Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Andrei Bakanov hat jetzt auch Stuttgart mit Prepar3D Version 5 kompatibel gemacht. Und wie auch bei anderen Upgrades verlangt JustSim wieder einen Update-Preis von rund 5 Euro, der den Airport auf den Fildern dann auch in den neueste Lockheed-Sim bringt. Das Update gibt es bei simFlight/simMarket für – Neukunden zahlen rund 24 Euro für die Szenerie, die folgende Features verspricht:

  • Fully compatible with FTX Global Base and FTX Global Vector by ORBX
  • Fully compatible with FTX Germany South by ORBX (special phototerrain version for FTX openLC Europe as bonus) – see a manual for scenery after installation!
  • Fully compatible with PILOT’S FSG – FS GLOBAL 2018 FTX and default mesh
  • Shading and occlusion (texture baking) effects on terminal and other airport buildings
  • Ground polygons made with the requirements of the SDK Prepad3D-PBR materials used.
  • Visual Docking Guidance System (VDGS) (12BPILOT or GSX Ground Service versions) – see a manual for scenery after installation!
  • Animated SODE Jetways  
  • Custom GSX Ground Service settings for scenery (parking’s specifications, vehicles, pushback and boarding services) – see a manual for scenery after installation!
  • Dynamic lighting of the apron 
  • 3D models now use PBR materials (SDK 4.4)
  • High resolution ground textures / Custom runway textures
  • High resolution building textures
  • Many animated custom ground vehicles.
  • Surrounding area with custom autogen
  • Fully AI traffic compatible with accurat AFCAD file
  • Excellent night effects
  • 3D birds
  • 3D grass
  • Optimized for excellent performance
  • Fully 3d taxiways lighting
  • Automatic season change for vegatation, high resolution phototerrain
  • Realistic reflections on glass 
  • Inclusion of manual in PDF format
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Thomas Stemmer
Thomas Stemmer
3 Jahre zuvor

Na, ob das ein kurzes Statement im nächsten Podcast wert ist? 😉

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