certain conditions
- Fixed aircraft overshooting speed target with VNAV enabled
- Fixed climb rate too high after take-off with VNAV enabled
- Fixed auto brake remaining active despite manual braking applied
- Fixed impossibility to move throttle levers when engines are not running
- Fixed missing or badly placed screws on various panels
- Fixed fire panel switches bad default state
- Fixing bulk switch bad default state
- Fixed discrepancies between overhead panel switches states and lights
- Fixed missing VS/FPA not displayed in MCP corresponding window
- Fixed flaps speed marker issues
- Fixed compass slightly not aligned with current heading
- Fixed missing MIC field on PFD
- Missing mismatch between PFD and MFD wind indications
- Fixed arrows displayed instead of diamonds on localizer and glideslope scales
- Fixed descent phase activation issue and corresponding managed speeds
- Fixed incorrect target speeds during initial climb
- Fixed too small font size on MCP displays
- Fixed active VHF frequency on PFD
Airbus A320Neo
- Holding MCDU clear button now deletes entire scratchpad line
- Fixed predicted time in MCDU
- Seat belt and no smoking sign selectors now working in manual mode
- Improved MCDU display logic for cost index page in INIT page
- Approach altitude transition field is now automatically filled up regarding the destination airport
- Fixed THR RED / ACC indications in MCDU Init section
- Fixed “NO TRANS”, “NO STAR”, “NO VIAS” not displayed correctly
- Fixed constraint on navigation display blinking in certain conditions
- Fixed waypoints marking incorrect colors on navigation display
- Fixed wrong transponder code set by default when starting a flight
- Fixed issues with Alpha and stall speeds
- Tweaked FLX power settings
- Improved flight director behavior
- Fixed missing heading target value on navigation display and PFD
- Fixed aircraft not flying green dot speed, F speed or S speed when conditions are met
- Fixed spoilers too low max deflection
- Fixed FMA AP mode colors
- Fixed heading bug remaining displayed despite FCU heading window being empty
- Fixed autobrake LOW decel lights always activated whatever the selected autobrake level
- Fixed MCDU frozen after multiple flight plan changes
- Fixed slats indication not aligned with dot on ECAM
- Fixed issues with spoilers incorrectly deploying / retracting after landing
- Fixed climb incorrectly resuming on its own instead of remaining to current flight level after leveling off
- Fixed unrealistic parking brake selector animation
- Fixed incorrect N1 value in cruise
- Fixed rudder trim “R” font issue on pedestal display
- Fixed spoiler surfaces not correctly aligned
- Fixed engine starters default incorrect positions when spawning on the runway
- Fixed MCDU not switching to DES phase when it should
- Fixed managed target speed issues with flaps out
- FIXED ETA not being updated in MCDU
- Fixed SRS mode incorrect target speed
- Fixed intermediate altitude constraints not showing on PFD
- Fixed incorrect course shown in MCDU RAD/NAV page for LOC/ILS
- Fixed constraints decimal issues on navigation display
- Fixed issue with unlimited fuel assistance preventing aircraft shutdown
- Fixed fuel crossfeed valve switch default states
- Fixed radio screens going black when camera is close from pedestal
- Fixed approach speeds
- Fixed fly by wire error causing insufficient pitching during turns
- Tweaked thrust performance and fuel consumption
- Fixed ECAM too small font size
- Fixed V1 marker on speed tape
- Fixed various autothrottle issues
- Aircraft can crash when landing on frozen water. You can activate the No crash mode in the dev mode menu to avoid crashes in this situation.