Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Supercritical Simulations Group, kurz SSG, haben ihr neues Update für die Boeing 747-8 angekündigt. Das Update wird als Anniversary Edition V2.3 deklariert, folgende neue Features sind vorhanden:

• Fuselage closely modeled on the real one with many details.
• Each door can be opened individually and is very detailed.
• Almost all parts that can open/move on the aircraft are modeled.
• Many external details such as a satellite antenna, tail camera (Intercontinental), and various vents, drains, etc.
• Cut passenger windows with “glass” panes.
• Vertical and horizontal stabilizers with added details, such as fuel vent (Intercontinental).
• Detailed nacelles and engines with many details and animations.
• Detailed landing gear/gear doors with proper animation.
• Leading and trailing edge flaps, detailed flap mechanisms and proper animations (such as partial retraction of leading edge flaps during reverse thrust).
• Speedbrakes/spoilers with accurate function and logic for individual panels.
• Interiors with seats, galleys, lavatory and crew rest, with stairs to lower deck and some animations.
• Wing flex and nacelle animations.
• Separate and animated windshield wipers with accurate timing and rate.
• Functioning Ram Air Turbine (RAT).
• Pilot figures (can be hidden).
• Animated Angle of Attack (AOA) vanes.
• Fans windmill when engines are off.
• Several blocked windows on the Intercontinental.
• Various cargo types on Freighter main deck.
• Visible fuel vapor during fuel jettisoning.
• Custom external lights design with realistic width, direction and range.
• Detailed 3D cockpit with enhanced textures and accurate differences between the Intercontinental and Freighter models.
• Detailed overhead panel with most buttons/switches modeled and working.
• Accurate forward panel with most buttons/switches modeled and working.
• Detailed pedestal with most buttons/switches/handles working.
• Detailed side panels and window frames.
• Detailed cockpit seats.
• Option to set up various panel states from “cold and dark” to “through flight”.
• Flight dynamics tested by real 747 pilots and mechanics.
• Custom brake system with autobrake and antiskid, and hydraulic system dependency.
• Tailstrike protection.
• Gear system with sensed tire pressure, wheel temperature and associated advisory messages .
• Realistic warning/caution system with advisory messages at all 3 message levels with over 120 Messages.
• Hydraulics with system pressures simulated on all 4 systems plus brakes.
• Fuel system with opening/closing pump valves.
• FUEL TANK/ENG logic and warning, as well as fuel imbalance warning, and many others.
• Engines with fire bottle discharges simulated that empty when used.
• Fuel dump system.
• EICAS decluttering function.
• 3 radio consoles that can be used with any left or right channel COMM 1 / COMM 2 plus custom transponder panel.
• High resolution displays.
• Minimum callouts based on radio altimeter or barometric altimeter
• Display manager like in the real aircraft that shows over 10 synoptic pages in any MFD side and lower EICAS with electronic normal checklist.
• Lights switch test and dim implemented.
• Display brightness is controllable.
• Custom cockpit lights.
• External sounds (3D localized sounds) using the DreamEngine plugin.
• Fuel system with accurate tank loading.
• Detailed EGPWS implementation and displays.
• Realistic AUTOSTART and RUNNING indicators on engine displays.
• Realistic air conditioning system and logic.
• Detailed Navigation Display (ND) with many accurate functions like Airport Map, TCAS and Weather radar (default XP).
• Clock and chronometer display on ND.
• Detailed electrical system logic and switching.
• Realistic baro pressure switch logic (STD, preselected, transition altitude).
• Inertial Reference System (IRS) implemented with alignment function.
• FMCs are modeled closely after the real 747-8 ones with most menus and functions implemented.
• Captain and First Officer CDUs.
• RNAV approaches (non-precision) implemented.
• FMC FIX page implemented.
• FMC Route 2 function implemented.
• FMC Diversion function implemented.
• Custom navigation data supported by Navigraph and Simbref.
Tablet with extra functions, such as:
• Realistic fuel loader with FMC fuel prediction.
• Payload options page.
• Ground service and door control page.
• Wheel chocks are selectable.
• Sound control page.
• Pushback function that permits joystick control.
• Cargo main deck light control (Freighter).
Custom manuals
• SSG 747-8 V2 Quick Start Guide (QSG)
• SSG 747-8 V2 Flight Crew Operations Manual (FCOM)
Sobald das Update veröffentlich wurde, kann es über den Skunkcraft Updater bezogen werden
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3 Jahre zuvor

Ein wirklich feines Stück Arbeit. Gefällt mir sehr und kann ich jedem nur empfehlen. Die neue Version (2.3 Beta 4) sollte im jeweiligen Shop Account (zumindest im X-Plane Store) verfügbar sein und kann auch schon genutzt werden (da OpenBeta)

Scheinbar gibs da Verwirrung, was die Ablage der Navdaten und des Flightplan angeht. Navdaten müssen in den Ordner

\X-Plane 11\Custom Data\UFMC

und die Flugpläne ind das Verzeichnis \X-Plane 11\Custom Data\UFMC\FlightPlans

Steht so auch im Manual. Simbrief unterstützt das UFMC Format.

3 Jahre zuvor
Antwort auf  Sven

Die Kommetarfunktion verschluckt das Backslash Zeichen

X-Plane 11 – Custom Data – UFMC


X-Plane 11 – Custom Data – UFMC – FlightPlans

Ersetzt das “ – “ mit einem Backslash \

3 Jahre zuvor

Wie verhalten sich denn die FPS ? Gibt da teils widersprüchliche Aussagen, manche berichten von Verbesserung , andere sagen ist alles wie gehabt ?

3 Jahre zuvor
Antwort auf  Nico

Ich tue mich da schwer Deine Frage zu beantworten. Ich hatte die Maschine bis dato nicht. Bei mir sind die Frames in Ordnung. Also gefühlt in Ordnung. Ich bin aber kein Zahlenjäger. Vielleicht im Vergleich zur A300 von inibuilds ist die Performance etwas besser im Cockpit.

System ist ein I7700, mit einer 2080TI und 32GB RAM. Auflösung 2560×1440. In Verbindung mit X-Enviro und Traffic Global habe ich keinerlei Probleme in X-Plane. (Vulcan)

3 Jahre zuvor
Antwort auf  Sven

Klasse, Danke für die Info. Hab das selbe System, auch den INI Bus, damit kann ich sehr viel anfangen ! 🙂

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