Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Ihr liebt Flugsimulation.
Wir berichten darüber.

Für X-Plane-Fans und Nutzer der Public Beta gibt es gute Nachrichten: Die nächste Version steht jetzt zum Download bereit. Version 12.0.8b1 bietet jetzt ein besseres Engine Model, verbesserte Fahrwerksphysik, ein Fuel Temperature Modell, Netzwerk-Verbesserungen und vieles mehr.

Wie immer ist die Public Beta über den X-Plane-Installer zu bekommen, oder über Steam, wenn der Beta-Zugang dort im Untermenü aktiviert ist. 

In einem Video, geht X-Plane-Erfinder Austin Meyer nochmal auf die Verbesserungen ein: 

Folgende Änderungen finden sich im Changelog:

Public Beta – 12.0.8b1

● XPD-14521 – Citation X fuel transfer annuciator test failure.
● XPD-14512 – Eagle claw landing gear ‘pops’ during ‘rotate’.
● XPD-14510 – B738: Max throttle gets less N1% than less than max throttle.
● XPD-14378 – Crash when selecting Details tab – VRAM Profiler .
● XPD-14201 – Assertion failed – platform_x != flt[p_we_watch].dob_x().
● XPD-14167 – Unable to quit sim on Linux box with pawel_network_integration_1207b1
● XPD-13944 – Expand Electrical Bus-Tie Capability.
● XPD-14478 – Clicking “next tutorial” button results in assert failed: flight_in_progress().
● XPD-14426 – vpaths missing in XP12 for Global Airports.
● XPD-14262 – Valid ATC options may be unavailable after cancelling or when filed but not cleared.
● XPD-14231 – 2K textures for taxi signs.
● XPD-14221 – Testing branch build won’t launch on Windows .
● XPD-14218 – Assertion failed: intrange(this_p, 0, num_fm_planes() – 1).
● XPD-14217 – Assertion failed: fltrange.
● XPD-14166 – Assert on exvis machine during replay – m_history[hcn-2].get_remote_time() .
● XPD-14480 – Add Korean language support.
● XPD-14459 – Panel Preview Command broken for F-14.
● XPD-14451 – Switching the roles of master and exvis slave sometimes leaves exvis in standby.
● XPD-14450 – Ships Update.
● XPD-14449 – Update library.txt in sim objects.
● XPD-14435 – Update of containers for big ships.
● XPD-14431 – Updated LODs of container loads for container carriers.
● XPD-14430 – Updated LOD of big ships.
● XPD-14414 – Bug report “Headlights pointing to the opposite direction”.
● XPD-14403 – 180 degrees FOV can dev assert or corrupt screen.
● XPD-14402 – assertion fail in window management after loading a config with popped out proj params.
● XPD-14400 – Add Reset Edge blending button?
● XPD-14399 – Projector config testing: Assertion failed – succeeded .
● XPD-14393 – Add linux HOTAS Warthog joystick configs contributed by Marco Auer.
● XPD-14339 – New library items: ground markings, fire extinguishers.
● XPD-14265 – Add Ukrainian language support.
● XPD-14246 – Repeated inappropriate altitude compliance calls from ATC in some combinations of terrain and weather.
● XPD-14239 – Check-in calls use actual altitudes rather than indicated.
● XPD-14232 – Adding AI aircraft when in multiplayer reports invalid number of AI aircraft.
● XPD-14227 – San Francisco Landmarks update.
● XPD-14216 – new art in the airport library – legacy towers replacement, military shelters.
● XPD-14200 – Hypoxia and blackout on EXVIS machine only.
● XPD-14199 – Case which results in some exvis aircraft displays flickering.
● XPD-14190 – Broken airport definitions can cause continuous logging.
● XPD-14185 – Crash when arriving at untowered airport with active flightplan.
● XPD-14184 – Wingtip vortex effect and condensation not visible on extvis.
● XPD-14180 – Parts of ATC are still running on exvis machines.
● XPD-14163 – Review behavior when switching machine from Exvis standby to master whilst in flight .
● XPD-14159 – Airfoil editing datarefs are broken.
● XPD-14145 – Make “Reset on crash” alert more visible on Settings UI.
● XPD-14134 – Slaving meter uses wrong dataref on both King Air and Baron.
● XPD-14119 – Bug report “Baron 58 no autopilot information light”.
● XPD-14106 – Unpausing the sim triggers bogus DELTA/ABS_DELTA in sound events.
● XPD-14103 – Crash reading certain array datarefs.
● XPD-14099 – Race condition in otto_class.
● XPD-14489 – Error in italian translation
● XPD-14531 – Planemaker ignores settings for body parts attached to landing gear
● Fix crash when popping out and full-screening offscreen windows
● Now you can put more than 2 engines on a helicopter… no physics changes, just some tweaks in the UI of PLN to make that a bit more clear
● After loading a replay file and continuing the flight, the newly recorded replay gets corrupted and cause a crash-to-desktop. This is now fixed.
● Added support for Yawman controller
● „sim/flightmodel/weight/m_jettison_kg_sec“ shows water flow dump rate from water bombers
● New in 12.08 – string concat in the ACF part loader scribbles over memory when part names are long. ATC bug fixes and tweaks

