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Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
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Verbesserungen für den neuesten Jumbo in X-Plane: Die SSG 747-8 Anniversary Edition hat ein weiteres Update bekommen. Version 2.4 soll dabei nicht nur mehrere Glitches korrigieren und dem FMC mehr Funktionen geben, auch am Sound haben die Entwickler nochmal geschraubt. 

Das Update kann über den SkunkCrafts Updater heruntergeladen werden. 

Version 2.4 (November 14th 2021)
beta 1
 -New tablet with same functions plus the inflight (no all finished).
– New external/internal sound 3D and internal environment.
– Now the fuel feed system is fully coustom ( fixed eng 3 fuel intro).
– Fuel loader load the reserve + main 1/4 as same as main 2/3.
– Electrical tie don’t opens if 4 engines is running ok.
beta 2
– Linux version now in beta.
– Fixed  center fuel pump sasl error
– Fixed APU not starting after landing or after turned off.
– Fixed some fuel synoptics graphic.
– Fixed some tablet issues.
– Fixed weather map showing in wrong map.
– Added  a AP disengage command and  virtual 3d spot in the yoke.
– Fixed some sound issues. 
beta 3
– Update the rest of the actuators zones for a better 3d format, especially for VRers.
– Fix engine generators not turning off with other power sources.
– Fix custom timed instruments and lights not working in replay. 
beta 4
– Fixed Auto trhottle bug.
– Added AT engage desengage command to hardware and virtual on the TLA.
– Added AT desengage message.
– Added  autopilot desengage message.
– Fixed overspeed sound.
– Remixed some engine sounds inn and out plus some other sounds like aircond.
– Added overshoot weight max payload to both versions.
– TCAS now shows over 20 acfs. 
FMC changelog due all beta phases
– Cost index now can be zero.
– Airport position init in POS INIT PAGE set the proper coordinates.
– Fixed when select arrival, all data disappears.
– First waypoint in a SID proper procedure. 
– Correct number pages and page numbers for LEGS and RTE page.
– Proper use of Altitude restrictions during climb. 
– Prev and next keys work properly in legs and RTE pages.
– At the STAR in the RTE page the waypoint is the last of the star.
– Enter if cruise level at VNAV CLIMB and CRUISE PAGES.
– Enter of speeds at VNAV PAGES.
– Acceleration altitude included in takeoff page 2.
– RNAV approaches more lateral accurate.
– RTE PAGE sometimes glitches.
– Save preferences and sound of the tablet.
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