Nachdem es länger still war um FSLabs, hat die Mannschaft um Lefteris Kalamaras jetzt ein größeres Update für die Airbus-Reihe veröffentlicht. Dieses soll die Integration von Hardware verbessern, die FMGC-Logik erweitern und den „bald anstehenden“ Release der Sharklet-Version vorbereiten, das hat Lefteris Kalamaras zumindest jetzt im FSLabs-Forum angekündigt.
Desweiteren solle der FSLabs mit dem Update die Fähigkeit besitzen, anhand seiner Sim-Situation den passenden Panel-State zu laden: Auf der Runway zum Beispiel mit laufenden Triebwerken, am Gate im Turn-Around-Modus. Nutzer von VR-Brillen könnte das Update ebenfalls entgegenkommen, da das graue Feld, das bei VR wohl dargestellt wurde, jetzt mit dem Fix verschwunden sei.
Geduld ist für Fans der Concorde gefragt. Hier macht Kalamaras aus dem „will“ ein „may“ im Bezug auf einen Release im Jahr 2021 – es würde aber weiterhin stetig an diesem Projekt gearbeitet, versichert der FSLabs-Chef.
Das Update für den Airbus gibt es wie gewohnt über die Download-Page von FSLabs.
2D Panels
Flap placard spds now correct on F/O side
2D panel now draws BRAKE FAN only when installed
Fix for 2D and VC knob lighting in test model
Updates to follow new VATSIM protocols
VATSIM Connectivity with Non-English Windows fixed
Fix for Lat/Lon points on FPLN uplink
D-ATIS now checks/pulls FAA source
Uplink optionally omits SID/STAR
Updated test logic
SD F/CTL page fix for THS fluctuations
Alternate law detection logic fix
SPD BRK DISAGREE with SEC1 off now appears
SEC 1+2+3 FAIL/OFF now causes DIRECT LAW with FLAPS 2
Contrails tweaked for night time
FD engage on ADIRS align
Logic improvements for FG loop control
Fix for stick input during flaps movement
Elevation model
Fix for memory leak above certain altitudes
Engines / FADEC
CFM Engine start logic updates (IGN and FF)
IGN FAULT START message logic improved (IAE)
IAE EEC ARINC output fix for BMC fault conditions
External model
Inner wing fairings gaps fixed
Wing metallic textures updated
Logo light texture updated
Various improvements / fixes
External lights
Fix for beacon / strobe logic issue which caused lights to freeze sometimes
Fix for VLS when BUSS is active
Flight Model
Spoilers correctly dump lift on ground
PAGE PERF DES now allows spds up to .82 Mach
VAPP logic recalculation improvements
Fix for Fuel predictions
Fix for TROPO entry predictions lost issue
Fix for PERF TO page CHECK TAKEOFF DATA message conditions
CHECK TO DATA message conditions corrected
SET MANAGED SPEED message logic improved
XXX IS DESELECTED message logic added
PERF APPR page data entry logic improved
AP 1+2 INOP / CAT2 conditions logic tweaked
Protection logic improvements
Automatic speed protection logic improved
FSL Config
Check for DirectInput if any joystick axis detected
Small fix in airframe parsing logic
logic for Direct Input requirement when TCA hardware used
Chrono button logic tweak for right-click/release functionality
Input Controls
Added all input axes in FSL Input Controls dialog
Thrust levers
Fix for crash when joystick was being set up the first time sometimes
Fix for axis detection to now use relative movement (1.5% change now used)
Gate Controller logic fixed for engines off scenarios
AP DISC logic tweak
Null zones / slopes consideration for single-sided axes (brakes)
Improvements in timer logic (NEW ISIS)
ALT flag logic corrected
Fix for LAT/LON printing when minutes at 59.95+
User options Single/double digit entry now considered Tonnes or Thousands of Lbs.
User options Added EXT CTRL GSX page for control over GPU
Panel States
SEAT BELTS / NO SMOKING off on Cold & Dark state
New „AUTO DETECT“ Panel State added
Fix for loss of flaps / slats conditions
Fix for cabin/cargo/eng oil temps on GPU/C&D states
Added popup ISIS and DDRMI (disabled by default need to edit panel.cfg)
Radio Management Panel
Fix for Seat Selection control of VHF1/VHF2 knobs
dual hyd loss prevents halfspeed flag from turning true
G+B HYD FAULT further logic improvements
ALPHA LOCK logic improved
AEVC and DUAL INPUT sound infra improvements
Fix for sound disappearing briefly on VC view change
Dual flight stick support added
Virtual cockpit
Added animation to AP DISC buttons
Speed plackard now shows proper speeds for all variants depending on MTOW
RESET BTN text clipping fixed
Various gaps fixed
Virtual Reality
Tweaked sensor transparency to make it invisible while using VR devices