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Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
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Ein neuer Turboprop für X-Plane: FlyJSim haben ihre Umsetzung der Dash-8 veröffentlicht. Die für die 737 und 727 bekannte Design-Schmiede präsentiert damit ein weiteres Add-on, dass sich laut Produktbeschreibung durch hohen Realismus auszeichnet. Fast 80 Dollar wollen FlyJSim für ihre Arbeit der letzten Jahre, erhältlich unter anderem im .Org-Store. Die Feature-Liste ist dabei lang. So bietet FlyJSim nicht nur eine realistische Umsetzung des UNS-1Ew FMS, sondern auch die komplette Simulation der Flugzeugsysteme. 

Hier die komplette Features im Original-Wortlaut:

Incredible Aircraft Model
  • We have always had a great 3d model, but for the Q4XP we went above and beyond to bring you the best visual experience we can. Get up close and personal with this intricately detailed Q400 model complete with 4k PBR texture throughout.
  • Explore the fully functional aircraft cabin. Sun in your eyes? Close the window shade. Load your bag into the overhead bins. If you’re hungry, have some food using the tray tables. Board the aircraft through the cabin doors. Explore the luggage compartments through the dedicated loading doors. Load up food and drinks through the service door in the galley.
  • Control the cabin with the Flight attendant control panel. Set the lighting to your taste, see what the cabin temperature is, check the status of the NVS system.
The Flight Deck
  • We set off to make the most accurately modeled and textured aircraft cabin we have ever created.
  • Your new office is beautifully and accurately modeled and textured. Explore the exquisite detail of the flight deck and all the equipment inside.
  • The controls are detailed and animated, just like the real aircraft. Enjoy the brand new intuitive prop and power controls, ensuring you have realistic and convenient control of your engines.
  • Just like the real plane, all switches and buttons work and move just like they should.

