Die sechste Version von Prepar3D hat den vierten Patch erhalten. Diesmal haben die Entwickler bei Lockheed Martin vor allem den Fokus auf das Beleuchtungssystem des Sims gelegt. Die Änderungen sollen sich bei Sonnenauf- und untergang zeigen.
Das Update wird über den Updater ausgerollt, heißt es weiter. Alternativ kann die neueste Version auch über die Download-Sektion auf der Preapr3D-Website bezogen werden.
Hier die Features zum Update:
The Prepar3D v6.0 Patch 4 (6.0.34) contains the following changes:
- Fixed lighting color accuracy issues at dawn and dusk.
- Improved exposure and lighting conditions during day and night transitions.
- Dawn Dusk Improvements
- Atmospheric Lighting and Fog Improvements
- Updated default emissive alpha values for various content and scenery objects to improve lighting on emissive objects.
- Updated visual effects and airport effect lighting values to improve dawn/dusk transitions.
- Updates to runway lighting intensity steps.
- Added control over exposure and emissive interpolation tables in Prepar3D.cfg.
- Added environment variables for day/night interpolants.
- Fixed issues causing clouds and transparent objects to not blend correctly with fog.
- Fixed the issue causing the screen to flash white when changing views in some cases.
- Updated terrain land class smoothness values.
- Fixed issue causing jitter in views when using TAA in some cases.
- Additional airport fixes and airport surface improvements.
Updated various scenery building textures. - Flight plans can now be rendered in the world using the Navigation Visuals screen.
- Flight planner is now available within SimDirector.
- Fixed crash that could occur in Camera Control screen when attempting to save camera with empty name.
- Fixed issues with airway waypoint generation in GPS system.
- Flight plan procedures now draw in the F-35 TSD.
- Added additional advanced scenario creation samples.
- Fixed issue where C:Vars would not parse correctly in some cases if an index was present.
- Fixed issue with galaxy positioning.
- Fixed issue where views could appear too dark when using single pass VR.
- Renamed Gamma slider to Mid Tone Control in custom tone mapping settings.