Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Nach dem ToLiss Simulations vor einiger Zeit ihre Version des A320 Neo für den X-Plane 12 veröffentlicht haben, wurde jetzt der erste Patch zum Flieger nachgeschoben. Neben einigen Fehlerbehebungen wurde auch der native Support der Apple Silicon Macs implementiert.

Das Update kann wie gewohnt über die euch bekannten Stores oder den SkunkcraftUpdater bezogen werden.

Die Patch-Notes haben wir euch wie immer hier angehängt:

This is A320V1.0.1 (Build 1577):

Major new features:
– Major sound rework
– Native M1 support on iMac

Minor new features:
– Oil temperature indication on ECAM now changes according to logic specific for the given engine type
– Increase landing gear tire resolution for a rounder experience
– Added console lights (XP12 only)
– Increase number of possible simultaneous faults to 20
– Added PRED WS OFF memo
– Automatic reversion to arrival or departure ATIS request if regular ATIS is not available (via Hoppie network)
– Added animated sunblinds
– Added animated stairs on the left side.

Bug fixes:
– Fixed ISCS not working correctly on multi monitor setups
– Corrected oil temperature speed of change
– Corrected the logic for the required cooling time on the PW1100G engines
– Inhibit of EGT OVERLIMIT warning following an engine shutdown due to fire
– Brought the REV SET ECAM Caution back
– Adapted belly fairing shape
– Improved tire rotation animation
– Fixed the missing inner flap track fairing when multifunction runway lights are selected
– Fixed UV mapping issue on the outflow valve
– Improved wing scan light visibility at daytime.
– Fixed upper beacon position in XP11
– Fixed mouse wheel function on WX Radar System switches
– Fixed XP11 librain rain effects
– Fixed FBW behaviour in case of loss of both FAC (no reversion to direct on L/G extension)
– Fixed FBW upmode logic to allow automatic upmode to normal law if conditions triggering a degenerated law are gone.
– Fixed link between APU start capability and battery availability
– Improved VLS computation in dual hydraulic cases with slats frozen in the retracted position.
– Improved rudder authority for VMGC and Beta target
– Improved MCDU and FMGC startup sequence on ground
– Fixed a crash in PDC/CPDLC messages if there are space characters in the wrong spot.
– Fixed a bug with fuel consumption during 200NM jumps


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