X-Crafts hat ihrer ERJ-Family ein doch recht umfangreiches Update spendiert. In diesem wurde das FMS an vielen Stellen fast neu geschrieben. So verwendet dies nun die X-Plane nativen Nav-Daten und kann ab sofort mit allen Arten von Wegpunkten umgehen. Auch andere Avionik-Komponenten haben Verbesserungen erfahren. Des Weiteren wurde sich auch dem Außenmodell gewidmet. So haben die Landelichter einen schöneren Abstrahlkegel, der APU-Auslass wurde mit Hitzeflimmern versehen und einige zusätzliche Animationen hielten auch Einzug. Das Update bekommt ihr SkunkCrafts Updater.
- Converted navigation data to use X-Plane 11 native formats. GNS430 data is no longer needed, nor is a „Custom Data“ folder required in the ERJ aircraft folder. You also no longer need updated GNS430 data in the X-Plane/Custom Data folder unless you have other aircraft that require it.
- The FMS now handles all waypoint types.
- New waypoint delete function on SID / STAR / ROUTE / FLT PLAN pages. More info below the release notes.
- FMS data entry process improvements: The Departure page only has one hot key to begin SID selection. Once you select your SID, you will automatically select your SID ENROUTE TRANSITION if any are available and you wish to select one.
- The Arrival page now only has two selections for procedures. STAR and APPROACH.
- Selecting the STAR will change the page automatically to the STAR TRANSITION selection page.
- Selecting the APPROACH selection will automatically change to the APPROACH TRANSITION page.
- Runway selection is optional, but will be made automatically if you select an approach.
- Waypoint entry has been improved with data checking that prevents selecting the wrong waypoint type for a given identifier.
- Navaid or FIX ID duplication detection has been added so that you can be sure that you’re selecting the correct fix or navaid when there exists more than one valid possibility.
Avionics and custom commands
- Corrected the ALT „hundreds“ knob change command.
- Added custom commands for the FMS and NAV buttons. Switching between NAV and FMS will now go back to the correct NAV which was previously selected, not the opposite.
- Added custom commands for the landing lights, the taxi and cockpit dome lights.
- Added APU hot air effects
- Fixed the Metallic channels on all objects (metallic objects will appear metallic again)
- Added toe brake animations
- Adjusted the Landing Lights direction and strength
- Updated the DCU buttons manipulators