Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
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Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Kurz nach dem Release von FSimStudios Vancouver Umsetzung, mussten diese sich etwas Kritik gefallen lassen. Einige Aspekte der Szenerie stimmten nicht, die Performance war zu schlecht und die VRAM Auslastung zu hoch. Heute nun ist es soweit, Vancouver ist in der Version 1.1 veröffentlicht worden. Orbx Kunden können das Update via Orbx Central beziehen, FSimStudios Direktkäufer bekommen eine E-Mail mit dem Link zum Update. Allerdings ist noch etwas Geduld gefragt, das Update geht erst in den nächsten Stunden online.


  • Apron 6 (East of the International & Transborder terminal) added.
  • Rent-a-car buildings moved/deleted to accommodate for the new Apron 6, following real-life changes.
  • Airport gate numbering (ECHO and International terminal) updated as of November 2020.
  • Taxi centrelines improved, including orange/green alternating lights on high-speed runway exits.
  • Night lighting significantly improved.
  • Dynamic Lighting performance improved.
  • Dynamic Lighting effects, brightness, and placement improved.
  • Terminal interior lights up correctly at night. Terminal windows are now brighter and more transparent at night.
  • AFCAD improvements.
  • Winter environments improved. Winter is now optional and can be manually activated or deactivated through the scenery configurator.
  • Automatic season changes removed. Now season changes must be done manually, due to discrepancies on the changes of season for Vancouver.
  • VAS performance improved. Reduced VAS consumption on P3D v5 by up to 30% with ZERO visible quality loss.
  • Slight performance boosts.
  • Vehicle animations added.
  • Downtown Vancouver improved: Hand-edited custom modeled autogen, based on OSM data, with a minimal performance impact. Textured based on photos from real-life buildings.
  • Lions Gate bridge now has night lighting.
  • Improvements on the aerial images.
  • Ground Service equipment clutter improved around the airport.
  • Static aircrafts improved.
  • Helicopters and commercial aircraft can now be deactivated independently.
  • SODE Jetway static positions changed to match ground markings.
  • Default windsocks excluded.
  • Improved configurator tool.
  • WET-FX improvements.
  • SODE-Controlled weather-dependent changes adapted to be compatible with the new manual season switch.
  • Airport 3D Grass edited to be compatible with the new airport changes.
  • Ground polygon and taxiway edge textures improved and resized for VAS reduction.
  •  Asphalt/concrete surfaces are now solid (no „kicking grass“ effect).
  • Other minor bug fixes.
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