Our Famous detailed Lighting Returns

  • We have always had a passion to get the lighting authentic and aesthetically pleasing, and we have created a beautiful night environment both inside and outside the aircraft: 
  •  The Dome, Storm, and all flight deck lighting work and can be customized to your taste with the brightness knobs. Dim or brighten all flight deck displays, including the UNS. Your jump-seater even has their very own reading light
  •  The Cabin is lit with full overhead lighting and sidewall lighting with realistic flicker controlled by the flight attendant panel. Fasten Seatbelt and No Smoking lighting work just like the real aircraft
  •  It’s safe to board at night with the air-stair door lit just like the real aircraft
  •  Cargo compartment and service areas are properly lit so your ground team can load and service the aircraft, no matter the time of day
  •  All exterior lighting, including the taxi, flare, landing, wing, navigation, and tail lights illuminate not just your aircraft but the surrounding environment. The dual-functioning anti-collision/strobe switch lets you distinguish between ground operations and flight operations, just like the real plane
The UNS-1Ew Flight Management System
  • For the first time in X-Plane, we’ve created an accurate rendition of the UNS-1Ew FMS, its unique way of managing your flight plan, its lists & unique menu system, and the interaction between the two units:
    •  Full procedure compliance: fly in and out of any IFR airport, no matter how complex the SID, STAR, or approach. RNAV, RNP, curved legs, you name it!
    •  Includes simulation of the FMS heading mode: follow vectors to final without ever disconnecting LNAV
    •  True-to-life route rendition of the flight plan on the MFD map
    •  Like in the real plane, the two FMS units must have their routes and fuel data synchronized manually through the crossfill simulation
    •  Create holding patterns using the UNS-1’s graphical holding definition page
    •  Geometric VNAV support
    •  The UNS-1 doesn’t know about your plane’s performance — remember to cross check your fuel usage!
    •  2D pop up and direct keyboard entry support
Aircraft Systems
  • The Electrical system is the backbone of the rest of the aircraft’s systems. The following Electrical systems are modeled in detail:
    •  DC and AC control panels
    •  MFD electrical display
    •  DC and DC Power systems, including batteries, busses, TRUs, ECPU, and starter generators
    •  APU power
    •  External DC power
    •  Circuit breaker panel
  • Flight controls and hydraulics are an integral part of the flight experience. The following are simulated in detail:
    •  All flight control surfaces (Ailerons, Geared tab, Ground adjustment tab, Spoilers, Flaps, Elevator, Fore and Aft rudder)
    •  Primary Flight Control Display on the MFD
    •  Flap and Hydraulic display on the MFD
    •  Rudder pedals with adjustment and brake animation
    •  Trim control panels and trim system
    •  Hydraulic push-off switches
    •  Yaw damper
    •  Roll and Pitch Disconnect
    •  Flight/Taxi switch
    •  Gust lock
    •  Stall protection system
    •  Hydraulic power distribution:
      •    Standby AC pump operation
      •    PTU operation
      •    Alternate hydraulic system
  • Pneumatic, bleed air, ice protection system simulated including:
    •  Bleed air control panel
    •  Environmental control system with optional FA panel operation temperature control
    •  Air conditioning panel
    •  Air distribution
    •  Pressurization indication and control panel
    •  Fwd safety valve selector
    •  Avionics cooling
    •  Ice protection panel
    •  De-ice system and components, including boot inflation
    •  Aircraft deice pressure indicator
    •  Pilot and copilot wipers
    •  Ice detection system
  • Indicating and Recording systems include:
    •  EFIS brightness control and authentic boot-up sequence.
    •  EFIS & ESID control panels
    •  Index control panel
    •  AHRS control panel
    •  Clock systems
    •  EFIS display manual reversion and display unit failures.
    •  Central Warning System
    •  Warning tone generator
    •  Stall protection system
    •  ADC and ARHS system
  • Fire Protection, for the “unlikely” event of a fire, will allow you to put it out. The fire protection panel along with the fire tests and fire suppression is simulated.
  • Fuel System, including all tanks and valves. We have also simulated aux pumps and fuel transfer and well as the MFD fuel page.
  • Autopilot: The Flight Guidance Control panel is your home for the auto flight system in the Q400, and everything here is simulated.
  • Radios : The unique radios of the Q400 comes with two Audio and Radio Control Display Units, ARCDU’s to tune your com, nav, adf, and atc radios all in one unit. We additionally support channel tune mode for saving your most used frequencies.
Feel the 5000 horses pulling you across the skies.
With a max continue rating of 5071 SHP ( 3782 kW ) and with a prop assembly over 4 meters in width, the PW150 is the engine that gets the Q400 and its 78 passengers from A to B. We have taken the care to simulate this engine and its power output accurately. This includes FADEC and PEC simulation and proper power management via the input from power and prop condition levers in all phases of flight. We also wanted to make sure that you will intuitively be able to work with the engine controls, either using commands and or axis input. We have even included an on-screen indicator to help get you acquainted with the Q4XPs unique engine operation.
A Q400 wouldn’t be complete without the iconic roar of the twin turboprop engines, and we’ve gone to great lengths to re-create this experience for you audiophiles. Continuing from the success of the 732 Twinjet, FlyJSim has developed an accurate and immersive FMOD sound pack, which provides a fully 3D positional experience. Hear the change in treble and bass as you advance from minimum to maximum prop, or the subtle nuances as you pass through each power range (including beta range sounds)
Sounds are completely dynamic. Every switch, knob and click is fully replicated and randomized. Aural attention sounds, wheel rattles and cabin doors all create the most immersive experience in any X-Plane aircraft.
With this release, FlyJSim is proud to release a new and improved animation system. With the goal of a more immersive experience, each switch, lever, knob, and anything you can select will animation smoothing from one position to the next. This small addition adds to the overall feel of the simulation. On top of that, you will find we have animated almost everything we could.
The JPad
Every plane these days needs an EFB to make it complete. The JPad is our solution to the UI and menus used in the past. You will have access to a 3d tablet in the flight deck or as a 2d pop-up.
The Features here are only the start of what we have planned to come for the JPad, but already you have several things you can do:
  • Always stay up today with notifications of patches right on the JPad home screen. Patch notes are also available to be read in sim.
  • See your aircraft statistics per livery, including total flight and engine hours, and how many passengers you have carried.
  • Set yourself as Captain, and your friend as First Officer, your weights will be included in the operating weight of the aircraft.
  • Load and service your plane using the Payload Manager. You will be able to enter your desired flight load and watch your passengers and baggage load and even check boarding passes for each passenger from the Payload Status page.
  • Keep track of the status of your flight using the built-in checklists, never miss a switch or a setting again!
  • Configure the aircraft to your liking with the onboard settings menu. These include selecting loading state, your role as captain or first officer, weight and baro unit selection, and baro syncing and much more.
  • If you feel like not having a 3d tablet, you can hide it on the fly with a click-spot on the forward suction cup.
We have teamed up with the most talented livery creators in the x-plane community to help bring to you a whole set of liveries to choose from. From these you will have 18 liveries to choose from out of the box with over 70+ currently created to fly with right now.
  • Air Iceland – Icelandair
  • airBaltic
  • AirBerlin
  • Alaska (Horizon)
  • Alaska (Horizon) – Retro
  • ANA(Wings)
  • Austrian
  • British European
  • WestJet Encore
  • Eurowings
  • FlyBe – Purple
  • FlyBe – White
  • FlyJSim House
  • Air Canada Express – Jazz (Old Livery)
  • Air Canada Express – Jazz (New Livery)
  • Porter
  • QantasLink
  • SATA Air Açores
3rd Party Integrations
  • Automatically have your pushback truck called for you once you are done loading with support for Better-Pushback Plugin:
    •  Better Pushback Plugin : (https://github.com/skiselkov/BetterPushbackC/releases)
  • SAM and Autogate supported.
  • Compatible with Honeycomb flight control hardware, we handle the default commands assigned so you can just plug and play.
  • Works with Pilot Edge, VATSIM.
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