ATC bugfixes and tweaks
● XPD-14353: Add dataref to allow plugins to disable autotune. Requires XPLM branch feat_XPD-14353_Disable_autotune
● XPD-13882: Fix flows changing too rapidly
● XPD-14343: Disable devassert which can happen if the pilot’s being arsey
● XPD-14143 + XPD-14169: ATC dialog and autotune were resetting COM1 active when COM2 tx had been selected.
● XPD-14316: Various problems with controller handoff being ignored.
● XPD-14246: Fix discrepancy between flight model and ATC ISA altitude
● XPD-14239: Radio calls used correct indicated altitude even if altimeter setting was wrong
● XPD-14193: Request diversion mentions the previous destination
● XPD-14192: Ensure the AI closes all aircraft doors, not just the ones it would have opened itself, when service completed.
● XPD-14190: Don’t continually regenerate fake flows except at load time – if the flows are unusable, this never stops.
● XPD-14189: LSO left/right commands were reversed
● XPD-14539 – Crash when routing AI under rare conditions
● Was using copilot QNH setting in radio calls in most cases
● Fix excessively sharp turn onto departure runway
● Tweak VMC decision point
● Don’t do frequency balancing if a handoff is imminent
● Allow direct-to plans to be sent to the FMS
● Only allow readback if the listening controller is the one that expects the readback.
● Remove spoken turn instruction which is not needed (after takeoff from FISO, flying IFR plan)
● Block altitude change, descent and diversion calls when talking to a tower that isn’t controlled
● Ensure we issue altimeter setting for aircraft that start on VFR/IFR approach position.
● Prevent flow changes while any aircraft is on zone 2 or higher, instead of just on final.
● Minor voicepack tweaks
● Any airport with procedures can’t be a FISO.
● Fix rotating the aircraft using the compass in the map in pause mode
● Uncertain of Position wasn’t always available when it should have been.
● File from untowered airport working
● Make com[12]
[rt]x datarefs work on aircraft with no Garmin unit
● Fix altitudes in ATC check-in calls
● Potential fix for being unable to contact ATC at all after cancelling services
● Change some ATC calls to allow use as VFR when filed but not cleared.
● Fix double call for „Cleared to Land“ for VFR flights to controlled airport
● Allow request for a different parking spot when one is already allocated.
● Expand log for inappropriate radio frequency.
● Fix being able to request IFR clearance from inappropriate controllers
● Don’t try to create flows for airports with no taxi network (either defined or generated)
● Map airport detail tab correctly shows „untowered“ airport type text

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8 Monate zuvor

Danke Julius für die Newsflut zu XP! ;-):)

8 Monate zuvor
Antwort auf  Sven

Dem schließe ich mich an. Bitten wieder mehr X-Plane.

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