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Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
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Die Flyswimware C414AW „Chancellor“ findet zunehmend Beachtung in der Community, obwohl diese offiziell noch als Beta-Version gilt. Auf dem Weg zum Release hat der kalifornische Entwickler nun zwei weitere Updates veröffentlicht, welche die gröbsten Fehler eliminieren sollen. 

Wie viele Entwickler hat auch Flysimware den Weg des Early-Access Release bei der Twin-Cessna gewählt und diese als Beta-Version deklariert. Daher verwundert es auch nicht, dass an der ein oder anderen Stelle noch Ungereimtheiten auftreten. Den Großteil dieser hat man nun mit zwei Updates behoben. Den Changelog findet ihr unter dem Video.

Wer mehr über die Cessna erfahren möchte kann sich unseren Livestream vom Montag nochmal anschauen. Wir haben uns die erste Beta-Version des Cessna bereits angeschaut.

Beta 1.2 Update


  • Autopilot was not using the pilot altimeter. Fixed.
  • Arm rest delay animation fixed.
  • Quickviews has been updated.
  • Manifold needles fixed tied to an electrical circuit. Fixed
  • Tail number placard uv updated.
  • Clock and Fuel Computer moved back onto the battery circuit.
  • Missing inner mesh on the Nacelle intake vents fixed.
  • Shimmering on the face of the Fuel Computer has been eliminated.
  • Assorted minor modeling bugs fixed.
  • Pilot altimeter will display metric when sim settings are changed to the metric system.
  • Both the navomatic and the Garmin GFC600 got updated from minor conflicts.
  • Fuel Flow was too high. I forgot to put it back after testing. This will get updated a few times during the beta period.
  • Alerter coupled light now stays on after you capture altitude holde mode.
  • The paint Company 3DReach is also updating textures that are missing or have issues. There are several placard updates like door placard, emergency handle glass, wiskey compass placard.
  • The GPU exterior sound is now the correct GPU sound. The exhaust temp, fuel pumps and GPU volume is lower.
  • Radar altimeter test mode now moves the radar needle to max scale.
  • We added an Occluder mesh to prevent any environement from entering into the interior model.
  • Oil pressure is in the green now. But will get more tweaks.
  • Tablet weather page SEA LEVEL PRESSURE text changed to PRESSURE MSL. Format for the inHg fixed.
  • Interior windshield glass effects updated.
  • Some of the perfomance got updated. Steering, rudder, aileron stability, gyro roll stability and minor elevator adjustment.

Beta 1.3 Update


  • Missing interior wall for the interior LOD2 model.
  • Beta_1.2_hotfix GFC600 got a ton of good fixes but we changed a single value that broke the ILS approach capture. This is now fixed.
  • visor tooltip had displayed the wrong text.
  • Taxi light now turns off when gear is raised.
  • Elevator authority was improved for low speeds. So approach mode now can maintain pitch/GS as well.
  • Updated the fuel flow value.
  • Updated the stall behavior.
  • NOTE: You must close the cowl flaps at high altitude to maintain temps in the EGT to prevent loss of power.
  • NOTE: Beta_1.2_hotfix and higher now has automixture enabled for this aircraft without having to change the sims settings.
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